blob: 64a9944335de9a4970ed72d077578a34f2e3f7c8 [file] [log] [blame]
:mod:`email`: Examples
Here are a few examples of how to use the :mod:`email` package to read, write,
and send simple email messages, as well as more complex MIME messages.
First, let's see how to create and send a simple text message:
.. literalinclude:: ../includes/
Here's an example of how to send a MIME message containing a bunch of family
pictures that may be residing in a directory:
.. literalinclude:: ../includes/
Here's an example of how to send the entire contents of a directory as an email
message: [1]_
.. literalinclude:: ../includes/
And finally, here's an example of how to unpack a MIME message like the one
above, into a directory of files:
.. literalinclude:: ../includes/
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [1] Thanks to Matthew Dixon Cowles for the original inspiration and examples.