blob: c55dc0ebed6432f92df84074ef09e35ea487b7b7 [file] [log] [blame]
import compiler
from compiler.ast import flatten
import os, sys, time, unittest
import test.test_support
from random import random
# How much time in seconds can pass before we print a 'Still working' message.
class TrivialContext(object):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
class CompilerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testCompileLibrary(self):
# A simple but large test. Compile all the code in the
# standard library and its test suite. This doesn't verify
# that any of the code is correct, merely the compiler is able
# to generate some kind of code for it.
next_time = time.time() + _PRINT_WORKING_MSG_INTERVAL
libdir = os.path.dirname(unittest.__file__)
testdir = os.path.dirname(test.test_support.__file__)
for dir in [libdir, testdir]:
for basename in os.listdir(dir):
# Print still working message since this test can be really slow
if next_time <= time.time():
next_time = time.time() + _PRINT_WORKING_MSG_INTERVAL
print(' testCompileLibrary still working, be patient...', file=sys.__stdout__)
if not basename.endswith(".py"):
if not TEST_ALL and random() < 0.98:
path = os.path.join(dir, basename)
if test.test_support.verbose:
print("compiling", path)
f = open(path, "U")
buf =
if "badsyntax" in basename or "bad_coding" in basename:
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compiler.compile,
buf, basename, "exec")
compiler.compile(buf, basename, "exec")
except Exception as e:
args = list(e.args) or [""]
args[0] = "%s [in file %s]" % (args[0], basename)
e.args = tuple(args)
def testNewClassSyntax(self):
compiler.compile("class foo():pass\n\n","<string>","exec")
def testYieldExpr(self):
compiler.compile("def g(): yield\n\n", "<string>", "exec")
def testTryExceptFinally(self):
# Test that except and finally clauses in one try stmt are recognized
c = compiler.compile("try:\n 1/0\nexcept:\n e = 1\nfinally:\n f = 1",
"<string>", "exec")
dct = {}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('e'), 1)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('f'), 1)
def testDefaultArgs(self):
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compiler.parse, "def foo(a=1, b): pass")
def testDocstrings(self):
c = compiler.compile('"doc"', '<string>', 'exec')
self.assert_('__doc__' in c.co_names)
c = compiler.compile('def f():\n "doc"', '<string>', 'exec')
g = {}
exec(c, g)
self.assertEquals(g['f'].__doc__, "doc")
def testLineNo(self):
# Test that all nodes except Module have a correct lineno attribute.
filename = __file__
if filename.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")):
filename = filename[:-1]
tree = compiler.parseFile(filename)
def check_lineno(self, node):
except AssertionError:
print(node.__class__, node.lineno)
def _check_lineno(self, node):
if not node.__class__ in NOLINENO:
self.assert_(isinstance(node.lineno, int),
"lineno=%s on %s" % (node.lineno, node.__class__))
self.assert_(node.lineno > 0,
"lineno=%s on %s" % (node.lineno, node.__class__))
for child in node.getChildNodes():
def testFlatten(self):
self.assertEquals(flatten([1, [2]]), [1, 2])
self.assertEquals(flatten((1, (2,))), [1, 2])
def testNestedScope(self):
c = compiler.compile('def g():\n'
' a = 1\n'
' def f(): return a + 2\n'
' return f()\n'
'result = g()',
dct = {}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('result'), 3)
c = compiler.compile('def g(a):\n'
' def f(): return a + 2\n'
' return f()\n'
'result = g(1)',
dct = {}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('result'), 3)
c = compiler.compile('def g((a, b)):\n'
' def f(): return a + b\n'
' return f()\n'
'result = g((1, 2))',
dct = {}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('result'), 3)
def testGenExp(self):
c = compiler.compile('list((i,j) for i in range(3) if i < 3'
' for j in range(4) if j > 2)',
self.assertEquals(eval(c), [(0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3)])
def testFuncAnnotations(self):
testdata = [
('def f(a: 1): pass', {'a': 1}),
('''def f(a, (b:1, c:2, d), e:3=4, f=5,
*g:6, h:7, i=8, j:9=10, **k:11) -> 12: pass
''', {'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'e': 3, 'g': 6, 'h': 7, 'j': 9,
'k': 11, 'return': 12}),
for sourcecode, expected in testdata:
# avoid IndentationError: unexpected indent from trailing lines
sourcecode = sourcecode.rstrip()+'\n'
c = compiler.compile(sourcecode, '<string>', 'exec')
dct = {}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct['f'].__annotations__, expected)
def testWith(self):
# SF bug 1638243
c = compiler.compile('from __future__ import with_statement\n'
'def f():\n'
' with TrivialContext():\n'
' return 1\n'
'result = f()',
'exec' )
dct = {'TrivialContext': TrivialContext}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('result'), 1)
def testWithAss(self):
c = compiler.compile('from __future__ import with_statement\n'
'def f():\n'
' with TrivialContext() as tc:\n'
' return 1\n'
'result = f()',
'exec' )
dct = {'TrivialContext': TrivialContext}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('result'), 1)
def testBytesLiteral(self):
c = compiler.compile("b'foo'", '<string>', 'eval')
b = eval(c)
c = compiler.compile('def f(b=b"foo"):\n'
' b[0] += 1\n'
' return b\n'
'f(); f(); result = f()\n',
dct = {}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('result'), b"ioo")
c = compiler.compile('def f():\n'
' b = b"foo"\n'
' b[0] += 1\n'
' return b\n'
'f(); f(); result = f()\n',
dct = {}
exec(c, dct)
self.assertEquals(dct.get('result'), b"goo")
NOLINENO = (compiler.ast.Module, compiler.ast.Stmt, compiler.ast.Discard)
# code below is just used to trigger some possible errors, for the benefit of
# testLineNo
class Toto:
a, b = 2, 3
[c, d] = 5, 6
l = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(range(5), range(5,10))]
d = {'a': 2}
d = {}
t = ()
t = (1, 2)
l = []
l = [1, 2]
if l:
a, b = b, a
yo = 3
yo += 3
a += b
b = 0
from math import *
def test_main(all=False):
global TEST_ALL
TEST_ALL = all or test.test_support.is_resource_enabled("compiler")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
test_main('all' in sys.argv)