blob: 5414a61960ff5721d880a4b261300f6ceb2b09fa [file] [log] [blame]
import unittest
from test import support
from contextlib import closing
import gc
import pickle
import select
import signal
import subprocess
import traceback
import sys, os, time, errno
if sys.platform[:3] in ('win', 'os2') or sys.platform == 'riscos':
raise unittest.SkipTest("Can't test signal on %s" % \
class HandlerBCalled(Exception):
def exit_subprocess():
"""Use os._exit(0) to exit the current subprocess.
Otherwise, the test catches the SystemExit and continues executing
in parallel with the original test, so you wind up with an
exponential number of tests running concurrently.
def ignoring_eintr(__func, *args, **kwargs):
return __func(*args, **kwargs)
except EnvironmentError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EINTR:
return None
class InterProcessSignalTests(unittest.TestCase):
MAX_DURATION = 20 # Entire test should last at most 20 sec.
def setUp(self):
self.using_gc = gc.isenabled()
def tearDown(self):
if self.using_gc:
def format_frame(self, frame, limit=None):
return ''.join(traceback.format_stack(frame, limit=limit))
def handlerA(self, signum, frame):
self.a_called = True
if support.verbose:
print("handlerA invoked from signal %s at:\n%s" % (
signum, self.format_frame(frame, limit=1)))
def handlerB(self, signum, frame):
self.b_called = True
if support.verbose:
print ("handlerB invoked from signal %s at:\n%s" % (
signum, self.format_frame(frame, limit=1)))
raise HandlerBCalled(signum, self.format_frame(frame))
def wait(self, child):
"""Wait for child to finish, ignoring EINTR."""
while True:
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EINTR:
def run_test(self):
# Install handlers. This function runs in a sub-process, so we
# don't worry about re-setting the default handlers.
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.handlerA)
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.handlerB)
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, signal.SIG_IGN)
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.default_int_handler)
# Variables the signals will modify:
self.a_called = False
self.b_called = False
# Let the sub-processes know who to send signals to.
pid = os.getpid()
if support.verbose:
print("test runner's pid is", pid)
child = ignoring_eintr(subprocess.Popen, ['kill', '-HUP', str(pid)])
if child:
if not self.a_called:
time.sleep(1) # Give the signal time to be delivered.
self.a_called = False
# Make sure the signal isn't delivered while the previous
# Popen object is being destroyed, because __del__ swallows
# exceptions.
del child
child = subprocess.Popen(['kill', '-USR1', str(pid)])
# This wait should be interrupted by the signal's exception.
time.sleep(1) # Give the signal time to be delivered.'HandlerBCalled exception not thrown')
except HandlerBCalled:
if support.verbose:
print("HandlerBCalled exception caught")
child = ignoring_eintr(subprocess.Popen, ['kill', '-USR2', str(pid)])
if child:
self.wait(child) # Nothing should happen.
# The race condition in pause doesn't matter in this case,
# since alarm is going to raise a KeyboardException, which
# will skip the call.
# But if another signal arrives before the alarm, pause
# may return early.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if support.verbose:
print("KeyboardInterrupt (the alarm() went off)")
except:"Some other exception woke us from pause: %s" %
else:"pause returned of its own accord, and the signal"
" didn't arrive after another second.")
# Issue 3864, unknown if this affects earlier versions of freebsd also
'inter process signals not reliable (do not mix well with threading) '
'on freebsd6')
def test_main(self):
# This function spawns a child process to insulate the main
# test-running process from all the signals. It then
# communicates with that child process over a pipe and
# re-raises information about any exceptions the child
# throws. The real work happens in self.run_test().
os_done_r, os_done_w = os.pipe()
with closing(os.fdopen(os_done_r, 'rb')) as done_r, \
closing(os.fdopen(os_done_w, 'wb')) as done_w:
child = os.fork()
if child == 0:
# In the child process; run the test and report results
# through the pipe.
# Have to close done_w again here because
# exit_subprocess() will skip the enclosing with block.
with closing(done_w):
pickle.dump(traceback.format_exc(), done_w)
pickle.dump(None, done_w)
print('Uh oh, raised from pickle.')
# Block for up to MAX_DURATION seconds for the test to finish.
r, w, x =[done_r], [], [], self.MAX_DURATION)
if done_r in r:
tb = pickle.load(done_r)
if tb:
os.kill(child, signal.SIGKILL)'Test deadlocked after %d seconds.' %
class BasicSignalTests(unittest.TestCase):
def trivial_signal_handler(self, *args):
def test_out_of_range_signal_number_raises_error(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, signal.getsignal, 4242)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, signal.signal, 4242,
def test_setting_signal_handler_to_none_raises_error(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.signal,
signal.SIGUSR1, None)
def test_getsignal(self):
hup = signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.trivial_signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, hup)
self.assertEquals(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGHUP), hup)
class WakeupSignalTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_wakeup_fd_early(self):
import select
before_time = time.time()
# We attempt to get a signal during the sleep,
# before select is called
mid_time = time.time()
self.assertTrue(mid_time - before_time < self.TIMEOUT_HALF)[], [], [], self.TIMEOUT_FULL)
after_time = time.time()
self.assertTrue(after_time - mid_time < self.TIMEOUT_HALF)
def test_wakeup_fd_during(self):
import select
before_time = time.time()
# We attempt to get a signal during the select call
[], [], [], self.TIMEOUT_FULL)
after_time = time.time()
self.assertTrue(after_time - before_time < self.TIMEOUT_HALF)
def setUp(self):
import fcntl
self.alrm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, lambda x,y:None), self.write = os.pipe()
flags = fcntl.fcntl(self.write, fcntl.F_GETFL, 0)
flags = flags | os.O_NONBLOCK
fcntl.fcntl(self.write, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags)
self.old_wakeup = signal.set_wakeup_fd(self.write)
def tearDown(self):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.alrm)
class SiginterruptTest(unittest.TestCase):
signum = signal.SIGUSR1
def setUp(self):
"""Install a no-op signal handler that can be set to allow
interrupts or not, and arrange for the original signal handler to be
re-installed when the test is finished.
oldhandler = signal.signal(self.signum, lambda x,y: None)
self.addCleanup(signal.signal, self.signum, oldhandler)
def readpipe_interrupted(self):
"""Perform a read during which a signal will arrive. Return True if the
read is interrupted by the signal and raises an exception. Return False
if it returns normally.
# Create a pipe that can be used for the read. Also clean it up
# when the test is over, since nothing else will (but see below for
# the write end).
r, w = os.pipe()
self.addCleanup(os.close, r)
# Create another process which can send a signal to this one to try
# to interrupt the read.
ppid = os.getpid()
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
# Child code: sleep to give the parent enough time to enter the
# read() call (there's a race here, but it's really tricky to
# eliminate it); then signal the parent process. Also, sleep
# again to make it likely that the signal is delivered to the
# parent process before the child exits. If the child exits
# first, the write end of the pipe will be closed and the test
# is invalid.
os.kill(ppid, self.signum)
# No matter what, just exit as fast as possible now.
# Parent code.
# Make sure the child is eventually reaped, else it'll be a
# zombie for the rest of the test suite run.
self.addCleanup(os.waitpid, pid, 0)
# Close the write end of the pipe. The child has a copy, so
# it's not really closed until the child exits. We need it to
# close when the child exits so that in the non-interrupt case
# the read eventually completes, otherwise we could just close
# it *after* the test.
# Try the read and report whether it is interrupted or not to
# the caller.
d =, 1)
return False
except OSError as err:
if err.errno != errno.EINTR:
return True
def test_without_siginterrupt(self):
"""If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is not called
at all, when that signal arrives, it interrupts a syscall that's in
i = self.readpipe_interrupted()
# Arrival of the signal shouldn't have changed anything.
i = self.readpipe_interrupted()
def test_siginterrupt_on(self):
"""If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is called with
a true value for the second argument, when that signal arrives, it
interrupts a syscall that's in progress.
signal.siginterrupt(self.signum, 1)
i = self.readpipe_interrupted()
# Arrival of the signal shouldn't have changed anything.
i = self.readpipe_interrupted()
def test_siginterrupt_off(self):
"""If a signal handler is installed and siginterrupt is called with
a false value for the second argument, when that signal arrives, it
does not interrupt a syscall that's in progress.
signal.siginterrupt(self.signum, 0)
i = self.readpipe_interrupted()
# Arrival of the signal shouldn't have changed anything.
i = self.readpipe_interrupted()
class ItimerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.hndl_called = False
self.hndl_count = 0
self.itimer = None
self.old_alarm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sig_alrm)
def tearDown(self):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.old_alarm)
if self.itimer is not None: # test_itimer_exc doesn't change this attr
# just ensure that itimer is stopped
signal.setitimer(self.itimer, 0)
def sig_alrm(self, *args):
self.hndl_called = True
if support.verbose:
print("SIGALRM handler invoked", args)
def sig_vtalrm(self, *args):
self.hndl_called = True
if self.hndl_count > 3:
# it shouldn't be here, because it should have been disabled.
raise signal.ItimerError("setitimer didn't disable ITIMER_VIRTUAL "
elif self.hndl_count == 3:
# disable ITIMER_VIRTUAL, this function shouldn't be called anymore
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_VIRTUAL, 0)
if support.verbose:
print("last SIGVTALRM handler call")
self.hndl_count += 1
if support.verbose:
print("SIGVTALRM handler invoked", args)
def sig_prof(self, *args):
self.hndl_called = True
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_PROF, 0)
if support.verbose:
print("SIGPROF handler invoked", args)
def test_itimer_exc(self):
# XXX I'm assuming -1 is an invalid itimer, but maybe some platform
# defines it ?
self.assertRaises(signal.ItimerError, signal.setitimer, -1, 0)
# Negative times are treated as zero on some platforms.
if 0:
signal.setitimer, signal.ITIMER_REAL, -1)
def test_itimer_real(self):
self.itimer = signal.ITIMER_REAL
signal.setitimer(self.itimer, 1.0)
if support.verbose:
print("\ncall pause()...")
self.assertEqual(self.hndl_called, True)
# Issue 3864, unknown if this affects earlier versions of freebsd also
'itimer not reliable (does not mix well with threading) on freebsd6')
def test_itimer_virtual(self):
self.itimer = signal.ITIMER_VIRTUAL
signal.signal(signal.SIGVTALRM, self.sig_vtalrm)
signal.setitimer(self.itimer, 0.3, 0.2)
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < 60.0:
# use up some virtual time by doing real work
_ = pow(12345, 67890, 10000019)
if signal.getitimer(self.itimer) == (0.0, 0.0):
break # sig_vtalrm handler stopped this itimer
else: # Issue 8424
self.skipTest("timeout: likely cause: machine too slow or load too "
# virtual itimer should be (0.0, 0.0) now
self.assertEquals(signal.getitimer(self.itimer), (0.0, 0.0))
# and the handler should have been called
self.assertEquals(self.hndl_called, True)
# Issue 3864, unknown if this affects earlier versions of freebsd also
'itimer not reliable (does not mix well with threading) on freebsd6')
def test_itimer_prof(self):
self.itimer = signal.ITIMER_PROF
signal.signal(signal.SIGPROF, self.sig_prof)
signal.setitimer(self.itimer, 0.2, 0.2)
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < 60.0:
# do some work
_ = pow(12345, 67890, 10000019)
if signal.getitimer(self.itimer) == (0.0, 0.0):
break # sig_prof handler stopped this itimer
else: # Issue 8424
self.skipTest("timeout: likely cause: machine too slow or load too "
# profiling itimer should be (0.0, 0.0) now
self.assertEquals(signal.getitimer(self.itimer), (0.0, 0.0))
# and the handler should have been called
self.assertEqual(self.hndl_called, True)
class SomeException(Exception):
A unique exception class to be raised by a signal handler to verify that the
signal handler was invoked.
def raiser(*args):
"""A signal handler which raises SomeException."""
raise SomeException()
class SigprocmaskTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for sigprocmask."""
def _handle_sigusr1(self):
old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, raiser)
self.addCleanup(signal.signal, signal.SIGUSR1, old_handler)
def test_signature(self):
"""When invoked with other than two arguments, sigprocmask raises
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.sigprocmask)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.sigprocmask, 1)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.sigprocmask, 1, 2, 3)
def test_invalid_how(self):
"""If a value other than SIG_BLOCK, SIG_UNBLOCK, or SIG_SETMASK is
passed for the how argument to sigprocmask, ValueError is raised.
message = "value specified for how \(1700\) invalid"
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, message):
signal.sigprocmask(1700, [])
def test_invalid_signal_iterable(self):
"""If iterating over the value passed for the signals parameter to
sigprocmask raises an exception, sigprocmask raises that exception.
class BrokenIter(object):
def __iter__(self):
raise RuntimeError("my __iter__ is broken")
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(RuntimeError, "my __iter__ is broken"):
signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, BrokenIter())
def test_invalid_signal(self):
"""If an object in the iterable passed for the signals parameter to
sigprocmask isn't an integer, TypeError is raised."""
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "an integer is required"):
signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, [object()])
def test_return_previous_mask(self):
"""sigprocmask returns a list of the signals previously masked.
previous = signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, [1, 3, 5])
result = signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, previous)
self.assertEquals(result, [1, 3, 5])
def test_block(self):
"""When invoked with SIG_BLOCK, sigprocmask blocks the signals in the
sigmask list.
previous = signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, [signal.SIGUSR1])
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR1)
with self.assertRaises(SomeException):
# Expect to receive SIGUSR1 after unblocking it.
signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_SETMASK, previous)
def test_unblock(self):
"""When invoked with SIG_UNBLOCK, sigprocmask unblocks the signals in
the sigmask list.
previous = signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, [signal.SIGUSR1])
self.addCleanup(signal.sigprocmask, signal.SIG_SETMASK, previous)
signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_UNBLOCK, [signal.SIGUSR1])
with self.assertRaises(SomeException):
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR1)
def test_long_signals(self):
"""sigprocmask accepts signal numbers as instances of long."""
previous = signal.sigprocmask(
signal.SIG_SETMASK, [long(signal.SIGUSR1), long(signal.SIGUSR2)])
masked = signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_SETMASK, previous)
self.assertEquals(masked, [signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIGUSR2])
class SignalfdTests(unittest.TestCase):
Tests for signal.signalfd.
def test_signature(self):
"""When invoked with fewer than two arguments or more than three,
signalfd raises TypeError.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.signalfd)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.signalfd, 1)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.signalfd, 1, 2, 3, 4)
def test_create_signalfd(self):
"""When invoked with a file descriptor of -1, signalfd allocates a new
file descriptor for signal information delivery and returns it.
fd = signal.signalfd(-1, [])
self.assertTrue(isinstance(fd, int))
def test_non_iterable_signals(self):
"""If an object which is not iterable is passed for the sigmask list
argument to signalfd, the exception raised by trying to iterate over
that object is raised.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.signalfd, -1, object())
def test_non_integer_signals(self):
"""If any non-integer values are included in the sigmask list argument
to signalfd, the exception raised by the attempt to convert them to an
integer is raised.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, signal.signalfd, -1, [object()])
def test_out_of_range_signal(self):
"""If a signal number that is out of the valid range is included in the
sigmask list argument to signalfd, ValueError is raised.
message = "signal number -2 out of range"
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, message):
signal.signalfd(-1, [-2])
def test_handle_signals(self):
"""After signalfd is called, if a signal is received which was in the
sigmask list passed to that call, information about the signal can be
read from the fd returned by that call.
fd = signal.signalfd(-1, [signal.SIGUSR2])
self.addCleanup(os.close, fd)
previous = signal.sigprocmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, [signal.SIGUSR2])
self.addCleanup(signal.sigprocmask, signal.SIG_SETMASK, previous)
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR2)
bytes =, 128)
def test_close_on_exec(self):
"""If the bit mask passed as the 3rd argument to signalfd includes
SFD_CLOEXEC, the returned file descriptor has FD_CLOEXEC set on it.
import fcntl
fd = signal.signalfd(-1, [], signal.SFD_CLOEXEC)
self.addCleanup(os.close, fd)
flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)
self.assertTrue(flags & fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
def test_nonblocking(self):
"""If the bit mask passed as the 3rd argument to signalfd includes
SFD_NOBLOCK, the file description referenced by the returned file
descriptor has O_NONBLOCK set on it.
import fcntl
fd = signal.signalfd(-1, [], signal.SFD_NONBLOCK)
self.addCleanup(os.close, fd)
flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
self.assertTrue(flags & os.O_NONBLOCK)
def test_default_flags(self):
"""If an empty bit mask is passed as the 3rd argument to signalfd,
neither FD_CLOEXEC nor O_NONBLOCK is set on the resulting file
import fcntl
fd = signal.signalfd(-1, [])
self.addCleanup(os.close, fd)
flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)
self.assertFalse(flags & fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
self.assertFalse(flags & os.O_NONBLOCK)
def test_main():
BasicSignalTests, InterProcessSignalTests,
WakeupSignalTests, SiginterruptTest, ItimerTest, SignalfdTests,
if __name__ == "__main__":