blob: bc9a30354f187f71c253c818539ab162fb5cf0cb [file] [log] [blame]
/* Chdir for the Macintosh.
Public domain by Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam (July 1987).
Pathnames must be Macintosh paths, with colons as separators. */
#include "macdefs.h"
/* Last directory used by Standard File */
#define SFSaveDisk (*(short *)0x214)
#define CurDirStore (*(long *)0x398)
/* Change current directory. */
char *path;
WDPBRec pb;
pb.ioNamePtr= (StringPtr) Pstring(path);
pb.ioVRefNum= 0;
pb.ioWDDirID= 0;
if (PBHSetVol(&pb, FALSE) != noErr) {
errno= ENOENT;
return -1;
if (PBHGetVol(&pb, FALSE) == noErr) {
/* Set the Standard File directory */
SFSaveDisk= -pb.ioWDVRefNum;
CurDirStore= pb.ioWDDirID;
return 0;