blob: 8e117ed36b72611d00875d5b1f7293691f8c4284 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Main command line parser. Implements the pysetup script."""
import os
import re
import sys
import getopt
import logging
from packaging import logger
from packaging.dist import Distribution
from packaging.util import _is_archive_file, generate_setup_py
from packaging.command import get_command_class, STANDARD_COMMANDS
from packaging.install import install, install_local_project, remove
from packaging.database import get_distribution, get_distributions
from packaging.depgraph import generate_graph
from packaging.fancy_getopt import FancyGetopt
from packaging.errors import (PackagingArgError, PackagingError,
PackagingModuleError, PackagingClassError,
command_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)$')
common_usage = """\
To get more help on an action, use:
pysetup action --help
create_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup create
or: pysetup create --help
Create a new Python project.
generate_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup generate-setup
or: pysetup generate-setup --help
Generate a script for backward-compatibility purposes.
graph_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup graph dist
or: pysetup graph --help
Print dependency graph for the distribution.
positional arguments:
dist installed distribution name
install_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup install [dist]
or: pysetup install [archive]
or: pysetup install [src_dir]
or: pysetup install --help
Install a Python distribution from the indexes, source directory, or sdist.
positional arguments:
archive path to source distribution (zip, tar.gz)
dist distribution name to install from the indexes
scr_dir path to source directory
metadata_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup metadata [dist] [-f field ...]
or: pysetup metadata [dist] [--all]
or: pysetup metadata --help
Print metadata for the distribution.
positional arguments:
dist installed distribution name
optional arguments:
-f metadata field to print
--all print all metadata fields
remove_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup remove dist [-y]
or: pysetup remove --help
Uninstall a Python distribution.
positional arguments:
dist installed distribution name
optional arguments:
-y auto confirm distribution removal
run_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup run [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
or: pysetup run --help
or: pysetup run --list-commands
or: pysetup run cmd --help
list_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup list dist [dist ...]
or: pysetup list --help
or: pysetup list --all
Print name, version and location for the matching installed distributions.
positional arguments:
dist installed distribution name
optional arguments:
--all list all installed distributions
search_usage = """\
Usage: pysetup search [project] [--simple [url]] [--xmlrpc [url] [--fieldname value ...] --operator or|and]
or: pysetup search --help
Search the indexes for the matching projects.
positional arguments:
project the project pattern to search for
optional arguments:
--xmlrpc [url] wether to use the xmlrpc index or not. If an url is
specified, it will be used rather than the default one.
--simple [url] wether to use the simple index or not. If an url is
specified, it will be used rather than the default one.
--fieldname value Make a search on this field. Can only be used if
--xmlrpc has been selected or is the default index.
--operator or|and Defines what is the operator to use when doing xmlrpc
searchs with multiple fieldnames. Can only be used if
--xmlrpc has been selected or is the default index.
global_options = [
# The fourth entry for verbose means that it can be repeated.
('verbose', 'v', "run verbosely (default)", True),
('quiet', 'q', "run quietly (turns verbosity off)"),
('dry-run', 'n', "don't actually do anything"),
('help', 'h', "show detailed help message"),
('no-user-cfg', None, 'ignore pydistutils.cfg in your home directory'),
('version', None, 'Display the version'),
negative_opt = {'quiet': 'verbose'}
display_options = [
('help-commands', None, "list all available commands"),
display_option_names = [x[0].replace('-', '_') for x in display_options]
def _parse_args(args, options, long_options):
"""Transform sys.argv input into a dict.
:param args: the args to parse (i.e sys.argv)
:param options: the list of options to pass to getopt
:param long_options: the list of string with the names of the long options
to be passed to getopt.
The function returns a dict with options/long_options as keys and matching
values as values.
optlist, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, options, long_options)
optdict = {}
optdict['args'] = args
for k, v in optlist:
k = k.lstrip('-')
if k not in optdict:
optdict[k] = []
if v:
return optdict
class action_help:
"""Prints a help message when the standard help flags: -h and --help
are used on the commandline.
def __init__(self, help_msg):
self.help_msg = help_msg
def __call__(self, f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
f_args = args[1]
if '--help' in f_args or '-h' in f_args:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def _create(distpatcher, args, **kw):
from packaging.create import main
return main()
def _generate(distpatcher, args, **kw):
generate_setup_py()'The was generated')
def _graph(dispatcher, args, **kw):
name = args[1]
dist = get_distribution(name, use_egg_info=True)
if dist is None:
logger.warning('Distribution not found.')
return 1
dists = get_distributions(use_egg_info=True)
graph = generate_graph(dists)
def _install(dispatcher, args, **kw):
# first check if we are in a source directory
if len(args) < 2:
# are we inside a project dir?
if os.path.isfile('setup.cfg') or os.path.isfile(''):
args.insert(1, os.getcwd())
logger.warning('No project to install.')
return 1
target = args[1]
# installing from a source dir or archive file?
if os.path.isdir(target) or _is_archive_file(target):
return not install_local_project(target)
# download from PyPI
return not install(target)
def _metadata(dispatcher, args, **kw):
opts = _parse_args(args[1:], 'f:', ['all'])
if opts['args']:
name = opts['args'][0]
dist = get_distribution(name, use_egg_info=True)
if dist is None:
logger.warning('%r not installed', name)
return 1
elif os.path.isfile('setup.cfg'):'searching local dir for metadata')
dist = Distribution() # XXX use config module
logger.warning('no argument given and no local setup.cfg found')
return 1
metadata = dist.metadata
if 'all' in opts:
keys = metadata.keys()
if 'f' in opts:
keys = (k for k in opts['f'] if k in metadata)
keys = ()
for key in keys:
if key in metadata:
print(metadata._convert_name(key) + ':')
value = metadata[key]
if isinstance(value, list):
for v in value:
print(' ', v)
print(' ', value.replace('\n', '\n '))
def _remove(distpatcher, args, **kw):
opts = _parse_args(args[1:], 'y', [])
if 'y' in opts:
auto_confirm = True
auto_confirm = False
retcode = 0
for dist in set(opts['args']):
remove(dist, auto_confirm=auto_confirm)
except PackagingError:
logger.warning('%r not installed', dist)
retcode = 1
return retcode
def _run(dispatcher, args, **kw):
parser = dispatcher.parser
args = args[1:]
commands = STANDARD_COMMANDS # + extra commands
if args == ['--list-commands']:
print('List of available commands:')
cmds = sorted(commands)
for cmd in cmds:
cls = dispatcher.cmdclass.get(cmd) or get_command_class(cmd)
desc = getattr(cls, 'description',
'(no description available)')
print(' %s: %s' % (cmd, desc))
while args:
args = dispatcher._parse_command_opts(parser, args)
if args is None:
# create the Distribution class
# need to feed setup.cfg here !
dist = Distribution()
# Find and parse the config file(s): they will override options from
# the setup script, but be overridden by the command line.
# XXX still need to be extracted from Distribution
for cmd in dispatcher.commands:
dist.run_command(cmd, dispatcher.command_options[cmd])
# XXX this is crappy
return dist
def _list(dispatcher, args, **kw):
opts = _parse_args(args[1:], '', ['all'])
dists = get_distributions(use_egg_info=True)
if 'all' in opts or opts['args'] == []:
results = dists
listall = True
results = (d for d in dists if in opts['args'])
listall = False
number = 0
for dist in results:
print('%r %s (from %r)' % (, dist.version, dist.path))
number += 1
if number == 0:
if listall:'Nothing seems to be installed.')
logger.warning('No matching distribution found.')
return 1
else:'Found %d projects installed.', number)
def _search(dispatcher, args, **kw):
"""The search action.
It is able to search for a specific index (specified with --index), using
the simple or xmlrpc index types (with --type xmlrpc / --type simple)
#opts = _parse_args(args[1:], '', ['simple', 'xmlrpc'])
# 1. what kind of index is requested ? (xmlrpc / simple)
logger.error('not implemented')
return 1
actions = [
('run', 'Run one or several commands', _run),
('metadata', 'Display the metadata of a project', _metadata),
('install', 'Install a project', _install),
('remove', 'Remove a project', _remove),
('search', 'Search for a project in the indexes', _search),
('list', 'List installed releases', _list),
('graph', 'Display a graph', _graph),
('create', 'Create a project', _create),
('generate-setup', 'Generate a backward-comptatible', _generate),
class Dispatcher:
"""Reads the command-line options
def __init__(self, args=None):
self.verbose = 1
self.dry_run = False = False
self.cmdclass = {}
self.commands = []
self.command_options = {}
for attr in display_option_names:
setattr(self, attr, False)
self.parser = FancyGetopt(global_options + display_options)
# FIXME this parses everything, including command options (e.g. "run
# build -i" errors with "option -i not recognized")
args = self.parser.getopt(args=args, object=self)
# if first arg is "run", we have some commands
if len(args) == 0:
self.action = None
self.action = args[0]
allowed = [action[0] for action in actions] + [None]
if self.action not in allowed:
msg = 'Unrecognized action "%s"' % self.action
raise PackagingArgError(msg)
self.args = args
# for display options we return immediately
if or self.action is None:
self._show_help(self.parser, display_options_=False)
def _set_logger(self):
# setting up the logging level from the command-line options
# -q gets warning, error and critical
if self.verbose == 0:
level = logging.WARNING
# default level or -v gets info too
# XXX there's a bug somewhere: the help text says that -v is default
# (and verbose is set to 1 above), but when the user explicitly gives
# -v on the command line, self.verbose is incremented to 2! Here we
# compensate for that (I tested manually). On a related note, I think
# it's a good thing to use -q/nothing/-v/-vv on the command line
# instead of logging constants; it will be easy to add support for
# logging configuration in setup.cfg for advanced users. --merwok
elif self.verbose in (1, 2):
level = logging.INFO
else: # -vv and more for debug
level = logging.DEBUG
# setting up the stream handler
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
def _parse_command_opts(self, parser, args):
# Pull the current command from the head of the command line
command = args[0]
if not command_re.match(command):
raise SystemExit("invalid command name %r" % (command,))
# Dig up the command class that implements this command, so we
# 1) know that it's a valid command, and 2) know which options
# it takes.
cmd_class = get_command_class(command)
except PackagingModuleError as msg:
raise PackagingArgError(msg)
# XXX We want to push this in packaging.command
# Require that the command class be derived from Command -- want
# to be sure that the basic "command" interface is implemented.
for meth in ('initialize_options', 'finalize_options', 'run'):
if hasattr(cmd_class, meth):
raise PackagingClassError(
'command %r must implement %r' % (cmd_class, meth))
# Also make sure that the command object provides a list of its
# known options.
if not (hasattr(cmd_class, 'user_options') and
isinstance(cmd_class.user_options, list)):
raise PackagingClassError(
"command class %s must provide "
"'user_options' attribute (a list of tuples)" % cmd_class)
# If the command class has a list of negative alias options,
# merge it in with the global negative aliases.
_negative_opt = negative_opt.copy()
if hasattr(cmd_class, 'negative_opt'):
# Check for help_options in command class. They have a different
# format (tuple of four) so we need to preprocess them here.
if (hasattr(cmd_class, 'help_options') and
isinstance(cmd_class.help_options, list)):
help_options = cmd_class.help_options[:]
help_options = []
# All commands support the global options too, just by adding
# in 'global_options'.
parser.set_option_table(global_options +
cmd_class.user_options +
args, opts = parser.getopt(args[1:])
if hasattr(opts, 'help') and
if (hasattr(cmd_class, 'help_options') and
isinstance(cmd_class.help_options, list)):
help_option_found = False
for help_option, short, desc, func in cmd_class.help_options:
if hasattr(opts, help_option.replace('-', '_')):
help_option_found = True
if hasattr(func, '__call__'):
raise PackagingClassError(
"invalid help function %r for help option %r: "
"must be a callable object (function, etc.)"
% (func, help_option))
if help_option_found:
# Put the options from the command line into their official
# holding pen, the 'command_options' dictionary.
opt_dict = self.get_option_dict(command)
for name, value in vars(opts).items():
opt_dict[name] = ("command line", value)
return args
def get_option_dict(self, command):
"""Get the option dictionary for a given command. If that
command's option dictionary hasn't been created yet, then create it
and return the new dictionary; otherwise, return the existing
option dictionary.
d = self.command_options.get(command)
if d is None:
d = self.command_options[command] = {}
return d
def show_help(self):
def print_usage(self, parser):
actions_ = [' %s: %s' % (name, desc) for name, desc, __ in actions]
usage = common_usage % {'actions': '\n'.join(actions_)}
parser.print_help(usage + "\nGlobal options:")
def _show_help(self, parser, global_options_=True, display_options_=True,
# late import because of mutual dependence between these modules
from packaging.command.cmd import Command
print('Usage: pysetup [options] action [action_options]')
if global_options_:
if display_options_:
"Information display options (just display " +
"information, ignore any commands)")
for command in commands:
if isinstance(command, type) and issubclass(command, Command):
cls = command
cls = get_command_class(command)
if (hasattr(cls, 'help_options') and
isinstance(cls.help_options, list)):
parser.set_option_table(cls.user_options + cls.help_options)
parser.print_help("Options for %r command:" % cls.__name__)
def _show_command_help(self, command):
if isinstance(command, str):
command = get_command_class(command)
desc = getattr(command, 'description', '(no description available)')
print('Description:', desc)
if (hasattr(command, 'help_options') and
isinstance(command.help_options, list)):
self.parser.set_option_table(command.user_options +
def _get_command_groups(self):
"""Helper function to retrieve all the command class names divided
into standard commands (listed in
packaging.command.STANDARD_COMMANDS) and extra commands (given in
self.cmdclass and not standard commands).
extra_commands = [cmd for cmd in self.cmdclass
if cmd not in STANDARD_COMMANDS]
return STANDARD_COMMANDS, extra_commands
def print_commands(self):
"""Print out a help message listing all available commands with a
description of each. The list is divided into standard commands
(listed in packaging.command.STANDARD_COMMANDS) and extra commands
(given in self.cmdclass and not standard commands). The
descriptions come from the command class attribute
std_commands, extra_commands = self._get_command_groups()
max_length = max(len(command)
for commands in (std_commands, extra_commands)
for command in commands)
self.print_command_list(std_commands, "Standard commands", max_length)
if extra_commands:
self.print_command_list(extra_commands, "Extra commands",
def print_command_list(self, commands, header, max_length):
"""Print a subset of the list of all commands -- used by
print(header + ":")
for cmd in commands:
cls = self.cmdclass.get(cmd) or get_command_class(cmd)
description = getattr(cls, 'description',
'(no description available)')
print(" %-*s %s" % (max_length, cmd, description))
def __call__(self):
if self.action is None:
for action, desc, func in actions:
if action == self.action:
return func(self, self.args)
return -1
def main(args=None):
old_level = logger.level
old_handlers = list(logger.handlers)
dispatcher = Dispatcher(args)
if dispatcher.action is None:
return dispatcher()
except KeyboardInterrupt:'interrupted')
return 1
except (IOError, os.error, PackagingError, CCompilerError) as exc:
return 1
logger.handlers[:] = old_handlers
if __name__ == '__main__':