| import unittest |
| import test.support |
| import io |
| import os |
| import tokenize |
| import ast |
| import unparse |
| |
| def read_pyfile(filename): |
| """Read and return the contents of a Python source file (as a |
| string), taking into account the file encoding.""" |
| with open(filename, "rb") as pyfile: |
| encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(pyfile.readline)[0] |
| with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as pyfile: |
| source = pyfile.read() |
| return source |
| |
| for_else = """\ |
| def f(): |
| for x in range(10): |
| break |
| else: |
| y = 2 |
| z = 3 |
| """ |
| |
| while_else = """\ |
| def g(): |
| while True: |
| break |
| else: |
| y = 2 |
| z = 3 |
| """ |
| |
| relative_import = """\ |
| from . import fred |
| from .. import barney |
| from .australia import shrimp as prawns |
| """ |
| |
| nonlocal_ex = """\ |
| def f(): |
| x = 1 |
| def g(): |
| nonlocal x |
| x = 2 |
| y = 7 |
| def h(): |
| nonlocal x, y |
| """ |
| |
| # also acts as test for 'except ... as ...' |
| raise_from = """\ |
| try: |
| 1 / 0 |
| except ZeroDivisionError as e: |
| raise ArithmeticError from e |
| """ |
| |
| class_decorator = """\ |
| @f1(arg) |
| @f2 |
| class Foo: pass |
| """ |
| |
| elif1 = """\ |
| if cond1: |
| suite1 |
| elif cond2: |
| suite2 |
| else: |
| suite3 |
| """ |
| |
| elif2 = """\ |
| if cond1: |
| suite1 |
| elif cond2: |
| suite2 |
| """ |
| |
| try_except_finally = """\ |
| try: |
| suite1 |
| except ex1: |
| suite2 |
| except ex2: |
| suite3 |
| else: |
| suite4 |
| finally: |
| suite5 |
| """ |
| |
| class ASTTestCase(unittest.TestCase): |
| def assertASTEqual(self, ast1, ast2): |
| self.assertEqual(ast.dump(ast1), ast.dump(ast2)) |
| |
| def check_roundtrip(self, code1, filename="internal"): |
| ast1 = compile(code1, filename, "exec", ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) |
| unparse_buffer = io.StringIO() |
| unparse.Unparser(ast1, unparse_buffer) |
| code2 = unparse_buffer.getvalue() |
| ast2 = compile(code2, filename, "exec", ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) |
| self.assertASTEqual(ast1, ast2) |
| |
| class UnparseTestCase(ASTTestCase): |
| # Tests for specific bugs found in earlier versions of unparse |
| |
| def test_del_statement(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("del x, y, z") |
| |
| def test_shifts(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("45 << 2") |
| self.check_roundtrip("13 >> 7") |
| |
| def test_for_else(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(for_else) |
| |
| def test_while_else(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(while_else) |
| |
| def test_unary_parens(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("(-1)**7") |
| self.check_roundtrip("(-1.)**8") |
| self.check_roundtrip("(-1j)**6") |
| self.check_roundtrip("not True or False") |
| self.check_roundtrip("True or not False") |
| |
| def test_integer_parens(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("3 .__abs__()") |
| |
| def test_huge_float(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("1e1000") |
| self.check_roundtrip("-1e1000") |
| self.check_roundtrip("1e1000j") |
| self.check_roundtrip("-1e1000j") |
| |
| def test_min_int(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(str(-2**31)) |
| self.check_roundtrip(str(-2**63)) |
| |
| def test_imaginary_literals(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("7j") |
| self.check_roundtrip("-7j") |
| self.check_roundtrip("0j") |
| self.check_roundtrip("-0j") |
| |
| def test_lambda_parentheses(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("(lambda: int)()") |
| |
| def test_chained_comparisons(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("1 < 4 <= 5") |
| self.check_roundtrip("a is b is c is not d") |
| |
| def test_function_arguments(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(a): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(b = 2): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(a, b): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(a, b = 2): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(a = 5, b = 2): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(*, a = 1, b = 2): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(*, a = 1, b): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(*, a, b = 2): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(a, b = None, *, c, **kwds): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(a=2, *args, c=5, d, **kwds): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(*args, **kwargs): pass") |
| |
| def test_relative_import(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(relative_import) |
| |
| def test_nonlocal(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(nonlocal_ex) |
| |
| def test_raise_from(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(raise_from) |
| |
| def test_bytes(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("b'123'") |
| |
| def test_annotations(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(a : int): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(a: int = 5): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(*args: [int]): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f(**kwargs: dict): pass") |
| self.check_roundtrip("def f() -> None: pass") |
| |
| def test_set_literal(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("{'a', 'b', 'c'}") |
| |
| def test_set_comprehension(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("{x for x in range(5)}") |
| |
| def test_dict_comprehension(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("{x: x*x for x in range(10)}") |
| |
| def test_class_decorators(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(class_decorator) |
| |
| def test_class_definition(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip("class A(metaclass=type, *[], **{}): pass") |
| |
| def test_elifs(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(elif1) |
| self.check_roundtrip(elif2) |
| |
| def test_try_except_finally(self): |
| self.check_roundtrip(try_except_finally) |
| |
| class DirectoryTestCase(ASTTestCase): |
| """Test roundtrip behaviour on all files in Lib and Lib/test.""" |
| |
| # test directories, relative to the root of the distribution |
| test_directories = 'Lib', os.path.join('Lib', 'test') |
| |
| def test_files(self): |
| # get names of files to test |
| dist_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir) |
| |
| names = [] |
| for d in self.test_directories: |
| test_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, d) |
| for n in os.listdir(test_dir): |
| if n.endswith('.py') and not n.startswith('bad'): |
| names.append(os.path.join(test_dir, n)) |
| |
| for filename in names: |
| if test.support.verbose: |
| print('Testing %s' % filename) |
| source = read_pyfile(filename) |
| self.check_roundtrip(source) |
| |
| |
| def test_main(): |
| test.support.run_unittest(UnparseTestCase, DirectoryTestCase) |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| test_main() |