| @echo off |
| rem This script adds the latest available tools to the path for the current |
| rem command window. However, most builds of Python will ignore the version |
| rem of the tools on PATH and use PlatformToolset instead. Ideally, both sets of |
| rem tools should be the same version to avoid potential conflicts. |
| rem |
| rem To build Python with an earlier toolset, pass "/p:PlatformToolset=v100" (or |
| rem 'v110', 'v120' or 'v140') to the build script. |
| |
| echo Build environments: x86, amd64, x86_amd64 |
| echo. |
| if "%VSTOOLS%"=="" set VSTOOLS=%VS120COMNTOOLS% |
| if "%VSTOOLS%"=="" set VSTOOLS=%VS110COMNTOOLS% |
| if "%VSTOOLS%"=="" set VSTOOLS=%VS100COMNTOOLS% |
| call "%VSTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %* |