| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" TreatAsLocalProperty="ReleaseUri"> |
| <PropertyGroup> |
| <TargetName>$(OutputName)</TargetName> |
| <DefineSolutionProperties>false</DefineSolutionProperties> |
| <TreatWarningsAsErrors>false</TreatWarningsAsErrors> |
| <SuppressIces>$(SuppressIces);ICE03;ICE57;ICE61</SuppressIces> |
| <CompilerSuppressSpecificWarnings>1026</CompilerSuppressSpecificWarnings> |
| <BuildForRelease Condition="'$(BuildForRelease)' == ''">false</BuildForRelease> |
| <SignOutput Condition="'$(SigningCertificate)' != ''">true</SignOutput> |
| <Configuration Condition="'$(Configuration)' == ''">Release</Configuration> |
| <Platform Condition="'$(Platform)' == ''">x86</Platform> |
| <InstallScope Condition="'$(InstallScope)' != 'perMachine'">perUser</InstallScope> |
| <!-- |
| This URI is used to generate the various GUIDs used by the installer. |
| Installers built with the same URI will upgrade each other or block |
| when attempting to downgrade. |
| |
| By default, this is the local computer name, which will produce |
| installers that do not interfere with other installers. Products |
| that intend to bundle Python should rebuild these modules with their |
| own URI to avoid conflicting with the official releases. |
| |
| The official releases are built with http://www.python.org/. |
| |
| This is not the same as the DownloadUrl property used in the bundle |
| projects. |
| --> |
| <ReleaseUri Condition="'$(ReleaseUri)' == ''">$(ComputerName)</ReleaseUri> |
| <ReleaseUri Condition="!$(ReleaseUri.EndsWith(`/`))">$(ReleaseUri)/</ReleaseUri> |
| </PropertyGroup> |
| |
| <Import Project="wix.props" /> |
| <Import Project="..\..\PCBuild\tcltk.props" /> |
| |
| <ItemGroup> |
| <Compile Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)common.wxs" /> |
| <WxlTemplate Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\*.wxl_template" /> |
| <WixExtension Include="WixUtilExtension"> |
| <HintPath>WixUtilExtension</HintPath> |
| <Name>WixUtilExtension</Name> |
| </WixExtension> |
| </ItemGroup> |
| |
| <PropertyGroup> |
| <IntermediateOutputPath>$(PySourcePath)PCBuild\obj\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)_Setup\$(OutputName)</IntermediateOutputPath> |
| <IntermediateOutputPath Condition="'$(OutputSuffix)' != ''">$(IntermediateOutputPath)_$(OutputSuffix)</IntermediateOutputPath> |
| <OutputPath Condition="'$(OutputPath)' == ''">$(BuildPath)</OutputPath> |
| <OutputPath Condition="!HasTrailingSlash($(OutputPath))">$(OutputPath)\</OutputPath> |
| <OutDir>$(OutputPath)</OutDir> |
| <ReuseCabinetCache>true</ReuseCabinetCache> |
| <CRTRedist Condition="'$(CRTRedist)' == ''">$(ExternalsDir)\redist</CRTRedist> |
| <CRTRedist Condition="!Exists($(CRTRedist))"></CRTRedist> |
| <DocFilename>python$(MajorVersionNumber)$(MinorVersionNumber)$(MicroVersionNumber)$(ReleaseLevelName).chm</DocFilename> |
| |
| <InstallerVersion>$(MajorVersionNumber).$(MinorVersionNumber).$(Field3Value).0</InstallerVersion> |
| </PropertyGroup> |
| |
| <PropertyGroup Condition="!$(BuildForRelease)"> |
| <RevisionNumber Condition="'$(RevisionNumber)' == ''">$([System.Math]::Floor($([System.DateTime]::Now.Subtract($([System.DateTime]::new(2001, 1, 1))).TotalDays)))</RevisionNumber> |
| <PythonVersion>$(MajorVersionNumber).$(MinorVersionNumber).$(MicroVersionNumber)dev$(RevisionNumber)</PythonVersion> |
| <InstallerVersion>$(MajorVersionNumber).$(MinorVersionNumber).$(RevisionNumber).0</InstallerVersion> |
| </PropertyGroup> |
| |
| <PropertyGroup> |
| <Bitness>32-bit</Bitness> |
| <Bitness Condition="$(Platform) == 'x64'">64-bit</Bitness> |
| <DefineConstants> |
| $(DefineConstants); |
| Version=$(InstallerVersion); |
| ShortVersion=$(MajorVersionNumber).$(MinorVersionNumber); |
| LongVersion=$(PythonVersion); |
| MajorVersionNumber=$(MajorVersionNumber); |
| MinorVersionNumber=$(MinorVersionNumber); |
| UpgradeMinimumVersion=$(MajorVersionNumber).$(MinorVersionNumber).0.0; |
| NextMajorVersionNumber=$(MajorVersionNumber).$([msbuild]::Add($(MinorVersionNumber), 1)).0.0; |
| Bitness=$(Bitness); |
| PyDebugExt=$(PyDebugExt); |
| OptionalFeatureName=$(OutputName); |
| </DefineConstants> |
| <DefineConstants Condition="'$(CRTRedist)' != ''"> |
| $(DefineConstants);CRTRedist=$(CRTRedist); |
| </DefineConstants> |
| <DefineConstants Condition="$(UseTestMarker) != 'true'"> |
| $(DefineConstants);TestPrefix=;FileExtension=py; |
| </DefineConstants> |
| <DefineConstants Condition="$(UseTestMarker) == 'true'"> |
| $(DefineConstants);TestPrefix=x;FileExtension=px; |
| </DefineConstants> |
| <DefineConstants Condition="$(Platform) != 'x64'"> |
| $(DefineConstants);Suffix32=-32; |
| </DefineConstants> |
| <DefineConstants Condition="$(Platform) == 'x64'"> |
| $(DefineConstants);Suffix32=; |
| </DefineConstants> |
| </PropertyGroup> |
| |
| <ItemDefinitionGroup> |
| <InstallFiles> |
| <Group>generated_filelist</Group> |
| <Condition></Condition> |
| <DiskId></DiskId> |
| </InstallFiles> |
| <LinkerBindInputPaths> |
| <Visible>false</Visible> |
| </LinkerBindInputPaths> |
| </ItemDefinitionGroup> |
| <ItemGroup> |
| <LinkerBindInputPaths Include="$(BuildPath);$(PySourcePath)Doc\build\htmlhelp"> |
| <BindName></BindName> |
| </LinkerBindInputPaths> |
| <LinkerBindInputPaths Include="$(PySourcePath)"> |
| <BindName>src</BindName> |
| </LinkerBindInputPaths> |
| <LinkerBindInputPaths Include="$(tcltkDir)"> |
| <BindName>tcltk</BindName> |
| </LinkerBindInputPaths> |
| <LinkerBindInputPaths Include="$(CRTRedist)" Condition="'$(CRTRedist)' != ''"> |
| <BindName>redist</BindName> |
| </LinkerBindInputPaths> |
| </ItemGroup> |
| |
| <Target Name="_ValidateMsiProps" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild"> |
| <Error Text="Platform '$(Platform)' is not supported. Use 'x86' or 'x64'." Condition="$(Platform) != 'x86' and $(Platform) != 'x64'" /> |
| </Target> |
| |
| <ItemGroup> |
| <_Uuid Include="CoreUpgradeCode"> |
| <Uri>upgradecode</Uri> |
| </_Uuid> |
| <_Uuid Include="UpgradeCode"> |
| <Uri>upgradecode/$(OutputName)</Uri> |
| </_Uuid> |
| <_Uuid Include="InstallDirectoryGuidSeed"> |
| <Uri>installdirectoryseed</Uri> |
| </_Uuid> |
| <_Uuid Include="PythonExeComponentGuid"> |
| <Uri>python.exe</Uri> |
| </_Uuid> |
| <_Uuid Include="PythonwExeComponentGuid"> |
| <Uri>pythonw.exe</Uri> |
| </_Uuid> |
| <_Uuid Include="RemoveLib2to3PickleComponentGuid"> |
| <Uri>lib2to3/pickles</Uri> |
| </_Uuid> |
| </ItemGroup> |
| <Target Name="_GenerateGuids" AfterTargets="PrepareForBuild"> |
| <PropertyGroup> |
| <_Uuids>@(_Uuid->'("%(Identity)", "$(MajorVersionNumber).$(MinorVersionNumber)/%(Uri)")',',')</_Uuids> |
| <_GenerateCommand>import uuid; print('\n'.join('{}={}'.format(i, uuid.uuid5(uuid.UUID('c8d9733e-a70c-43ff-ab0c-e26456f11083'), '$(ReleaseUri)' + j)) for i,j in [$(_Uuids.Replace(`"`,`'`))]))</_GenerateCommand> |
| </PropertyGroup> |
| |
| <Exec Command='"$(PythonExe)" -c "$(_GenerateCommand)" > "$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(OutputName)guids.txt"' |
| WorkingDirectory="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)" |
| IgnoreExitCode="false" /> |
| |
| <ReadLinesFromFile File="$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(OutputName)guids.txt"> |
| <Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="_UuidValue" /> |
| </ReadLinesFromFile> |
| |
| <PropertyGroup> |
| <DefineConstants>$(DefineConstants);@(_UuidValue,';');</DefineConstants> |
| </PropertyGroup> |
| </Target> |
| </Project> |