| :mod:`collections` --- Container datatypes |
| ========================================== |
| |
| .. module:: collections |
| :synopsis: Container datatypes |
| .. moduleauthor:: Raymond Hettinger <python@rcn.com> |
| .. sectionauthor:: Raymond Hettinger <python@rcn.com> |
| |
| .. testsetup:: * |
| |
| from collections import * |
| import itertools |
| __name__ = '<doctest>' |
| |
| **Source code:** :source:`Lib/collections.py` and :source:`Lib/_abcoll.py` |
| |
| -------------- |
| |
| This module implements specialized container datatypes providing alternatives to |
| Python's general purpose built-in containers, :class:`dict`, :class:`list`, |
| :class:`set`, and :class:`tuple`. |
| |
| ===================== ==================================================================== |
| :func:`namedtuple` factory function for creating tuple subclasses with named fields |
| :class:`deque` list-like container with fast appends and pops on either end |
| :class:`Counter` dict subclass for counting hashable objects |
| :class:`OrderedDict` dict subclass that remembers the order entries were added |
| :class:`defaultdict` dict subclass that calls a factory function to supply missing values |
| :class:`UserDict` wrapper around dictionary objects for easier dict subclassing |
| :class:`UserList` wrapper around list objects for easier list subclassing |
| :class:`UserString` wrapper around string objects for easier string subclassing |
| ===================== ==================================================================== |
| |
| In addition to the concrete container classes, the collections module provides |
| :ref:`abstract base classes <collections-abstract-base-classes>` that can be |
| used to test whether a class provides a particular interface, for example, |
| whether it is hashable or a mapping. |
| |
| |
| :class:`Counter` objects |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| A counter tool is provided to support convenient and rapid tallies. |
| For example:: |
| |
| >>> # Tally occurrences of words in a list |
| >>> cnt = Counter() |
| >>> for word in ['red', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'blue']: |
| ... cnt[word] += 1 |
| >>> cnt |
| Counter({'blue': 3, 'red': 2, 'green': 1}) |
| |
| >>> # Find the ten most common words in Hamlet |
| >>> import re |
| >>> words = re.findall('\w+', open('hamlet.txt').read().lower()) |
| >>> Counter(words).most_common(10) |
| [('the', 1143), ('and', 966), ('to', 762), ('of', 669), ('i', 631), |
| ('you', 554), ('a', 546), ('my', 514), ('hamlet', 471), ('in', 451)] |
| |
| .. class:: Counter([iterable-or-mapping]) |
| |
| A :class:`Counter` is a :class:`dict` subclass for counting hashable objects. |
| It is an unordered collection where elements are stored as dictionary keys |
| and their counts are stored as dictionary values. Counts are allowed to be |
| any integer value including zero or negative counts. The :class:`Counter` |
| class is similar to bags or multisets in other languages. |
| |
| Elements are counted from an *iterable* or initialized from another |
| *mapping* (or counter): |
| |
| >>> c = Counter() # a new, empty counter |
| >>> c = Counter('gallahad') # a new counter from an iterable |
| >>> c = Counter({'red': 4, 'blue': 2}) # a new counter from a mapping |
| >>> c = Counter(cats=4, dogs=8) # a new counter from keyword args |
| |
| Counter objects have a dictionary interface except that they return a zero |
| count for missing items instead of raising a :exc:`KeyError`: |
| |
| >>> c = Counter(['eggs', 'ham']) |
| >>> c['bacon'] # count of a missing element is zero |
| 0 |
| |
| Setting a count to zero does not remove an element from a counter. |
| Use ``del`` to remove it entirely: |
| |
| >>> c['sausage'] = 0 # counter entry with a zero count |
| >>> del c['sausage'] # del actually removes the entry |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 3.1 |
| |
| |
| Counter objects support three methods beyond those available for all |
| dictionaries: |
| |
| .. method:: elements() |
| |
| Return an iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its |
| count. Elements are returned in arbitrary order. If an element's count |
| is less than one, :meth:`elements` will ignore it. |
| |
| >>> c = Counter(a=4, b=2, c=0, d=-2) |
| >>> list(c.elements()) |
| ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b'] |
| |
| .. method:: most_common([n]) |
| |
| Return a list of the *n* most common elements and their counts from the |
| most common to the least. If *n* is not specified, :func:`most_common` |
| returns *all* elements in the counter. Elements with equal counts are |
| ordered arbitrarily: |
| |
| >>> Counter('abracadabra').most_common(3) |
| [('a', 5), ('r', 2), ('b', 2)] |
| |
| .. method:: subtract([iterable-or-mapping]) |
| |
| Elements are subtracted from an *iterable* or from another *mapping* |
| (or counter). Like :meth:`dict.update` but subtracts counts instead |
| of replacing them. Both inputs and outputs may be zero or negative. |
| |
| >>> c = Counter(a=4, b=2, c=0, d=-2) |
| >>> d = Counter(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4) |
| >>> c.subtract(d) |
| >>> c |
| Counter({'a': 3, 'b': 0, 'c': -3, 'd': -6}) |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 3.2 |
| |
| The usual dictionary methods are available for :class:`Counter` objects |
| except for two which work differently for counters. |
| |
| .. method:: fromkeys(iterable) |
| |
| This class method is not implemented for :class:`Counter` objects. |
| |
| .. method:: update([iterable-or-mapping]) |
| |
| Elements are counted from an *iterable* or added-in from another |
| *mapping* (or counter). Like :meth:`dict.update` but adds counts |
| instead of replacing them. Also, the *iterable* is expected to be a |
| sequence of elements, not a sequence of ``(key, value)`` pairs. |
| |
| Common patterns for working with :class:`Counter` objects:: |
| |
| sum(c.values()) # total of all counts |
| c.clear() # reset all counts |
| list(c) # list unique elements |
| set(c) # convert to a set |
| dict(c) # convert to a regular dictionary |
| c.items() # convert to a list of (elem, cnt) pairs |
| Counter(dict(list_of_pairs)) # convert from a list of (elem, cnt) pairs |
| c.most_common()[:-n:-1] # n least common elements |
| c += Counter() # remove zero and negative counts |
| |
| Several mathematical operations are provided for combining :class:`Counter` |
| objects to produce multisets (counters that have counts greater than zero). |
| Addition and subtraction combine counters by adding or subtracting the counts |
| of corresponding elements. Intersection and union return the minimum and |
| maximum of corresponding counts. Each operation can accept inputs with signed |
| counts, but the output will exclude results with counts of zero or less. |
| |
| >>> c = Counter(a=3, b=1) |
| >>> d = Counter(a=1, b=2) |
| >>> c + d # add two counters together: c[x] + d[x] |
| Counter({'a': 4, 'b': 3}) |
| >>> c - d # subtract (keeping only positive counts) |
| Counter({'a': 2}) |
| >>> c & d # intersection: min(c[x], d[x]) |
| Counter({'a': 1, 'b': 1}) |
| >>> c | d # union: max(c[x], d[x]) |
| Counter({'a': 3, 'b': 2}) |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| Counters were primarily designed to work with positive integers to represent |
| running counts; however, care was taken to not unnecessarily preclude use |
| cases needing other types or negative values. To help with those use cases, |
| this section documents the minimum range and type restrictions. |
| |
| * The :class:`Counter` class itself is a dictionary subclass with no |
| restrictions on its keys and values. The values are intended to be numbers |
| representing counts, but you *could* store anything in the value field. |
| |
| * The :meth:`most_common` method requires only that the values be orderable. |
| |
| * For in-place operations such as ``c[key] += 1``, the value type need only |
| support addition and subtraction. So fractions, floats, and decimals would |
| work and negative values are supported. The same is also true for |
| :meth:`update` and :meth:`subtract` which allow negative and zero values |
| for both inputs and outputs. |
| |
| * The multiset methods are designed only for use cases with positive values. |
| The inputs may be negative or zero, but only outputs with positive values |
| are created. There are no type restrictions, but the value type needs to |
| support addition, subtraction, and comparison. |
| |
| * The :meth:`elements` method requires integer counts. It ignores zero and |
| negative counts. |
| |
| .. seealso:: |
| |
| * `Counter class <http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576611/>`_ |
| adapted for Python 2.5 and an early `Bag recipe |
| <http://code.activestate.com/recipes/259174/>`_ for Python 2.4. |
| |
| * `Bag class <http://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/manual-base/html_node/Bag.html>`_ |
| in Smalltalk. |
| |
| * Wikipedia entry for `Multisets <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiset>`_. |
| |
| * `C++ multisets <http://www.demo2s.com/Tutorial/Cpp/0380__set-multiset/Catalog0380__set-multiset.htm>`_ |
| tutorial with examples. |
| |
| * For mathematical operations on multisets and their use cases, see |
| *Knuth, Donald. The Art of Computer Programming Volume II, |
| Section 4.6.3, Exercise 19*. |
| |
| * To enumerate all distinct multisets of a given size over a given set of |
| elements, see :func:`itertools.combinations_with_replacement`. |
| |
| map(Counter, combinations_with_replacement('ABC', 2)) --> AA AB AC BB BC CC |
| |
| |
| :class:`deque` objects |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| .. class:: deque([iterable, [maxlen]]) |
| |
| Returns a new deque object initialized left-to-right (using :meth:`append`) with |
| data from *iterable*. If *iterable* is not specified, the new deque is empty. |
| |
| Deques are a generalization of stacks and queues (the name is pronounced "deck" |
| and is short for "double-ended queue"). Deques support thread-safe, memory |
| efficient appends and pops from either side of the deque with approximately the |
| same O(1) performance in either direction. |
| |
| Though :class:`list` objects support similar operations, they are optimized for |
| fast fixed-length operations and incur O(n) memory movement costs for |
| ``pop(0)`` and ``insert(0, v)`` operations which change both the size and |
| position of the underlying data representation. |
| |
| |
| If *maxlen* is not specified or is *None*, deques may grow to an |
| arbitrary length. Otherwise, the deque is bounded to the specified maximum |
| length. Once a bounded length deque is full, when new items are added, a |
| corresponding number of items are discarded from the opposite end. Bounded |
| length deques provide functionality similar to the ``tail`` filter in |
| Unix. They are also useful for tracking transactions and other pools of data |
| where only the most recent activity is of interest. |
| |
| |
| Deque objects support the following methods: |
| |
| .. method:: append(x) |
| |
| Add *x* to the right side of the deque. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: appendleft(x) |
| |
| Add *x* to the left side of the deque. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: clear() |
| |
| Remove all elements from the deque leaving it with length 0. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: count(x) |
| |
| Count the number of deque elements equal to *x*. |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 3.2 |
| |
| |
| .. method:: extend(iterable) |
| |
| Extend the right side of the deque by appending elements from the iterable |
| argument. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: extendleft(iterable) |
| |
| Extend the left side of the deque by appending elements from *iterable*. |
| Note, the series of left appends results in reversing the order of |
| elements in the iterable argument. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: pop() |
| |
| Remove and return an element from the right side of the deque. If no |
| elements are present, raises an :exc:`IndexError`. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: popleft() |
| |
| Remove and return an element from the left side of the deque. If no |
| elements are present, raises an :exc:`IndexError`. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: remove(value) |
| |
| Removed the first occurrence of *value*. If not found, raises a |
| :exc:`ValueError`. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: reverse() |
| |
| Reverse the elements of the deque in-place and then return ``None``. |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 3.2 |
| |
| |
| .. method:: rotate(n) |
| |
| Rotate the deque *n* steps to the right. If *n* is negative, rotate to |
| the left. Rotating one step to the right is equivalent to: |
| ``d.appendleft(d.pop())``. |
| |
| |
| Deque objects also provide one read-only attribute: |
| |
| .. attribute:: maxlen |
| |
| Maximum size of a deque or *None* if unbounded. |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 3.1 |
| |
| |
| In addition to the above, deques support iteration, pickling, ``len(d)``, |
| ``reversed(d)``, ``copy.copy(d)``, ``copy.deepcopy(d)``, membership testing with |
| the :keyword:`in` operator, and subscript references such as ``d[-1]``. Indexed |
| access is O(1) at both ends but slows to O(n) in the middle. For fast random |
| access, use lists instead. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| .. doctest:: |
| |
| >>> from collections import deque |
| >>> d = deque('ghi') # make a new deque with three items |
| >>> for elem in d: # iterate over the deque's elements |
| ... print(elem.upper()) |
| G |
| H |
| I |
| |
| >>> d.append('j') # add a new entry to the right side |
| >>> d.appendleft('f') # add a new entry to the left side |
| >>> d # show the representation of the deque |
| deque(['f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) |
| |
| >>> d.pop() # return and remove the rightmost item |
| 'j' |
| >>> d.popleft() # return and remove the leftmost item |
| 'f' |
| >>> list(d) # list the contents of the deque |
| ['g', 'h', 'i'] |
| >>> d[0] # peek at leftmost item |
| 'g' |
| >>> d[-1] # peek at rightmost item |
| 'i' |
| |
| >>> list(reversed(d)) # list the contents of a deque in reverse |
| ['i', 'h', 'g'] |
| >>> 'h' in d # search the deque |
| True |
| >>> d.extend('jkl') # add multiple elements at once |
| >>> d |
| deque(['g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l']) |
| >>> d.rotate(1) # right rotation |
| >>> d |
| deque(['l', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k']) |
| >>> d.rotate(-1) # left rotation |
| >>> d |
| deque(['g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l']) |
| |
| >>> deque(reversed(d)) # make a new deque in reverse order |
| deque(['l', 'k', 'j', 'i', 'h', 'g']) |
| >>> d.clear() # empty the deque |
| >>> d.pop() # cannot pop from an empty deque |
| Traceback (most recent call last): |
| File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in -toplevel- |
| d.pop() |
| IndexError: pop from an empty deque |
| |
| >>> d.extendleft('abc') # extendleft() reverses the input order |
| >>> d |
| deque(['c', 'b', 'a']) |
| |
| |
| :class:`deque` Recipes |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| This section shows various approaches to working with deques. |
| |
| Bounded length deques provide functionality similar to the ``tail`` filter |
| in Unix:: |
| |
| def tail(filename, n=10): |
| 'Return the last n lines of a file' |
| return deque(open(filename), n) |
| |
| Another approach to using deques is to maintain a sequence of recently |
| added elements by appending to the right and popping to the left:: |
| |
| def moving_average(iterable, n=3): |
| # moving_average([40, 30, 50, 46, 39, 44]) --> 40.0 42.0 45.0 43.0 |
| # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_average |
| it = iter(iterable) |
| d = deque(itertools.islice(it, n-1)) |
| d.appendleft(0) |
| s = sum(d) |
| for elem in it: |
| s += elem - d.popleft() |
| d.append(elem) |
| yield s / n |
| |
| The :meth:`rotate` method provides a way to implement :class:`deque` slicing and |
| deletion. For example, a pure Python implementation of ``del d[n]`` relies on |
| the :meth:`rotate` method to position elements to be popped:: |
| |
| def delete_nth(d, n): |
| d.rotate(-n) |
| d.popleft() |
| d.rotate(n) |
| |
| To implement :class:`deque` slicing, use a similar approach applying |
| :meth:`rotate` to bring a target element to the left side of the deque. Remove |
| old entries with :meth:`popleft`, add new entries with :meth:`extend`, and then |
| reverse the rotation. |
| With minor variations on that approach, it is easy to implement Forth style |
| stack manipulations such as ``dup``, ``drop``, ``swap``, ``over``, ``pick``, |
| ``rot``, and ``roll``. |
| |
| |
| :class:`defaultdict` objects |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| .. class:: defaultdict([default_factory[, ...]]) |
| |
| Returns a new dictionary-like object. :class:`defaultdict` is a subclass of the |
| built-in :class:`dict` class. It overrides one method and adds one writable |
| instance variable. The remaining functionality is the same as for the |
| :class:`dict` class and is not documented here. |
| |
| The first argument provides the initial value for the :attr:`default_factory` |
| attribute; it defaults to ``None``. All remaining arguments are treated the same |
| as if they were passed to the :class:`dict` constructor, including keyword |
| arguments. |
| |
| |
| :class:`defaultdict` objects support the following method in addition to the |
| standard :class:`dict` operations: |
| |
| .. method:: __missing__(key) |
| |
| If the :attr:`default_factory` attribute is ``None``, this raises a |
| :exc:`KeyError` exception with the *key* as argument. |
| |
| If :attr:`default_factory` is not ``None``, it is called without arguments |
| to provide a default value for the given *key*, this value is inserted in |
| the dictionary for the *key*, and returned. |
| |
| If calling :attr:`default_factory` raises an exception this exception is |
| propagated unchanged. |
| |
| This method is called by the :meth:`__getitem__` method of the |
| :class:`dict` class when the requested key is not found; whatever it |
| returns or raises is then returned or raised by :meth:`__getitem__`. |
| |
| Note that :meth:`__missing__` is *not* called for any operations besides |
| :meth:`__getitem__`. This means that :meth:`get` will, like normal |
| dictionaries, return ``None`` as a default rather than using |
| :attr:`default_factory`. |
| |
| |
| :class:`defaultdict` objects support the following instance variable: |
| |
| |
| .. attribute:: default_factory |
| |
| This attribute is used by the :meth:`__missing__` method; it is |
| initialized from the first argument to the constructor, if present, or to |
| ``None``, if absent. |
| |
| |
| :class:`defaultdict` Examples |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Using :class:`list` as the :attr:`default_factory`, it is easy to group a |
| sequence of key-value pairs into a dictionary of lists: |
| |
| >>> s = [('yellow', 1), ('blue', 2), ('yellow', 3), ('blue', 4), ('red', 1)] |
| >>> d = defaultdict(list) |
| >>> for k, v in s: |
| ... d[k].append(v) |
| ... |
| >>> list(d.items()) |
| [('blue', [2, 4]), ('red', [1]), ('yellow', [1, 3])] |
| |
| When each key is encountered for the first time, it is not already in the |
| mapping; so an entry is automatically created using the :attr:`default_factory` |
| function which returns an empty :class:`list`. The :meth:`list.append` |
| operation then attaches the value to the new list. When keys are encountered |
| again, the look-up proceeds normally (returning the list for that key) and the |
| :meth:`list.append` operation adds another value to the list. This technique is |
| simpler and faster than an equivalent technique using :meth:`dict.setdefault`: |
| |
| >>> d = {} |
| >>> for k, v in s: |
| ... d.setdefault(k, []).append(v) |
| ... |
| >>> list(d.items()) |
| [('blue', [2, 4]), ('red', [1]), ('yellow', [1, 3])] |
| |
| Setting the :attr:`default_factory` to :class:`int` makes the |
| :class:`defaultdict` useful for counting (like a bag or multiset in other |
| languages): |
| |
| >>> s = 'mississippi' |
| >>> d = defaultdict(int) |
| >>> for k in s: |
| ... d[k] += 1 |
| ... |
| >>> list(d.items()) |
| [('i', 4), ('p', 2), ('s', 4), ('m', 1)] |
| |
| When a letter is first encountered, it is missing from the mapping, so the |
| :attr:`default_factory` function calls :func:`int` to supply a default count of |
| zero. The increment operation then builds up the count for each letter. |
| |
| The function :func:`int` which always returns zero is just a special case of |
| constant functions. A faster and more flexible way to create constant functions |
| is to use a lambda function which can supply any constant value (not just |
| zero): |
| |
| >>> def constant_factory(value): |
| ... return lambda: value |
| >>> d = defaultdict(constant_factory('<missing>')) |
| >>> d.update(name='John', action='ran') |
| >>> '%(name)s %(action)s to %(object)s' % d |
| 'John ran to <missing>' |
| |
| Setting the :attr:`default_factory` to :class:`set` makes the |
| :class:`defaultdict` useful for building a dictionary of sets: |
| |
| >>> s = [('red', 1), ('blue', 2), ('red', 3), ('blue', 4), ('red', 1), ('blue', 4)] |
| >>> d = defaultdict(set) |
| >>> for k, v in s: |
| ... d[k].add(v) |
| ... |
| >>> list(d.items()) |
| [('blue', set([2, 4])), ('red', set([1, 3]))] |
| |
| |
| :func:`namedtuple` Factory Function for Tuples with Named Fields |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Named tuples assign meaning to each position in a tuple and allow for more readable, |
| self-documenting code. They can be used wherever regular tuples are used, and |
| they add the ability to access fields by name instead of position index. |
| |
| .. function:: namedtuple(typename, field_names, verbose=False, rename=False) |
| |
| Returns a new tuple subclass named *typename*. The new subclass is used to |
| create tuple-like objects that have fields accessible by attribute lookup as |
| well as being indexable and iterable. Instances of the subclass also have a |
| helpful docstring (with typename and field_names) and a helpful :meth:`__repr__` |
| method which lists the tuple contents in a ``name=value`` format. |
| |
| The *field_names* are a single string with each fieldname separated by whitespace |
| and/or commas, for example ``'x y'`` or ``'x, y'``. Alternatively, *field_names* |
| can be a sequence of strings such as ``['x', 'y']``. |
| |
| Any valid Python identifier may be used for a fieldname except for names |
| starting with an underscore. Valid identifiers consist of letters, digits, |
| and underscores but do not start with a digit or underscore and cannot be |
| a :mod:`keyword` such as *class*, *for*, *return*, *global*, *pass*, |
| or *raise*. |
| |
| If *rename* is true, invalid fieldnames are automatically replaced |
| with positional names. For example, ``['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'abc']`` is |
| converted to ``['abc', '_1', 'ghi', '_3']``, eliminating the keyword |
| ``def`` and the duplicate fieldname ``abc``. |
| |
| If *verbose* is true, the class definition is printed just before being built. |
| |
| Named tuple instances do not have per-instance dictionaries, so they are |
| lightweight and require no more memory than regular tuples. |
| |
| .. versionchanged:: 3.1 |
| Added support for *rename*. |
| |
| |
| .. doctest:: |
| |
| >>> # Basic example |
| >>> Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y']) |
| >>> p = Point(x=10, y=11) |
| |
| >>> # Example using the verbose option to print the class definition |
| >>> Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y', verbose=True) |
| class Point(tuple): |
| 'Point(x, y)' |
| __slots__ = () |
| _fields = ('x', 'y') |
| def __new__(_cls, x, y): |
| 'Create a new instance of Point(x, y)' |
| return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (x, y)) |
| @classmethod |
| def _make(cls, iterable, new=tuple.__new__, len=len): |
| 'Make a new Point object from a sequence or iterable' |
| result = new(cls, iterable) |
| if len(result) != 2: |
| raise TypeError('Expected 2 arguments, got %d' % len(result)) |
| return result |
| def __repr__(self): |
| 'Return a nicely formatted representation string' |
| return self.__class__.__name__ + '(x=%r, y=%r)' % self |
| def _asdict(self): |
| 'Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values' |
| return OrderedDict(zip(self._fields, self)) |
| __dict__ = property(_asdict) |
| def _replace(_self, **kwds): |
| 'Return a new Point object replacing specified fields with new values' |
| result = _self._make(map(kwds.pop, ('x', 'y'), _self)) |
| if kwds: |
| raise ValueError('Got unexpected field names: %r' % list(kwds.keys())) |
| return result |
| def __getnewargs__(self): |
| 'Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.' |
| return tuple(self) |
| x = _property(_itemgetter(0), doc='Alias for field number 0') |
| y = _property(_itemgetter(1), doc='Alias for field number 1') |
| |
| >>> p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with positional or keyword arguments |
| >>> p[0] + p[1] # indexable like the plain tuple (11, 22) |
| 33 |
| >>> x, y = p # unpack like a regular tuple |
| >>> x, y |
| (11, 22) |
| >>> p.x + p.y # fields also accessible by name |
| 33 |
| >>> p # readable __repr__ with a name=value style |
| Point(x=11, y=22) |
| |
| Named tuples are especially useful for assigning field names to result tuples returned |
| by the :mod:`csv` or :mod:`sqlite3` modules:: |
| |
| EmployeeRecord = namedtuple('EmployeeRecord', 'name, age, title, department, paygrade') |
| |
| import csv |
| for emp in map(EmployeeRecord._make, csv.reader(open("employees.csv", "rb"))): |
| print(emp.name, emp.title) |
| |
| import sqlite3 |
| conn = sqlite3.connect('/companydata') |
| cursor = conn.cursor() |
| cursor.execute('SELECT name, age, title, department, paygrade FROM employees') |
| for emp in map(EmployeeRecord._make, cursor.fetchall()): |
| print(emp.name, emp.title) |
| |
| In addition to the methods inherited from tuples, named tuples support |
| three additional methods and one attribute. To prevent conflicts with |
| field names, the method and attribute names start with an underscore. |
| |
| .. classmethod:: somenamedtuple._make(iterable) |
| |
| Class method that makes a new instance from an existing sequence or iterable. |
| |
| .. doctest:: |
| |
| >>> t = [11, 22] |
| >>> Point._make(t) |
| Point(x=11, y=22) |
| |
| .. method:: somenamedtuple._asdict() |
| |
| Return a new :class:`OrderedDict` which maps field names to their corresponding |
| values:: |
| |
| >>> p._asdict() |
| OrderedDict([('x', 11), ('y', 22)]) |
| |
| .. versionchanged:: 3.1 |
| Returns an :class:`OrderedDict` instead of a regular :class:`dict`. |
| |
| .. method:: somenamedtuple._replace(kwargs) |
| |
| Return a new instance of the named tuple replacing specified fields with new |
| values: |
| |
| :: |
| |
| >>> p = Point(x=11, y=22) |
| >>> p._replace(x=33) |
| Point(x=33, y=22) |
| |
| >>> for partnum, record in inventory.items(): |
| ... inventory[partnum] = record._replace(price=newprices[partnum], timestamp=time.now()) |
| |
| .. attribute:: somenamedtuple._fields |
| |
| Tuple of strings listing the field names. Useful for introspection |
| and for creating new named tuple types from existing named tuples. |
| |
| .. doctest:: |
| |
| >>> p._fields # view the field names |
| ('x', 'y') |
| |
| >>> Color = namedtuple('Color', 'red green blue') |
| >>> Pixel = namedtuple('Pixel', Point._fields + Color._fields) |
| >>> Pixel(11, 22, 128, 255, 0) |
| Pixel(x=11, y=22, red=128, green=255, blue=0) |
| |
| To retrieve a field whose name is stored in a string, use the :func:`getattr` |
| function: |
| |
| >>> getattr(p, 'x') |
| 11 |
| |
| To convert a dictionary to a named tuple, use the double-star-operator |
| (as described in :ref:`tut-unpacking-arguments`): |
| |
| >>> d = {'x': 11, 'y': 22} |
| >>> Point(**d) |
| Point(x=11, y=22) |
| |
| Since a named tuple is a regular Python class, it is easy to add or change |
| functionality with a subclass. Here is how to add a calculated field and |
| a fixed-width print format: |
| |
| >>> class Point(namedtuple('Point', 'x y')): |
| __slots__ = () |
| @property |
| def hypot(self): |
| return (self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2) ** 0.5 |
| def __str__(self): |
| return 'Point: x=%6.3f y=%6.3f hypot=%6.3f' % (self.x, self.y, self.hypot) |
| |
| >>> for p in Point(3, 4), Point(14, 5/7): |
| print(p) |
| Point: x= 3.000 y= 4.000 hypot= 5.000 |
| Point: x=14.000 y= 0.714 hypot=14.018 |
| |
| The subclass shown above sets ``__slots__`` to an empty tuple. This helps |
| keep memory requirements low by preventing the creation of instance dictionaries. |
| |
| |
| Subclassing is not useful for adding new, stored fields. Instead, simply |
| create a new named tuple type from the :attr:`_fields` attribute: |
| |
| >>> Point3D = namedtuple('Point3D', Point._fields + ('z',)) |
| |
| Default values can be implemented by using :meth:`_replace` to |
| customize a prototype instance: |
| |
| >>> Account = namedtuple('Account', 'owner balance transaction_count') |
| >>> default_account = Account('<owner name>', 0.0, 0) |
| >>> johns_account = default_account._replace(owner='John') |
| |
| Enumerated constants can be implemented with named tuples, but it is simpler |
| and more efficient to use a simple class declaration: |
| |
| >>> Status = namedtuple('Status', 'open pending closed')._make(range(3)) |
| >>> Status.open, Status.pending, Status.closed |
| (0, 1, 2) |
| >>> class Status: |
| open, pending, closed = range(3) |
| |
| .. seealso:: |
| |
| * `Named tuple recipe <http://code.activestate.com/recipes/500261/>`_ |
| adapted for Python 2.4. |
| |
| * `Recipe for named tuple abstract base class with a metaclass mix-in |
| <http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577629-namedtupleabc-abstract-base-class-mix-in-for-named/>`_ |
| by Jan Kaliszewski. Besides providing an :term:`abstract base class` for |
| named tuples, it also supports an alternate :term:`metaclass`-based |
| constructor that is convenient for use cases where named tuples are being |
| subclassed. |
| |
| |
| :class:`OrderedDict` objects |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| Ordered dictionaries are just like regular dictionaries but they remember the |
| order that items were inserted. When iterating over an ordered dictionary, |
| the items are returned in the order their keys were first added. |
| |
| .. class:: OrderedDict([items]) |
| |
| Return an instance of a dict subclass, supporting the usual :class:`dict` |
| methods. An *OrderedDict* is a dict that remembers the order that keys |
| were first inserted. If a new entry overwrites an existing entry, the |
| original insertion position is left unchanged. Deleting an entry and |
| reinserting it will move it to the end. |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 3.1 |
| |
| .. method:: popitem(last=True) |
| |
| The :meth:`popitem` method for ordered dictionaries returns and removes a |
| (key, value) pair. The pairs are returned in LIFO order if *last* is true |
| or FIFO order if false. |
| |
| .. method:: move_to_end(key, last=True) |
| |
| Move an existing *key* to either end of an ordered dictionary. The item |
| is moved to the right end if *last* is true (the default) or to the |
| beginning if *last* is false. Raises :exc:`KeyError` if the *key* does |
| not exist:: |
| |
| >>> d = OrderedDict.fromkeys('abcde') |
| >>> d.move_to_end('b') |
| >>> ''.join(d.keys()) |
| 'acdeb' |
| >>> d.move_to_end('b', last=False) |
| >>> ''.join(d.keys()) |
| 'bacde' |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 3.2 |
| |
| In addition to the usual mapping methods, ordered dictionaries also support |
| reverse iteration using :func:`reversed`. |
| |
| Equality tests between :class:`OrderedDict` objects are order-sensitive |
| and are implemented as ``list(od1.items())==list(od2.items())``. |
| Equality tests between :class:`OrderedDict` objects and other |
| :class:`Mapping` objects are order-insensitive like regular dictionaries. |
| This allows :class:`OrderedDict` objects to be substituted anywhere a |
| regular dictionary is used. |
| |
| The :class:`OrderedDict` constructor and :meth:`update` method both accept |
| keyword arguments, but their order is lost because Python's function call |
| semantics pass-in keyword arguments using a regular unordered dictionary. |
| |
| .. seealso:: |
| |
| `Equivalent OrderedDict recipe <http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576693/>`_ |
| that runs on Python 2.4 or later. |
| |
| :class:`OrderedDict` Examples and Recipes |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Since an ordered dictionary remembers its insertion order, it can be used |
| in conjuction with sorting to make a sorted dictionary:: |
| |
| >>> # regular unsorted dictionary |
| >>> d = {'banana': 3, 'apple':4, 'pear': 1, 'orange': 2} |
| |
| >>> # dictionary sorted by key |
| >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) |
| OrderedDict([('apple', 4), ('banana', 3), ('orange', 2), ('pear', 1)]) |
| |
| >>> # dictionary sorted by value |
| >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) |
| OrderedDict([('pear', 1), ('orange', 2), ('banana', 3), ('apple', 4)]) |
| |
| >>> # dictionary sorted by length of the key string |
| >>> OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: len(t[0]))) |
| OrderedDict([('pear', 1), ('apple', 4), ('orange', 2), ('banana', 3)]) |
| |
| The new sorted dictionaries maintain their sort order when entries |
| are deleted. But when new keys are added, the keys are appended |
| to the end and the sort is not maintained. |
| |
| It is also straight-forward to create an ordered dictionary variant |
| that remembers the order the keys were *last* inserted. |
| If a new entry overwrites an existing entry, the |
| original insertion position is changed and moved to the end:: |
| |
| class LastUpdatedOrderedDict(OrderedDict): |
| 'Store items in the order the keys were last added' |
| |
| def __setitem__(self, key, value): |
| if key in self: |
| del self[key] |
| OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value) |
| |
| An ordered dictionary can be combined with the :class:`Counter` class |
| so that the counter remembers the order elements are first encountered:: |
| |
| class OrderedCounter(Counter, OrderedDict): |
| 'Counter that remembers the order elements are first encountered' |
| |
| def __repr__(self): |
| return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, OrderedDict(self)) |
| |
| def __reduce__(self): |
| return self.__class__, (OrderedDict(self),) |
| |
| |
| :class:`UserDict` objects |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| The class, :class:`UserDict` acts as a wrapper around dictionary objects. |
| The need for this class has been partially supplanted by the ability to |
| subclass directly from :class:`dict`; however, this class can be easier |
| to work with because the underlying dictionary is accessible as an |
| attribute. |
| |
| .. class:: UserDict([initialdata]) |
| |
| Class that simulates a dictionary. The instance's contents are kept in a |
| regular dictionary, which is accessible via the :attr:`data` attribute of |
| :class:`UserDict` instances. If *initialdata* is provided, :attr:`data` is |
| initialized with its contents; note that a reference to *initialdata* will not |
| be kept, allowing it be used for other purposes. |
| |
| In addition to supporting the methods and operations of mappings, |
| :class:`UserDict` instances provide the following attribute: |
| |
| .. attribute:: data |
| |
| A real dictionary used to store the contents of the :class:`UserDict` |
| class. |
| |
| |
| |
| :class:`UserList` objects |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| This class acts as a wrapper around list objects. It is a useful base class |
| for your own list-like classes which can inherit from them and override |
| existing methods or add new ones. In this way, one can add new behaviors to |
| lists. |
| |
| The need for this class has been partially supplanted by the ability to |
| subclass directly from :class:`list`; however, this class can be easier |
| to work with because the underlying list is accessible as an attribute. |
| |
| .. class:: UserList([list]) |
| |
| Class that simulates a list. The instance's contents are kept in a regular |
| list, which is accessible via the :attr:`data` attribute of :class:`UserList` |
| instances. The instance's contents are initially set to a copy of *list*, |
| defaulting to the empty list ``[]``. *list* can be any iterable, for |
| example a real Python list or a :class:`UserList` object. |
| |
| In addition to supporting the methods and operations of mutable sequences, |
| :class:`UserList` instances provide the following attribute: |
| |
| .. attribute:: data |
| |
| A real :class:`list` object used to store the contents of the |
| :class:`UserList` class. |
| |
| **Subclassing requirements:** Subclasses of :class:`UserList` are expect to |
| offer a constructor which can be called with either no arguments or one |
| argument. List operations which return a new sequence attempt to create an |
| instance of the actual implementation class. To do so, it assumes that the |
| constructor can be called with a single parameter, which is a sequence object |
| used as a data source. |
| |
| If a derived class does not wish to comply with this requirement, all of the |
| special methods supported by this class will need to be overridden; please |
| consult the sources for information about the methods which need to be provided |
| in that case. |
| |
| :class:`UserString` objects |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| The class, :class:`UserString` acts as a wrapper around string objects. |
| The need for this class has been partially supplanted by the ability to |
| subclass directly from :class:`str`; however, this class can be easier |
| to work with because the underlying string is accessible as an |
| attribute. |
| |
| .. class:: UserString([sequence]) |
| |
| Class that simulates a string or a Unicode string object. The instance's |
| content is kept in a regular string object, which is accessible via the |
| :attr:`data` attribute of :class:`UserString` instances. The instance's |
| contents are initially set to a copy of *sequence*. The *sequence* can |
| be an instance of :class:`bytes`, :class:`str`, :class:`UserString` (or a |
| subclass) or an arbitrary sequence which can be converted into a string using |
| the built-in :func:`str` function. |
| |
| |
| .. _collections-abstract-base-classes: |
| |
| ABCs - abstract base classes |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| The collections module offers the following :term:`ABCs <abstract base class>`: |
| |
| ========================= ===================== ====================== ==================================================== |
| ABC Inherits from Abstract Methods Mixin Methods |
| ========================= ===================== ====================== ==================================================== |
| :class:`Container` ``__contains__`` |
| :class:`Hashable` ``__hash__`` |
| :class:`Iterable` ``__iter__`` |
| :class:`Iterator` :class:`Iterable` ``__next__`` ``__iter__`` |
| :class:`Sized` ``__len__`` |
| :class:`Callable` ``__call__`` |
| |
| :class:`Sequence` :class:`Sized`, ``__getitem__`` ``__contains__``, ``__iter__``, ``__reversed__``, |
| :class:`Iterable`, ``index``, and ``count`` |
| :class:`Container` |
| |
| :class:`MutableSequence` :class:`Sequence` ``__setitem__``, Inherited :class:`Sequence` methods and |
| ``__delitem__``, ``append``, ``reverse``, ``extend``, ``pop``, |
| ``insert`` ``remove``, and ``__iadd__`` |
| |
| :class:`Set` :class:`Sized`, ``__le__``, ``__lt__``, ``__eq__``, ``__ne__``, |
| :class:`Iterable`, ``__gt__``, ``__ge__``, ``__and__``, ``__or__``, |
| :class:`Container` ``__sub__``, ``__xor__``, and ``isdisjoint`` |
| |
| :class:`MutableSet` :class:`Set` ``add``, Inherited :class:`Set` methods and |
| ``discard`` ``clear``, ``pop``, ``remove``, ``__ior__``, |
| ``__iand__``, ``__ixor__``, and ``__isub__`` |
| |
| :class:`Mapping` :class:`Sized`, ``__getitem__`` ``__contains__``, ``keys``, ``items``, ``values``, |
| :class:`Iterable`, ``get``, ``__eq__``, and ``__ne__`` |
| :class:`Container` |
| |
| :class:`MutableMapping` :class:`Mapping` ``__setitem__``, Inherited :class:`Mapping` methods and |
| ``__delitem__`` ``pop``, ``popitem``, ``clear``, ``update``, |
| and ``setdefault`` |
| |
| |
| :class:`MappingView` :class:`Sized` ``__len__`` |
| :class:`ItemsView` :class:`MappingView`, ``__contains__``, |
| :class:`Set` ``__iter__`` |
| :class:`KeysView` :class:`MappingView`, ``__contains__``, |
| :class:`Set` ``__iter__`` |
| :class:`ValuesView` :class:`MappingView` ``__contains__``, ``__iter__`` |
| ========================= ===================== ====================== ==================================================== |
| |
| |
| .. class:: Container |
| Hashable |
| Sized |
| Callable |
| |
| ABCs for classes that provide respectively the methods :meth:`__contains__`, |
| :meth:`__hash__`, :meth:`__len__`, and :meth:`__call__`. |
| |
| .. class:: Iterable |
| |
| ABC for classes that provide the :meth:`__iter__` method. |
| See also the definition of :term:`iterable`. |
| |
| .. class:: Iterator |
| |
| ABC for classes that provide the :meth:`__iter__` and :meth:`__next__` methods. |
| See also the definition of :term:`iterator`. |
| |
| .. class:: Sequence |
| MutableSequence |
| |
| ABCs for read-only and mutable :term:`sequences <sequence>`. |
| |
| .. class:: Set |
| MutableSet |
| |
| ABCs for read-only and mutable sets. |
| |
| .. class:: Mapping |
| MutableMapping |
| |
| ABCs for read-only and mutable :term:`mappings <mapping>`. |
| |
| .. class:: MappingView |
| ItemsView |
| KeysView |
| ValuesView |
| |
| ABCs for mapping, items, keys, and values :term:`views <view>`. |
| |
| |
| These ABCs allow us to ask classes or instances if they provide |
| particular functionality, for example:: |
| |
| size = None |
| if isinstance(myvar, collections.Sized): |
| size = len(myvar) |
| |
| Several of the ABCs are also useful as mixins that make it easier to develop |
| classes supporting container APIs. For example, to write a class supporting |
| the full :class:`Set` API, it only necessary to supply the three underlying |
| abstract methods: :meth:`__contains__`, :meth:`__iter__`, and :meth:`__len__`. |
| The ABC supplies the remaining methods such as :meth:`__and__` and |
| :meth:`isdisjoint` :: |
| |
| class ListBasedSet(collections.Set): |
| ''' Alternate set implementation favoring space over speed |
| and not requiring the set elements to be hashable. ''' |
| def __init__(self, iterable): |
| self.elements = lst = [] |
| for value in iterable: |
| if value not in lst: |
| lst.append(value) |
| def __iter__(self): |
| return iter(self.elements) |
| def __contains__(self, value): |
| return value in self.elements |
| def __len__(self): |
| return len(self.elements) |
| |
| s1 = ListBasedSet('abcdef') |
| s2 = ListBasedSet('defghi') |
| overlap = s1 & s2 # The __and__() method is supported automatically |
| |
| Notes on using :class:`Set` and :class:`MutableSet` as a mixin: |
| |
| (1) |
| Since some set operations create new sets, the default mixin methods need |
| a way to create new instances from an iterable. The class constructor is |
| assumed to have a signature in the form ``ClassName(iterable)``. |
| That assumption is factored-out to an internal classmethod called |
| :meth:`_from_iterable` which calls ``cls(iterable)`` to produce a new set. |
| If the :class:`Set` mixin is being used in a class with a different |
| constructor signature, you will need to override :meth:`_from_iterable` |
| with a classmethod that can construct new instances from |
| an iterable argument. |
| |
| (2) |
| To override the comparisons (presumably for speed, as the |
| semantics are fixed), redefine :meth:`__le__` and |
| then the other operations will automatically follow suit. |
| |
| (3) |
| The :class:`Set` mixin provides a :meth:`_hash` method to compute a hash value |
| for the set; however, :meth:`__hash__` is not defined because not all sets |
| are hashable or immutable. To add set hashabilty using mixins, |
| inherit from both :meth:`Set` and :meth:`Hashable`, then define |
| ``__hash__ = Set._hash``. |
| |
| .. seealso:: |
| |
| * `OrderedSet recipe <http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576694/>`_ for an |
| example built on :class:`MutableSet`. |
| |
| * For more about ABCs, see the :mod:`abc` module and :pep:`3119`. |