blob: 146ba7fcd9f0ea6b0cd5e82b813d31129575b0d7 [file] [log] [blame]
\chapter{Undocumented Modules \label{undoc}}
Here's a quick listing of modules that are currently undocumented, but
that should be documented. Feel free to contribute documentation for
them! (Send via email to \email{}.)
The idea and original contents for this chapter were taken
from a posting by Fredrik Lundh; the specific contents of this chapter
have been substantially revised.
Frameworks tend to be harder to document, but are well worth the
effort spent.
\item None at this time.
\section{Miscellaneous useful utilities}
Some of these are very old and/or not very robust; marked with ``hmm.''
--- A generic Python debugger base class (used by pdb).
--- Import hook support (for \refmodule{rexec}; may become obsolete).
\section{Platform specific modules}
These modules are used to implement the \refmodule{os.path} module,
and are not documented beyond this mention. There's little need to
document these.
--- Implementation of \module{os.path} on Win32, Win64, WinCE, and
OS/2 platforms.
--- Implementation of \module{os.path} on \POSIX.
--- Platform-independent API for playing audio data.
--- Play audio data on the Linux audio device. Replaced in Python 2.3
by the \module{ossaudiodev} module.
--- Interpret Sun audio headers (may become obsolete or a tool/demo).
--- Convert "arbitrary" sound files to AIFF files; should probably
become a tool or demo. Requires the external program \program{sox}.
\section{Obsolete \label{obsolete-modules}}
These modules are not normally available for import; additional work
must be done to make them available.
%%% lib-old is empty as of Python 2.5
% Those which are written in Python will be installed into the directory
% \file{lib-old/} installed as part of the standard library. To use
% these, the directory must be added to \code{sys.path}, possibly using
% \envvar{PYTHONPATH}.
These extension modules written in C are not built by default.
Under \UNIX, these must be enabled by uncommenting the appropriate
lines in \file{Modules/Setup} in the build tree and either rebuilding
Python if the modules are statically linked, or building and
installing the shared object if using dynamically-loaded extensions.
% XXX need Windows instructions!
--- This section should be empty for Python 3.0.