| # LogoMation-like turtle graphics |
| |
| from math import * # Also for export |
| import Tkinter |
| |
| class Error(Exception): |
| pass |
| |
| class RawPen: |
| |
| def __init__(self, canvas): |
| self._canvas = canvas |
| self._items = [] |
| self._tracing = 1 |
| self._arrow = 0 |
| self.degrees() |
| self.reset() |
| |
| def degrees(self, fullcircle=360.0): |
| self._fullcircle = fullcircle |
| self._invradian = pi / (fullcircle * 0.5) |
| |
| def radians(self): |
| self.degrees(2.0*pi) |
| |
| def reset(self): |
| canvas = self._canvas |
| self._canvas.update() |
| width = canvas.winfo_width() |
| height = canvas.winfo_height() |
| if width <= 1: |
| width = canvas['width'] |
| if height <= 1: |
| height = canvas['height'] |
| self._origin = float(width)/2.0, float(height)/2.0 |
| self._position = self._origin |
| self._angle = 0.0 |
| self._drawing = 1 |
| self._width = 1 |
| self._color = "black" |
| self._filling = 0 |
| self._path = [] |
| self._tofill = [] |
| self.clear() |
| canvas._root().tkraise() |
| |
| def clear(self): |
| self.fill(0) |
| canvas = self._canvas |
| items = self._items |
| self._items = [] |
| for item in items: |
| canvas.delete(item) |
| self._delete_turtle() |
| self._draw_turtle() |
| |
| def tracer(self, flag): |
| self._tracing = flag |
| if not self._tracing: |
| self._delete_turtle() |
| self._draw_turtle() |
| |
| def forward(self, distance): |
| x0, y0 = start = self._position |
| x1 = x0 + distance * cos(self._angle*self._invradian) |
| y1 = y0 - distance * sin(self._angle*self._invradian) |
| self._goto(x1, y1) |
| |
| def backward(self, distance): |
| self.forward(-distance) |
| |
| def left(self, angle): |
| self._angle = (self._angle + angle) % self._fullcircle |
| self._draw_turtle() |
| |
| def right(self, angle): |
| self.left(-angle) |
| |
| def up(self): |
| self._drawing = 0 |
| |
| def down(self): |
| self._drawing = 1 |
| |
| def width(self, width): |
| self._width = float(width) |
| |
| def color(self, *args): |
| if not args: |
| raise Error, "no color arguments" |
| if len(args) == 1: |
| color = args[0] |
| if type(color) == type(""): |
| # Test the color first |
| try: |
| id = self._canvas.create_line(0, 0, 0, 0, fill=color) |
| except Tkinter.TclError: |
| raise Error, "bad color string: %s" % `color` |
| self._set_color(color) |
| return |
| try: |
| r, g, b = color |
| except: |
| raise Error, "bad color sequence: %s" % `color` |
| else: |
| try: |
| r, g, b = args |
| except: |
| raise Error, "bad color arguments: %s" % `args` |
| assert 0 <= r <= 1 |
| assert 0 <= g <= 1 |
| assert 0 <= b <= 1 |
| x = 255.0 |
| y = 0.5 |
| self._set_color("#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(r*x+y), int(g*x+y), int(b*x+y))) |
| |
| def _set_color(self,color): |
| self._color = color |
| self._draw_turtle() |
| |
| def write(self, arg, move=0): |
| x, y = start = self._position |
| x = x-1 # correction -- calibrated for Windows |
| item = self._canvas.create_text(x, y, |
| text=str(arg), anchor="sw", |
| fill=self._color) |
| self._items.append(item) |
| if move: |
| x0, y0, x1, y1 = self._canvas.bbox(item) |
| self._goto(x1, y1) |
| self._draw_turtle() |
| |
| def fill(self, flag): |
| if self._filling: |
| path = tuple(self._path) |
| smooth = self._filling < 0 |
| if len(path) > 2: |
| item = self._canvas._create('polygon', path, |
| {'fill': self._color, |
| 'smooth': smooth}) |
| self._items.append(item) |
| self._canvas.lower(item) |
| if self._tofill: |
| for item in self._tofill: |
| self._canvas.itemconfigure(item, fill=self._color) |
| self._items.append(item) |
| self._path = [] |
| self._tofill = [] |
| self._filling = flag |
| if flag: |
| self._path.append(self._position) |
| |
| def circle(self, radius, extent=None): |
| if extent is None: |
| extent = self._fullcircle |
| x0, y0 = self._position |
| xc = x0 - radius * sin(self._angle * self._invradian) |
| yc = y0 - radius * cos(self._angle * self._invradian) |
| if radius >= 0.0: |
| start = self._angle - 90.0 |
| else: |
| start = self._angle + 90.0 |
| extent = -extent |
| if self._filling: |
| if abs(extent) >= self._fullcircle: |
| item = self._canvas.create_oval(xc-radius, yc-radius, |
| xc+radius, yc+radius, |
| width=self._width, |
| outline="") |
| self._tofill.append(item) |
| item = self._canvas.create_arc(xc-radius, yc-radius, |
| xc+radius, yc+radius, |
| style="chord", |
| start=start, |
| extent=extent, |
| width=self._width, |
| outline="") |
| self._tofill.append(item) |
| if self._drawing: |
| if abs(extent) >= self._fullcircle: |
| item = self._canvas.create_oval(xc-radius, yc-radius, |
| xc+radius, yc+radius, |
| width=self._width, |
| outline=self._color) |
| self._items.append(item) |
| item = self._canvas.create_arc(xc-radius, yc-radius, |
| xc+radius, yc+radius, |
| style="arc", |
| start=start, |
| extent=extent, |
| width=self._width, |
| outline=self._color) |
| self._items.append(item) |
| angle = start + extent |
| x1 = xc + abs(radius) * cos(angle * self._invradian) |
| y1 = yc - abs(radius) * sin(angle * self._invradian) |
| self._angle = (self._angle + extent) % self._fullcircle |
| self._position = x1, y1 |
| if self._filling: |
| self._path.append(self._position) |
| self._draw_turtle() |
| |
| def heading(self): |
| return self._angle |
| |
| def setheading(self, angle): |
| self._angle = angle |
| self._draw_turtle() |
| |
| def window_width(self): |
| width = self._canvas.winfo_width() |
| if width <= 1: # the window isn't managed by a geometry manager |
| width = self._canvas['width'] |
| return width |
| |
| def window_height(self): |
| height = self._canvas.winfo_height() |
| if height <= 1: # the window isn't managed by a geometry manager |
| height = self._canvas['height'] |
| return height |
| |
| def position(self): |
| x0, y0 = self._origin |
| x1, y1 = self._position |
| return [x1-x0, -y1+y0] |
| |
| def setx(self, xpos): |
| x0, y0 = self._origin |
| x1, y1 = self._position |
| self._goto(x0+xpos, y1) |
| |
| def sety(self, ypos): |
| x0, y0 = self._origin |
| x1, y1 = self._position |
| self._goto(x1, y0-ypos) |
| |
| def goto(self, *args): |
| if len(args) == 1: |
| try: |
| x, y = args[0] |
| except: |
| raise Error, "bad point argument: %s" % `args[0]` |
| else: |
| try: |
| x, y = args |
| except: |
| raise Error, "bad coordinates: %s" % `args[0]` |
| x0, y0 = self._origin |
| self._goto(x0+x, y0-y) |
| |
| def _goto(self, x1, y1): |
| x0, y0 = start = self._position |
| self._position = map(float, (x1, y1)) |
| if self._filling: |
| self._path.append(self._position) |
| if self._drawing: |
| if self._tracing: |
| dx = float(x1 - x0) |
| dy = float(y1 - y0) |
| distance = hypot(dx, dy) |
| nhops = int(distance) |
| item = self._canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x0, y0, |
| width=self._width, |
| capstyle="round", |
| fill=self._color) |
| try: |
| for i in range(1, 1+nhops): |
| x, y = x0 + dx*i/nhops, y0 + dy*i/nhops |
| self._canvas.coords(item, x0, y0, x, y) |
| self._draw_turtle((x,y)) |
| self._canvas.update() |
| self._canvas.after(10) |
| # in case nhops==0 |
| self._canvas.coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1) |
| self._canvas.itemconfigure(item, arrow="none") |
| except Tkinter.TclError: |
| # Probably the window was closed! |
| return |
| else: |
| item = self._canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, |
| width=self._width, |
| capstyle="round", |
| fill=self._color) |
| self._items.append(item) |
| self._draw_turtle() |
| |
| def _draw_turtle(self,position=[]): |
| if not self._tracing: |
| return |
| if position == []: |
| position = self._position |
| x,y = position |
| distance = 8 |
| dx = distance * cos(self._angle*self._invradian) |
| dy = distance * sin(self._angle*self._invradian) |
| self._delete_turtle() |
| self._arrow = self._canvas.create_line(x-dx,y+dy,x,y, |
| width=self._width, |
| arrow="last", |
| capstyle="round", |
| fill=self._color) |
| self._canvas.update() |
| |
| def _delete_turtle(self): |
| if self._arrow != 0: |
| self._canvas.delete(self._arrow) |
| self._arrow = 0 |
| |
| |
| |
| _root = None |
| _canvas = None |
| _pen = None |
| |
| class Pen(RawPen): |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| global _root, _canvas |
| if _root is None: |
| _root = Tkinter.Tk() |
| _root.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self._destroy) |
| if _canvas is None: |
| # XXX Should have scroll bars |
| _canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(_root, background="white") |
| _canvas.pack(expand=1, fill="both") |
| RawPen.__init__(self, _canvas) |
| |
| def _destroy(self): |
| global _root, _canvas, _pen |
| root = self._canvas._root() |
| if root is _root: |
| _pen = None |
| _root = None |
| _canvas = None |
| root.destroy() |
| |
| |
| def _getpen(): |
| global _pen |
| pen = _pen |
| if not pen: |
| _pen = pen = Pen() |
| return pen |
| |
| def degrees(): _getpen().degrees() |
| def radians(): _getpen().radians() |
| def reset(): _getpen().reset() |
| def clear(): _getpen().clear() |
| def tracer(flag): _getpen().tracer(flag) |
| def forward(distance): _getpen().forward(distance) |
| def backward(distance): _getpen().backward(distance) |
| def left(angle): _getpen().left(angle) |
| def right(angle): _getpen().right(angle) |
| def up(): _getpen().up() |
| def down(): _getpen().down() |
| def width(width): _getpen().width(width) |
| def color(*args): apply(_getpen().color, args) |
| def write(arg, move=0): _getpen().write(arg, move) |
| def fill(flag): _getpen().fill(flag) |
| def circle(radius, extent=None): _getpen().circle(radius, extent) |
| def goto(*args): apply(_getpen().goto, args) |
| def heading(): return _getpen().heading() |
| def setheading(angle): _getpen().setheading(angle) |
| def position(): return _getpen().position() |
| def window_width(): return _getpen().window_width() |
| def window_height(): return _getpen().window_height() |
| def setx(xpos): _getpen().setx(xpos) |
| def sety(ypos): _getpen().sety(ypos) |
| |
| def demo(): |
| reset() |
| tracer(1) |
| up() |
| backward(100) |
| down() |
| # draw 3 squares; the last filled |
| width(3) |
| for i in range(3): |
| if i == 2: |
| fill(1) |
| for j in range(4): |
| forward(20) |
| left(90) |
| if i == 2: |
| color("maroon") |
| fill(0) |
| up() |
| forward(30) |
| down() |
| width(1) |
| color("black") |
| # move out of the way |
| tracer(0) |
| up() |
| right(90) |
| forward(100) |
| right(90) |
| forward(100) |
| right(180) |
| down() |
| # some text |
| write("startstart", 1) |
| write("start", 1) |
| color("red") |
| # staircase |
| for i in range(5): |
| forward(20) |
| left(90) |
| forward(20) |
| right(90) |
| # filled staircase |
| fill(1) |
| for i in range(5): |
| forward(20) |
| left(90) |
| forward(20) |
| right(90) |
| fill(0) |
| # more text |
| write("end") |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| _root.mainloop() |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| demo() |