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Guido van Rossum2bd358c1997-11-05 17:15:02 +00001Announcing Python
3Python, a mature, powerful and stable programming language used by
4tens of thousands of programmers worldwide, has arrived in full force
5at the heart of Windows 95 and Windows NT. Toting the powerful
6toolbox which has made it such a sucess on almost every modern
7operating system, Python for Windows has embraced the metaphors and
8resources of its new home and turned them into powerful tools within
9the Python language.
11Python's wrapper-around-a-tool metaphor allows it to provide a
12well-formed handle for manipulating the technologies which MicroSoft
13provides to the programmer. These tools include:
15- Office automation and customisation through ActiveX and COM Scripting
16- Networking services
17- Remote access services
18- Performance monitoring
19- Registry maintenance
20- Database interaction through both ODBC and native database drivers
22In addition, Python provides access to the standard
23application-building libraries, the MicroSoft Foundation Classes.
25Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive, object-oriented
26programming language. It provides the modern features programmer's
27expect or desire, modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, high-level
28dynamic data types, and classes. It combines remarkable power with
29clear syntax, and easy extension.
31It is easy to extend Python by adding new, compiled tools to the
32language. The compiling of extensions into the language toolbox
33mitigates the overhead of interpretation, while the ability to mix
34compiled and interpretted code promotes rapid application
35development. In addition, it is possible to embed Python itself as a
36tool in your applications, an easily understood and readily learned
37extension language.
39(Should be some sort of bridge between the ideas of extending and the
40ideas of already-available tools, but I have to start work soon...)
42Python's extensive, portable toolbox, available on Windows, most
43Unixes, MacOS, DOS, and OS/2 includes a host of powerful tools which
44are now easily available to Windows programmers. These include:
46- TCP/IP socket support
47- CGI Forms Processing for the World-wide web
48- Clients and servers for (among others) the HTTP and FTP protocols
49- Powerful text manipulation facilities
50- Powerful (optional) numeric and image manipulation facilities
52One of the most exciting of Python for Windows' new tools is
53COM/ActiveX support. This tool allows Python to act as both server
54and client to any COM-capable application or language, a group that
55includes MSOffice, CorelDraw, MS Active Server Pages, Netscape
56Communicator, MS Internet Explorer, Delphi, Visual Basic and Visual
59Client support allows Python to drive these applications (or
60applications written in these languages), automating tasks, importing
61or exporting data, customising environments and processing
62information. Server support allows Python to be driven in a similar
63manner, to provide access to its tools to any application capable of
64calling a COM object.
66> Python's dynamism, flexibility, object oriented features, and
67> ease of use make it a powerful and useful alternative to Java,
68> Visual Basic, and compiled languages such as Delphi or C++.
69> Simply put Python offers the simplest and most powerful way
70> to solve many important programming and system administration
71> tasks in the ActiveX/COM environment."
73It is, however, Python which is the star of Python for Windows.
74Over seven years old, Python has long been a favourite of Web
75Masters, Python is a clear, easily learned and understood language
76with features that lend themselves to developing rapid, robust,
77dynamic solutions. It is being used to solve problems in many large
78organisations, notably including ... (insert notes here). It is
79enthusiastically supported through public newsgroups and mailing
80lists frequented by a large number of Python enthusiasts. Python
81arguably provides the best support of any free language available.