blob: 0f16a2f6b6d904eb0ac401757ffcfacfa4bbd883 [file] [log] [blame]
Georg Brandlfe7b00f2012-10-06 13:49:34 +02001:mod:`http` --- HTTP modules
Serhiy Storchakae4db7692014-12-23 16:28:28 +02004.. module:: http
5 :synopsis: HTTP status codes and messages
7.. index::
8 pair: HTTP; protocol
9 single: HTTP; http (standard module)
11**Source code:** :source:`Lib/http/`
13:mod:`http` is a also package that collects several modules for working with the
Georg Brandlfe7b00f2012-10-06 13:49:34 +020014HyperText Transfer Protocol:
16* :mod:`http.client` is a low-level HTTP protocol client; for high-level URL
17 opening use :mod:`urllib.request`
18* :mod:`http.server` contains basic HTTP server classes based on :mod:`socketserver`
19* :mod:`http.cookies` has utilities for implementing state management with cookies
20* :mod:`http.cookiejar` provides persistence of cookies
Serhiy Storchakae4db7692014-12-23 16:28:28 +020021
22:mod:`http` is also a module that defines a number of HTTP status codes and
23associated messages through the :class:`http.HTTPStatus` enum:
25.. class:: HTTPStatus
Berker Peksagbe6a5da2014-12-25 14:14:09 +020027 .. versionadded:: 3.5
Serhiy Storchakae4db7692014-12-23 16:28:28 +020029 A subclass of :class:`enum.IntEnum` that defines a set of HTTP status codes,
30 reason phrases and long descriptions written in English.
32 Usage::
34 >>> from http import HTTPStatus
35 >>> HTTPStatus.OK
36 <HTTPStatus.OK: 200>
37 >>> HTTPStatus.OK == 200
38 True
39 >>> http.HTTPStatus.OK.value
40 200
41 >>> HTTPStatus.OK.phrase
42 'OK'
43 >>> HTTPStatus.OK.description
44 'Request fulfilled, document follows'
45 >>> list(HTTPStatus)
46 [<HTTPStatus.CONTINUE: 100>, <HTTPStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: 101>, ...]
Serhiy Storchakae4db7692014-12-23 16:28:28 +020048 The supported HTTP status codes are:
50 === ==============================
51 100 Continue
52 101 Switching Protocols
53 102 Processing
54 200 OK
55 201 Created
56 202 Accepted
57 203 Non-Authoritative Information
58 204 No Content
59 205 Reset Content
60 206 Partial Content
61 207 Multi-Status
62 208 Already Reported
63 226 IM Used
64 300 Multiple Choices
65 301 Moved Permanently
66 302 Found
67 303 See Other
68 304 Not Modified
69 305 Use Proxy
70 306 Switch Proxy
71 307 Temporary Redirect
72 308 Permanent Redirect
73 400 Bad Request
74 401 Unauthorized
75 402 Payment Required
76 403 Forbidden
77 404 Not Found
78 405 Method Not Allowed
79 406 Not Acceptable
80 407 Proxy Authentication Required
81 408 Request Timeout
82 409 Conflict
83 410 Gone
84 411 Length Required
85 412 Precondition Failed
86 413 Request Entity Too Large
87 414 Request URI Too Long
88 415 Unsupported Media Type
89 416 Request Range Not Satisfiable
90 417 Expectation Failed
91 418 I'm a teapot
92 419 Authentication Timeout
93 420 Method Failure *(Spring framework)*
94 422 Unprocessable Entity
95 423 Locked
96 424 Failed Dependency
97 426 Upgrade Required
98 428 Precondition Required
99 429 Too Many Requests
100 431 Request Header Field Too Large
101 440 Login Timeout *(Microsoft)*
102 444 No Response *(Nginx)*
103 449 Retry With *(Microsoft)*
104 450 Blocked By Windows Parental Controls *(Microsoft)*
105 494 Request Header Too Large *(Nginx)*
106 495 Cert Error *(Nginx)*
107 496 No Cert *(Nginx)*
108 497 HTTP To HTTPS *(Nginx)*
109 499 Client Closed Request *(Nginx)*
110 500 Internal Server Error
111 501 Not Implemented
112 502 Bad Gateway
113 503 Service Unavailable
114 504 Gateway Timeout
115 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
116 506 Variant Also Negotiates
117 507 Insufficient Storage
118 508 Loop Detected
119 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
120 510 Not Extended
121 511 Network Authentication Required
122 520 Origin Error *(CloudFlare)*
123 521 Web Server Is Down *(CloudFlare)*
124 522 Connection Timed Out *(CloudFlare)*
125 523 Proxy Declined Request *(CloudFlare)*
126 524 A Timeout Occurred *(CloudFlare)*
127 598 Network Read Timeout Error
128 599 Network Connect Timeout Error
129 === ==============================