blob: a84a36a8be406a9db9c53e6368d685281766e5fd [file] [log] [blame]
# incoming PRs from yoshi-code-bot
- author: "yoshi-code-bot"
# Title for PRs from yoshi-code-bot MUST start with `chore: Update discovery artifacts`.
# Title must be regex.
title: "^chore: Update discovery artifacts"
# The only changed file paths in an incoming PR MUST be exactly
# `"^docs/dyn/$"` or follow either one of these patterns `"docs/dyn/*.html"`
# or `"googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/*.json"` . These are
# listed in regex. If this property is omitted, auto-approve bot will allow PRs
# that match the author and title to merge, without checking the file paths.
- "^docs/dyn/$"
- "^docs/dyn/.*\\.html$"
- "^googleapiclient/discovery_cache/documents/.*\\.json$"