blob: 6847053920a7d0e7cf9bc3b59cc83ea246988854 [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1><a href="datacatalog_v1.html">Google Cloud Data Catalog API</a> . <a href="datacatalog_v1.projects.html">projects</a> . <a href="datacatalog_v1.projects.locations.html">locations</a> . <a href="datacatalog_v1.projects.locations.tagTemplates.html">tagTemplates</a> . <a href="datacatalog_v1.projects.locations.tagTemplates.fields.html">fields</a> . <a href="datacatalog_v1.projects.locations.tagTemplates.fields.enumValues.html">enumValues</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#close">close()</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Close httplib2 connections.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#rename">rename(name, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Renames an enum value in a tag template. Within a single enum field, enum values must be unique.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="close">close()</code>
<pre>Close httplib2 connections.</pre>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="rename">rename(name, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Renames an enum value in a tag template. Within a single enum field, enum values must be unique.
name: string, Required. The name of the enum field value. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # Request message for RenameTagTemplateFieldEnumValue.
&quot;newEnumValueDisplayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Required. The new display name of the enum value. For example, `my_new_enum_value`.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # The template for an individual field within a tag template.
&quot;description&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The description for this field. Defaults to an empty string.
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The display name for this field. Defaults to an empty string. The name must contain only Unicode letters, numbers (0-9), underscores (_), dashes (-), spaces ( ), and can&#x27;t start or end with spaces. The maximum length is 200 characters.
&quot;isRequired&quot;: True or False, # If true, this field is required. Defaults to false.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The resource name of the tag template field in URL format. Example: `projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{LOCATION}/tagTemplates/{TAG_TEMPLATE}/fields/{FIELD}` Note: The tag template field itself might not be stored in the location specified in its name. The name must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), or underscores (_), and must start with a letter or underscore. The maximum length is 64 characters.
&quot;order&quot;: 42, # The order of this field with respect to other fields in this tag template. For example, a higher value can indicate a more important field. The value can be negative. Multiple fields can have the same order and field orders within a tag don&#x27;t have to be sequential.
&quot;type&quot;: { # Required. The type of value this tag field can contain.
&quot;enumType&quot;: { # An enum type.
&quot;allowedValues&quot;: [ # The set of allowed values for this enum. This set must not be empty and can include up to 100 allowed values. The display names of the values in this set must not be empty and must be case-insensitively unique within this set. The order of items in this set is preserved. This field can be used to create, remove, and reorder enum values. To rename enum values, use the `RenameTagTemplateFieldEnumValue` method.
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Required. The display name of the enum value. Must not be an empty string. The name must contain only Unicode letters, numbers (0-9), underscores (_), dashes (-), spaces ( ), and can&#x27;t start or end with spaces. The maximum length is 200 characters.
&quot;primitiveType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Primitive types, such as string, boolean, etc.