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<h1><a href="cloudresourcemanager_v1.html">Cloud Resource Manager API</a> . <a href="cloudresourcemanager_v1.folders.html">folders</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#clearOrgPolicy">clearOrgPolicy(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Clears a `Policy` from a resource.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#close">close()</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Close httplib2 connections.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#getEffectiveOrgPolicy">getEffectiveOrgPolicy(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Gets the effective `Policy` on a resource. This is the result of merging `Policies` in the resource hierarchy. The returned `Policy` will not have an `etag`set because it is a computed `Policy` across multiple resources. Subtrees of Resource Manager resource hierarchy with 'under:' prefix will not be expanded.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#getOrgPolicy">getOrgPolicy(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Gets a `Policy` on a resource. If no `Policy` is set on the resource, a `Policy` is returned with default values including `POLICY_TYPE_NOT_SET` for the `policy_type oneof`. The `etag` value can be used with `SetOrgPolicy()` to create or update a `Policy` during read-modify-write.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#listAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints">listAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Lists `Constraints` that could be applied on the specified resource.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#listAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints_next">listAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#listOrgPolicies">listOrgPolicies(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Lists all the `Policies` set for a particular resource.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#listOrgPolicies_next">listOrgPolicies_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#setOrgPolicy">setOrgPolicy(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Updates the specified `Policy` on the resource. Creates a new `Policy` for that `Constraint` on the resource if one does not exist. Not supplying an `etag` on the request `Policy` results in an unconditional write of the `Policy`.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="clearOrgPolicy">clearOrgPolicy(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Clears a `Policy` from a resource.
resource: string, Name of the resource for the `Policy` to clear. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # The request sent to the ClearOrgPolicy method.
&quot;constraint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the `Constraint` of the `Policy` to clear.
&quot;etag&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The current version, for concurrency control. Not sending an `etag` will cause the `Policy` to be cleared blindly.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="close">close()</code>
<pre>Close httplib2 connections.</pre>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="getEffectiveOrgPolicy">getEffectiveOrgPolicy(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Gets the effective `Policy` on a resource. This is the result of merging `Policies` in the resource hierarchy. The returned `Policy` will not have an `etag`set because it is a computed `Policy` across multiple resources. Subtrees of Resource Manager resource hierarchy with &#x27;under:&#x27; prefix will not be expanded.
resource: string, The name of the resource to start computing the effective `Policy`. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # The request sent to the GetEffectiveOrgPolicy method.
&quot;constraint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the `Constraint` to compute the effective `Policy`.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # Defines a Cloud Organization `Policy` which is used to specify `Constraints` for configurations of Cloud Platform resources.
&quot;booleanPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `boolean_policy` will behave at this resource. # For boolean `Constraints`, whether to enforce the `Constraint` or not.
&quot;enforced&quot;: True or False, # If `true`, then the `Policy` is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. Suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/compute.disableSerialPortAccess` with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. A `Policy` for that `Constraint` exhibits the following behavior: - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `false`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `true`, serial port connection attempts will be refused. - If the `Policy` at this resource is `RestoreDefault`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource or anywhere higher in the resource hierarchy, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource, but one exists higher in the resource hierarchy, the behavior is as if the`Policy` were set at this resource. The following examples demonstrate the different possible layerings: Example 1 (nearest `Constraint` wins): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The constraint at `projects/bar` and `organizations/foo` will not be enforced. Example 2 (enforcement gets replaced): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is not enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is enforced. Example 3 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {RestoreDefault: {}} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is not enforced, because `constraint_default` for the `Constraint` is `ALLOW`.
&quot;constraint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the `Constraint` the `Policy` is configuring, for example, `constraints/`. A [list of available constraints](/resource-manager/docs/organization-policy/org-policy-constraints) is available. Immutable after creation.
&quot;etag&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the `Policy`, used for concurrency control. When the `Policy` is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListOrgPolicy` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current `Policy` to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the `Policy` is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset. When the `Policy` is used in a `SetOrgPolicy` method, use the `etag` value that was returned from a `GetOrgPolicy` request as part of a read-modify-write loop for concurrency control. Not setting the `etag`in a `SetOrgPolicy` request will result in an unconditional write of the `Policy`.
&quot;listPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `list_policy` behaves at this resource. `ListPolicy` can define specific values and subtrees of Cloud Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied by setting the `allowed_values` and `denied_values` fields. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a &quot;:&quot;. Values prefixed with &quot;is:&quot; are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - &quot;projects/&quot;, e.g. &quot;projects/tokyo-rain-123&quot; - &quot;folders/&quot;, e.g. &quot;folders/1234&quot; - &quot;organizations/&quot;, e.g. &quot;organizations/1234&quot; The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. You can set `allowed_values` and `denied_values` in the same `Policy` if `all_values` is `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`. `ALLOW` or `DENY` are used to allow or deny all values. If `all_values` is set to either `ALLOW` or `DENY`, `allowed_values` and `denied_values` must be unset. # List of values either allowed or disallowed.
&quot;allValues&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The policy all_values state.
&quot;allowedValues&quot;: [ # List of values allowed at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;deniedValues&quot;: [ # List of values denied at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;inheritFromParent&quot;: True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this `Policy`. By default, a `ListPolicy` set at a resource supersedes any `Policy` set anywhere up the resource hierarchy. However, if `inherit_from_parent` is set to `true`, then the values from the effective `Policy` of the parent resource are inherited, meaning the values set in this `Policy` are added to the values inherited up the hierarchy. Setting `Policy` hierarchies that inherit both allowed values and denied values isn&#x27;t recommended in most circumstances to keep the configuration simple and understandable. However, it is possible to set a `Policy` with `allowed_values` set that inherits a `Policy` with `denied_values` set. In this case, the values that are allowed must be in `allowed_values` and not present in `denied_values`. For example, suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/`, which has a `constraint_type` of `list_constraint`, and with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. Suppose that at the Organization level, a `Policy` is applied that restricts the allowed API activations to {`E1`, `E2`}. Then, if a `Policy` is applied to a project below the Organization that has `inherit_from_parent` set to `false` and field all_values set to DENY, then an attempt to activate any API will be denied. The following examples demonstrate different possible layerings for `projects/bar` parented by `organizations/foo`: Example 1 (no inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has `inherit_from_parent` `false` and values: {allowed_values: &quot;E3&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E4&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E3`, and `E4`. Example 2 (inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {value: &quot;E3&quot; value: &quot;E4&quot; inherit_from_parent: true} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E1`, `E2`, `E3`, and `E4`. Example 3 (inheriting both allowed and denied values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {denied_values: &quot;E1&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The value accepted at `projects/bar` is `E2`. Example 4 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {RestoreDefault: {}} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 5 (no policy inherits parent policy): `organizations/foo` has no `Policy` set. `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The accepted values at both levels are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 6 (ListConstraint allowing all): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: ALLOW} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. Any value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 7 (ListConstraint allowing none): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: DENY} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. No value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 10 (allowed and denied subtrees of Resource Manager hierarchy): Given the following resource hierarchy O1-&gt;{F1, F2}; F1-&gt;{P1}; F2-&gt;{P2, P3}, `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;under:organizations/O1&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {allowed_values: &quot;under:projects/P3&quot;} {denied_values: &quot;under:folders/F2&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `folders/F2`, `projects/P1`, `projects/P2`, `projects/P3`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `projects/P1`.
&quot;suggestedValue&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Optional. The Google Cloud Console will try to default to a configuration that matches the value specified in this `Policy`. If `suggested_value` is not set, it will inherit the value specified higher in the hierarchy, unless `inherit_from_parent` is `false`.
&quot;restoreDefault&quot;: { # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific `Constraint` at this resource. Suppose that `constraint_default` is set to `ALLOW` for the `Constraint` `constraints/`. Suppose that organization sets a `Policy` at their Organization resource node that restricts the allowed service activations to deny all service activations. They could then set a `Policy` with the `policy_type` `restore_default` on several experimental projects, restoring the `constraint_default` enforcement of the `Constraint` for only those projects, allowing those projects to have all services activated. # Restores the default behavior of the constraint; independent of `Constraint` type.
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The time stamp the `Policy` was previously updated. This is set by the server, not specified by the caller, and represents the last time a call to `SetOrgPolicy` was made for that `Policy`. Any value set by the client will be ignored.
&quot;version&quot;: 42, # Version of the `Policy`. Default version is 0;
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="getOrgPolicy">getOrgPolicy(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Gets a `Policy` on a resource. If no `Policy` is set on the resource, a `Policy` is returned with default values including `POLICY_TYPE_NOT_SET` for the `policy_type oneof`. The `etag` value can be used with `SetOrgPolicy()` to create or update a `Policy` during read-modify-write.
resource: string, Name of the resource the `Policy` is set on. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # The request sent to the GetOrgPolicy method.
&quot;constraint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the `Constraint` to get the `Policy`.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # Defines a Cloud Organization `Policy` which is used to specify `Constraints` for configurations of Cloud Platform resources.
&quot;booleanPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `boolean_policy` will behave at this resource. # For boolean `Constraints`, whether to enforce the `Constraint` or not.
&quot;enforced&quot;: True or False, # If `true`, then the `Policy` is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. Suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/compute.disableSerialPortAccess` with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. A `Policy` for that `Constraint` exhibits the following behavior: - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `false`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `true`, serial port connection attempts will be refused. - If the `Policy` at this resource is `RestoreDefault`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource or anywhere higher in the resource hierarchy, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource, but one exists higher in the resource hierarchy, the behavior is as if the`Policy` were set at this resource. The following examples demonstrate the different possible layerings: Example 1 (nearest `Constraint` wins): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The constraint at `projects/bar` and `organizations/foo` will not be enforced. Example 2 (enforcement gets replaced): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is not enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is enforced. Example 3 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {RestoreDefault: {}} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is not enforced, because `constraint_default` for the `Constraint` is `ALLOW`.
&quot;constraint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the `Constraint` the `Policy` is configuring, for example, `constraints/`. A [list of available constraints](/resource-manager/docs/organization-policy/org-policy-constraints) is available. Immutable after creation.
&quot;etag&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the `Policy`, used for concurrency control. When the `Policy` is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListOrgPolicy` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current `Policy` to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the `Policy` is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset. When the `Policy` is used in a `SetOrgPolicy` method, use the `etag` value that was returned from a `GetOrgPolicy` request as part of a read-modify-write loop for concurrency control. Not setting the `etag`in a `SetOrgPolicy` request will result in an unconditional write of the `Policy`.
&quot;listPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `list_policy` behaves at this resource. `ListPolicy` can define specific values and subtrees of Cloud Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied by setting the `allowed_values` and `denied_values` fields. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a &quot;:&quot;. Values prefixed with &quot;is:&quot; are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - &quot;projects/&quot;, e.g. &quot;projects/tokyo-rain-123&quot; - &quot;folders/&quot;, e.g. &quot;folders/1234&quot; - &quot;organizations/&quot;, e.g. &quot;organizations/1234&quot; The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. You can set `allowed_values` and `denied_values` in the same `Policy` if `all_values` is `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`. `ALLOW` or `DENY` are used to allow or deny all values. If `all_values` is set to either `ALLOW` or `DENY`, `allowed_values` and `denied_values` must be unset. # List of values either allowed or disallowed.
&quot;allValues&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The policy all_values state.
&quot;allowedValues&quot;: [ # List of values allowed at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;deniedValues&quot;: [ # List of values denied at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;inheritFromParent&quot;: True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this `Policy`. By default, a `ListPolicy` set at a resource supersedes any `Policy` set anywhere up the resource hierarchy. However, if `inherit_from_parent` is set to `true`, then the values from the effective `Policy` of the parent resource are inherited, meaning the values set in this `Policy` are added to the values inherited up the hierarchy. Setting `Policy` hierarchies that inherit both allowed values and denied values isn&#x27;t recommended in most circumstances to keep the configuration simple and understandable. However, it is possible to set a `Policy` with `allowed_values` set that inherits a `Policy` with `denied_values` set. In this case, the values that are allowed must be in `allowed_values` and not present in `denied_values`. For example, suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/`, which has a `constraint_type` of `list_constraint`, and with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. Suppose that at the Organization level, a `Policy` is applied that restricts the allowed API activations to {`E1`, `E2`}. Then, if a `Policy` is applied to a project below the Organization that has `inherit_from_parent` set to `false` and field all_values set to DENY, then an attempt to activate any API will be denied. The following examples demonstrate different possible layerings for `projects/bar` parented by `organizations/foo`: Example 1 (no inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has `inherit_from_parent` `false` and values: {allowed_values: &quot;E3&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E4&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E3`, and `E4`. Example 2 (inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {value: &quot;E3&quot; value: &quot;E4&quot; inherit_from_parent: true} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E1`, `E2`, `E3`, and `E4`. Example 3 (inheriting both allowed and denied values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {denied_values: &quot;E1&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The value accepted at `projects/bar` is `E2`. Example 4 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {RestoreDefault: {}} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 5 (no policy inherits parent policy): `organizations/foo` has no `Policy` set. `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The accepted values at both levels are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 6 (ListConstraint allowing all): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: ALLOW} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. Any value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 7 (ListConstraint allowing none): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: DENY} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. No value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 10 (allowed and denied subtrees of Resource Manager hierarchy): Given the following resource hierarchy O1-&gt;{F1, F2}; F1-&gt;{P1}; F2-&gt;{P2, P3}, `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;under:organizations/O1&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {allowed_values: &quot;under:projects/P3&quot;} {denied_values: &quot;under:folders/F2&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `folders/F2`, `projects/P1`, `projects/P2`, `projects/P3`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `projects/P1`.
&quot;suggestedValue&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Optional. The Google Cloud Console will try to default to a configuration that matches the value specified in this `Policy`. If `suggested_value` is not set, it will inherit the value specified higher in the hierarchy, unless `inherit_from_parent` is `false`.
&quot;restoreDefault&quot;: { # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific `Constraint` at this resource. Suppose that `constraint_default` is set to `ALLOW` for the `Constraint` `constraints/`. Suppose that organization sets a `Policy` at their Organization resource node that restricts the allowed service activations to deny all service activations. They could then set a `Policy` with the `policy_type` `restore_default` on several experimental projects, restoring the `constraint_default` enforcement of the `Constraint` for only those projects, allowing those projects to have all services activated. # Restores the default behavior of the constraint; independent of `Constraint` type.
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The time stamp the `Policy` was previously updated. This is set by the server, not specified by the caller, and represents the last time a call to `SetOrgPolicy` was made for that `Policy`. Any value set by the client will be ignored.
&quot;version&quot;: 42, # Version of the `Policy`. Default version is 0;
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="listAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints">listAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Lists `Constraints` that could be applied on the specified resource.
resource: string, Name of the resource to list `Constraints` for. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # The request sent to the `ListAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints` method on the project, folder, or organization.
&quot;pageSize&quot;: 42, # Size of the pages to be returned. This is currently unsupported and will be ignored. The server may at any point start using this field to limit page size.
&quot;pageToken&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Page token used to retrieve the next page. This is currently unsupported and will be ignored. The server may at any point start using this field.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # The response returned from the `ListAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints` method. Returns all `Constraints` that could be set at this level of the hierarchy (contrast with the response from `ListPolicies`, which returns all policies which are set).
&quot;constraints&quot;: [ # The collection of constraints that are settable on the request resource.
{ # A `Constraint` describes a way in which a resource&#x27;s configuration can be restricted. For example, it controls which cloud services can be activated across an organization, or whether a Compute Engine instance can have serial port connections established. `Constraints` can be configured by the organization&#x27;s policy administrator to fit the needs of the organzation by setting Policies for `Constraints` at different locations in the organization&#x27;s resource hierarchy. Policies are inherited down the resource hierarchy from higher levels, but can also be overridden. For details about the inheritance rules please read about [Policies](/resource-manager/reference/rest/v1/Policy). `Constraints` have a default behavior determined by the `constraint_default` field, which is the enforcement behavior that is used in the absence of a `Policy` being defined or inherited for the resource in question.
&quot;booleanConstraint&quot;: { # A `Constraint` that is either enforced or not. For example a constraint `constraints/compute.disableSerialPortAccess`. If it is enforced on a VM instance, serial port connections will not be opened to that instance. # Defines this constraint as being a BooleanConstraint.
&quot;constraintDefault&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The evaluation behavior of this constraint in the absence of &#x27;Policy&#x27;.
&quot;description&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Detailed description of what this `Constraint` controls as well as how and where it is enforced. Mutable.
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The human readable name. Mutable.
&quot;listConstraint&quot;: { # A `Constraint` that allows or disallows a list of string values, which are configured by an Organization&#x27;s policy administrator with a `Policy`. # Defines this constraint as being a ListConstraint.
&quot;suggestedValue&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Optional. The Google Cloud Console will try to default to a configuration that matches the value specified in this `Constraint`.
&quot;supportsUnder&quot;: True or False, # Indicates whether subtrees of Cloud Resource Manager resource hierarchy can be used in `Policy.allowed_values` and `Policy.denied_values`. For example, `&quot;under:folders/123&quot;` would match any resource under the &#x27;folders/123&#x27; folder.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Immutable value, required to globally be unique. For example, `constraints/`
&quot;version&quot;: 42, # Version of the `Constraint`. Default version is 0;
&quot;nextPageToken&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Page token used to retrieve the next page. This is currently not used.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="listAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints_next">listAvailableOrgPolicyConstraints_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
<pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
A request object that you can call &#x27;execute()&#x27; on to request the next
page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="listOrgPolicies">listOrgPolicies(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Lists all the `Policies` set for a particular resource.
resource: string, Name of the resource to list Policies for. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # The request sent to the ListOrgPolicies method.
&quot;pageSize&quot;: 42, # Size of the pages to be returned. This is currently unsupported and will be ignored. The server may at any point start using this field to limit page size.
&quot;pageToken&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Page token used to retrieve the next page. This is currently unsupported and will be ignored. The server may at any point start using this field.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # The response returned from the `ListOrgPolicies` method. It will be empty if no `Policies` are set on the resource.
&quot;nextPageToken&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Page token used to retrieve the next page. This is currently not used, but the server may at any point start supplying a valid token.
&quot;policies&quot;: [ # The `Policies` that are set on the resource. It will be empty if no `Policies` are set.
{ # Defines a Cloud Organization `Policy` which is used to specify `Constraints` for configurations of Cloud Platform resources.
&quot;booleanPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `boolean_policy` will behave at this resource. # For boolean `Constraints`, whether to enforce the `Constraint` or not.
&quot;enforced&quot;: True or False, # If `true`, then the `Policy` is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. Suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/compute.disableSerialPortAccess` with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. A `Policy` for that `Constraint` exhibits the following behavior: - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `false`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `true`, serial port connection attempts will be refused. - If the `Policy` at this resource is `RestoreDefault`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource or anywhere higher in the resource hierarchy, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource, but one exists higher in the resource hierarchy, the behavior is as if the`Policy` were set at this resource. The following examples demonstrate the different possible layerings: Example 1 (nearest `Constraint` wins): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The constraint at `projects/bar` and `organizations/foo` will not be enforced. Example 2 (enforcement gets replaced): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is not enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is enforced. Example 3 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {RestoreDefault: {}} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is not enforced, because `constraint_default` for the `Constraint` is `ALLOW`.
&quot;constraint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the `Constraint` the `Policy` is configuring, for example, `constraints/`. A [list of available constraints](/resource-manager/docs/organization-policy/org-policy-constraints) is available. Immutable after creation.
&quot;etag&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the `Policy`, used for concurrency control. When the `Policy` is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListOrgPolicy` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current `Policy` to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the `Policy` is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset. When the `Policy` is used in a `SetOrgPolicy` method, use the `etag` value that was returned from a `GetOrgPolicy` request as part of a read-modify-write loop for concurrency control. Not setting the `etag`in a `SetOrgPolicy` request will result in an unconditional write of the `Policy`.
&quot;listPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `list_policy` behaves at this resource. `ListPolicy` can define specific values and subtrees of Cloud Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied by setting the `allowed_values` and `denied_values` fields. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a &quot;:&quot;. Values prefixed with &quot;is:&quot; are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - &quot;projects/&quot;, e.g. &quot;projects/tokyo-rain-123&quot; - &quot;folders/&quot;, e.g. &quot;folders/1234&quot; - &quot;organizations/&quot;, e.g. &quot;organizations/1234&quot; The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. You can set `allowed_values` and `denied_values` in the same `Policy` if `all_values` is `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`. `ALLOW` or `DENY` are used to allow or deny all values. If `all_values` is set to either `ALLOW` or `DENY`, `allowed_values` and `denied_values` must be unset. # List of values either allowed or disallowed.
&quot;allValues&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The policy all_values state.
&quot;allowedValues&quot;: [ # List of values allowed at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;deniedValues&quot;: [ # List of values denied at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;inheritFromParent&quot;: True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this `Policy`. By default, a `ListPolicy` set at a resource supersedes any `Policy` set anywhere up the resource hierarchy. However, if `inherit_from_parent` is set to `true`, then the values from the effective `Policy` of the parent resource are inherited, meaning the values set in this `Policy` are added to the values inherited up the hierarchy. Setting `Policy` hierarchies that inherit both allowed values and denied values isn&#x27;t recommended in most circumstances to keep the configuration simple and understandable. However, it is possible to set a `Policy` with `allowed_values` set that inherits a `Policy` with `denied_values` set. In this case, the values that are allowed must be in `allowed_values` and not present in `denied_values`. For example, suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/`, which has a `constraint_type` of `list_constraint`, and with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. Suppose that at the Organization level, a `Policy` is applied that restricts the allowed API activations to {`E1`, `E2`}. Then, if a `Policy` is applied to a project below the Organization that has `inherit_from_parent` set to `false` and field all_values set to DENY, then an attempt to activate any API will be denied. The following examples demonstrate different possible layerings for `projects/bar` parented by `organizations/foo`: Example 1 (no inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has `inherit_from_parent` `false` and values: {allowed_values: &quot;E3&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E4&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E3`, and `E4`. Example 2 (inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {value: &quot;E3&quot; value: &quot;E4&quot; inherit_from_parent: true} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E1`, `E2`, `E3`, and `E4`. Example 3 (inheriting both allowed and denied values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {denied_values: &quot;E1&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The value accepted at `projects/bar` is `E2`. Example 4 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {RestoreDefault: {}} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 5 (no policy inherits parent policy): `organizations/foo` has no `Policy` set. `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The accepted values at both levels are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 6 (ListConstraint allowing all): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: ALLOW} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. Any value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 7 (ListConstraint allowing none): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: DENY} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. No value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 10 (allowed and denied subtrees of Resource Manager hierarchy): Given the following resource hierarchy O1-&gt;{F1, F2}; F1-&gt;{P1}; F2-&gt;{P2, P3}, `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;under:organizations/O1&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {allowed_values: &quot;under:projects/P3&quot;} {denied_values: &quot;under:folders/F2&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `folders/F2`, `projects/P1`, `projects/P2`, `projects/P3`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `projects/P1`.
&quot;suggestedValue&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Optional. The Google Cloud Console will try to default to a configuration that matches the value specified in this `Policy`. If `suggested_value` is not set, it will inherit the value specified higher in the hierarchy, unless `inherit_from_parent` is `false`.
&quot;restoreDefault&quot;: { # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific `Constraint` at this resource. Suppose that `constraint_default` is set to `ALLOW` for the `Constraint` `constraints/`. Suppose that organization sets a `Policy` at their Organization resource node that restricts the allowed service activations to deny all service activations. They could then set a `Policy` with the `policy_type` `restore_default` on several experimental projects, restoring the `constraint_default` enforcement of the `Constraint` for only those projects, allowing those projects to have all services activated. # Restores the default behavior of the constraint; independent of `Constraint` type.
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The time stamp the `Policy` was previously updated. This is set by the server, not specified by the caller, and represents the last time a call to `SetOrgPolicy` was made for that `Policy`. Any value set by the client will be ignored.
&quot;version&quot;: 42, # Version of the `Policy`. Default version is 0;
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="listOrgPolicies_next">listOrgPolicies_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
<pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
A request object that you can call &#x27;execute()&#x27; on to request the next
page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="setOrgPolicy">setOrgPolicy(resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Updates the specified `Policy` on the resource. Creates a new `Policy` for that `Constraint` on the resource if one does not exist. Not supplying an `etag` on the request `Policy` results in an unconditional write of the `Policy`.
resource: string, Resource name of the resource to attach the `Policy`. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # The request sent to the SetOrgPolicyRequest method.
&quot;policy&quot;: { # Defines a Cloud Organization `Policy` which is used to specify `Constraints` for configurations of Cloud Platform resources. # `Policy` to set on the resource.
&quot;booleanPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `boolean_policy` will behave at this resource. # For boolean `Constraints`, whether to enforce the `Constraint` or not.
&quot;enforced&quot;: True or False, # If `true`, then the `Policy` is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. Suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/compute.disableSerialPortAccess` with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. A `Policy` for that `Constraint` exhibits the following behavior: - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `false`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `true`, serial port connection attempts will be refused. - If the `Policy` at this resource is `RestoreDefault`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource or anywhere higher in the resource hierarchy, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource, but one exists higher in the resource hierarchy, the behavior is as if the`Policy` were set at this resource. The following examples demonstrate the different possible layerings: Example 1 (nearest `Constraint` wins): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The constraint at `projects/bar` and `organizations/foo` will not be enforced. Example 2 (enforcement gets replaced): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is not enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is enforced. Example 3 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {RestoreDefault: {}} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is not enforced, because `constraint_default` for the `Constraint` is `ALLOW`.
&quot;constraint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the `Constraint` the `Policy` is configuring, for example, `constraints/`. A [list of available constraints](/resource-manager/docs/organization-policy/org-policy-constraints) is available. Immutable after creation.
&quot;etag&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the `Policy`, used for concurrency control. When the `Policy` is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListOrgPolicy` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current `Policy` to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the `Policy` is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset. When the `Policy` is used in a `SetOrgPolicy` method, use the `etag` value that was returned from a `GetOrgPolicy` request as part of a read-modify-write loop for concurrency control. Not setting the `etag`in a `SetOrgPolicy` request will result in an unconditional write of the `Policy`.
&quot;listPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `list_policy` behaves at this resource. `ListPolicy` can define specific values and subtrees of Cloud Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied by setting the `allowed_values` and `denied_values` fields. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a &quot;:&quot;. Values prefixed with &quot;is:&quot; are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - &quot;projects/&quot;, e.g. &quot;projects/tokyo-rain-123&quot; - &quot;folders/&quot;, e.g. &quot;folders/1234&quot; - &quot;organizations/&quot;, e.g. &quot;organizations/1234&quot; The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. You can set `allowed_values` and `denied_values` in the same `Policy` if `all_values` is `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`. `ALLOW` or `DENY` are used to allow or deny all values. If `all_values` is set to either `ALLOW` or `DENY`, `allowed_values` and `denied_values` must be unset. # List of values either allowed or disallowed.
&quot;allValues&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The policy all_values state.
&quot;allowedValues&quot;: [ # List of values allowed at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;deniedValues&quot;: [ # List of values denied at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;inheritFromParent&quot;: True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this `Policy`. By default, a `ListPolicy` set at a resource supersedes any `Policy` set anywhere up the resource hierarchy. However, if `inherit_from_parent` is set to `true`, then the values from the effective `Policy` of the parent resource are inherited, meaning the values set in this `Policy` are added to the values inherited up the hierarchy. Setting `Policy` hierarchies that inherit both allowed values and denied values isn&#x27;t recommended in most circumstances to keep the configuration simple and understandable. However, it is possible to set a `Policy` with `allowed_values` set that inherits a `Policy` with `denied_values` set. In this case, the values that are allowed must be in `allowed_values` and not present in `denied_values`. For example, suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/`, which has a `constraint_type` of `list_constraint`, and with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. Suppose that at the Organization level, a `Policy` is applied that restricts the allowed API activations to {`E1`, `E2`}. Then, if a `Policy` is applied to a project below the Organization that has `inherit_from_parent` set to `false` and field all_values set to DENY, then an attempt to activate any API will be denied. The following examples demonstrate different possible layerings for `projects/bar` parented by `organizations/foo`: Example 1 (no inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has `inherit_from_parent` `false` and values: {allowed_values: &quot;E3&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E4&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E3`, and `E4`. Example 2 (inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {value: &quot;E3&quot; value: &quot;E4&quot; inherit_from_parent: true} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E1`, `E2`, `E3`, and `E4`. Example 3 (inheriting both allowed and denied values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {denied_values: &quot;E1&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The value accepted at `projects/bar` is `E2`. Example 4 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {RestoreDefault: {}} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 5 (no policy inherits parent policy): `organizations/foo` has no `Policy` set. `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The accepted values at both levels are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 6 (ListConstraint allowing all): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: ALLOW} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. Any value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 7 (ListConstraint allowing none): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: DENY} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. No value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 10 (allowed and denied subtrees of Resource Manager hierarchy): Given the following resource hierarchy O1-&gt;{F1, F2}; F1-&gt;{P1}; F2-&gt;{P2, P3}, `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;under:organizations/O1&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {allowed_values: &quot;under:projects/P3&quot;} {denied_values: &quot;under:folders/F2&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `folders/F2`, `projects/P1`, `projects/P2`, `projects/P3`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `projects/P1`.
&quot;suggestedValue&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Optional. The Google Cloud Console will try to default to a configuration that matches the value specified in this `Policy`. If `suggested_value` is not set, it will inherit the value specified higher in the hierarchy, unless `inherit_from_parent` is `false`.
&quot;restoreDefault&quot;: { # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific `Constraint` at this resource. Suppose that `constraint_default` is set to `ALLOW` for the `Constraint` `constraints/`. Suppose that organization sets a `Policy` at their Organization resource node that restricts the allowed service activations to deny all service activations. They could then set a `Policy` with the `policy_type` `restore_default` on several experimental projects, restoring the `constraint_default` enforcement of the `Constraint` for only those projects, allowing those projects to have all services activated. # Restores the default behavior of the constraint; independent of `Constraint` type.
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The time stamp the `Policy` was previously updated. This is set by the server, not specified by the caller, and represents the last time a call to `SetOrgPolicy` was made for that `Policy`. Any value set by the client will be ignored.
&quot;version&quot;: 42, # Version of the `Policy`. Default version is 0;
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # Defines a Cloud Organization `Policy` which is used to specify `Constraints` for configurations of Cloud Platform resources.
&quot;booleanPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `boolean_policy` will behave at this resource. # For boolean `Constraints`, whether to enforce the `Constraint` or not.
&quot;enforced&quot;: True or False, # If `true`, then the `Policy` is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. Suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/compute.disableSerialPortAccess` with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. A `Policy` for that `Constraint` exhibits the following behavior: - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `false`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If the `Policy` at this resource has enforced set to `true`, serial port connection attempts will be refused. - If the `Policy` at this resource is `RestoreDefault`, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource or anywhere higher in the resource hierarchy, serial port connection attempts will be allowed. - If no `Policy` is set at this resource, but one exists higher in the resource hierarchy, the behavior is as if the`Policy` were set at this resource. The following examples demonstrate the different possible layerings: Example 1 (nearest `Constraint` wins): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The constraint at `projects/bar` and `organizations/foo` will not be enforced. Example 2 (enforcement gets replaced): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: false} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is not enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is enforced. Example 3 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with: {enforced: true} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {RestoreDefault: {}} The constraint at `organizations/foo` is enforced. The constraint at `projects/bar` is not enforced, because `constraint_default` for the `Constraint` is `ALLOW`.
&quot;constraint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the `Constraint` the `Policy` is configuring, for example, `constraints/`. A [list of available constraints](/resource-manager/docs/organization-policy/org-policy-constraints) is available. Immutable after creation.
&quot;etag&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the `Policy`, used for concurrency control. When the `Policy` is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListOrgPolicy` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current `Policy` to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the `Policy` is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset. When the `Policy` is used in a `SetOrgPolicy` method, use the `etag` value that was returned from a `GetOrgPolicy` request as part of a read-modify-write loop for concurrency control. Not setting the `etag`in a `SetOrgPolicy` request will result in an unconditional write of the `Policy`.
&quot;listPolicy&quot;: { # Used in `policy_type` to specify how `list_policy` behaves at this resource. `ListPolicy` can define specific values and subtrees of Cloud Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied by setting the `allowed_values` and `denied_values` fields. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a &quot;:&quot;. Values prefixed with &quot;is:&quot; are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - &quot;projects/&quot;, e.g. &quot;projects/tokyo-rain-123&quot; - &quot;folders/&quot;, e.g. &quot;folders/1234&quot; - &quot;organizations/&quot;, e.g. &quot;organizations/1234&quot; The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. You can set `allowed_values` and `denied_values` in the same `Policy` if `all_values` is `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`. `ALLOW` or `DENY` are used to allow or deny all values. If `all_values` is set to either `ALLOW` or `DENY`, `allowed_values` and `denied_values` must be unset. # List of values either allowed or disallowed.
&quot;allValues&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The policy all_values state.
&quot;allowedValues&quot;: [ # List of values allowed at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;deniedValues&quot;: [ # List of values denied at this resource. Can only be set if `all_values` is set to `ALL_VALUES_UNSPECIFIED`.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;inheritFromParent&quot;: True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this `Policy`. By default, a `ListPolicy` set at a resource supersedes any `Policy` set anywhere up the resource hierarchy. However, if `inherit_from_parent` is set to `true`, then the values from the effective `Policy` of the parent resource are inherited, meaning the values set in this `Policy` are added to the values inherited up the hierarchy. Setting `Policy` hierarchies that inherit both allowed values and denied values isn&#x27;t recommended in most circumstances to keep the configuration simple and understandable. However, it is possible to set a `Policy` with `allowed_values` set that inherits a `Policy` with `denied_values` set. In this case, the values that are allowed must be in `allowed_values` and not present in `denied_values`. For example, suppose you have a `Constraint` `constraints/`, which has a `constraint_type` of `list_constraint`, and with `constraint_default` set to `ALLOW`. Suppose that at the Organization level, a `Policy` is applied that restricts the allowed API activations to {`E1`, `E2`}. Then, if a `Policy` is applied to a project below the Organization that has `inherit_from_parent` set to `false` and field all_values set to DENY, then an attempt to activate any API will be denied. The following examples demonstrate different possible layerings for `projects/bar` parented by `organizations/foo`: Example 1 (no inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has `inherit_from_parent` `false` and values: {allowed_values: &quot;E3&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E4&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E3`, and `E4`. Example 2 (inherited values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {value: &quot;E3&quot; value: &quot;E4&quot; inherit_from_parent: true} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `E1`, `E2`, `E3`, and `E4`. Example 3 (inheriting both allowed and denied values): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {denied_values: &quot;E1&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The value accepted at `projects/bar` is `E2`. Example 4 (RestoreDefault): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values:&quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with values: {RestoreDefault: {}} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, `E2`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 5 (no policy inherits parent policy): `organizations/foo` has no `Policy` set. `projects/bar` has no `Policy` set. The accepted values at both levels are either all or none depending on the value of `constraint_default` (if `ALLOW`, all; if `DENY`, none). Example 6 (ListConstraint allowing all): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: ALLOW} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. Any value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 7 (ListConstraint allowing none): `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;E1&quot; allowed_values: &quot;E2&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {all: DENY} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `E1`, E2`. No value is accepted at `projects/bar`. Example 10 (allowed and denied subtrees of Resource Manager hierarchy): Given the following resource hierarchy O1-&gt;{F1, F2}; F1-&gt;{P1}; F2-&gt;{P2, P3}, `organizations/foo` has a `Policy` with values: {allowed_values: &quot;under:organizations/O1&quot;} `projects/bar` has a `Policy` with: {allowed_values: &quot;under:projects/P3&quot;} {denied_values: &quot;under:folders/F2&quot;} The accepted values at `organizations/foo` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `folders/F2`, `projects/P1`, `projects/P2`, `projects/P3`. The accepted values at `projects/bar` are `organizations/O1`, `folders/F1`, `projects/P1`.
&quot;suggestedValue&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Optional. The Google Cloud Console will try to default to a configuration that matches the value specified in this `Policy`. If `suggested_value` is not set, it will inherit the value specified higher in the hierarchy, unless `inherit_from_parent` is `false`.
&quot;restoreDefault&quot;: { # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific `Constraint` at this resource. Suppose that `constraint_default` is set to `ALLOW` for the `Constraint` `constraints/`. Suppose that organization sets a `Policy` at their Organization resource node that restricts the allowed service activations to deny all service activations. They could then set a `Policy` with the `policy_type` `restore_default` on several experimental projects, restoring the `constraint_default` enforcement of the `Constraint` for only those projects, allowing those projects to have all services activated. # Restores the default behavior of the constraint; independent of `Constraint` type.
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The time stamp the `Policy` was previously updated. This is set by the server, not specified by the caller, and represents the last time a call to `SetOrgPolicy` was made for that `Policy`. Any value set by the client will be ignored.
&quot;version&quot;: 42, # Version of the `Policy`. Default version is 0;