blob: 67bcfcd58d1c958a553a954e759f6ae6af02a0b9 [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1><a href="dlp_v2.html">Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API</a> . <a href="dlp_v2.organizations.html">organizations</a> . <a href="dlp_v2.organizations.locations.html">locations</a> . <a href="dlp_v2.organizations.locations.inspectTemplates.html">inspectTemplates</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#close">close()</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Close httplib2 connections.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#create">create(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Creates an InspectTemplate for re-using frequently used configuration for inspecting content, images, and storage. See to learn more.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#delete">delete(name, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Deletes an InspectTemplate. See to learn more.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#get">get(name, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Gets an InspectTemplate. See to learn more.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#list">list(parent, locationId=None, orderBy=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Lists InspectTemplates. See to learn more.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#patch">patch(name, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Updates the InspectTemplate. See to learn more.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="close">close()</code>
<pre>Close httplib2 connections.</pre>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="create">create(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Creates an InspectTemplate for re-using frequently used configuration for inspecting content, images, and storage. See to learn more.
parent: string, Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have [specified a processing location]( + Projects scope, location specified: `projects/`PROJECT_ID`/locations/`LOCATION_ID + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): `projects/`PROJECT_ID + Organizations scope, location specified: `organizations/`ORG_ID`/locations/`LOCATION_ID + Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global): `organizations/`ORG_ID The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location for processing data: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # Request message for CreateInspectTemplate.
&quot;inspectTemplate&quot;: { # The inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more. # Required. The InspectTemplate to create.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The creation timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;description&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Short description (max 256 chars).
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Display name (max 256 chars).
&quot;inspectConfig&quot;: { # Configuration description of the scanning process. When used with redactContent only info_types and min_likelihood are currently used. # The core content of the template. Configuration of the scanning process.
&quot;contentOptions&quot;: [ # List of options defining data content to scan. If empty, text, images, and other content will be included.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;customInfoTypes&quot;: [ # CustomInfoTypes provided by the user. See to learn more.
{ # Custom information type provided by the user. Used to find domain-specific sensitive information configurable to the data in question.
&quot;detectionRules&quot;: [ # Set of detection rules to apply to all findings of this CustomInfoType. Rules are applied in order that they are specified. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` CustomInfoType.
{ # Deprecated; use `InspectionRuleSet` instead. Rule for modifying a `CustomInfoType` to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rule. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` custom infoType.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # A list of phrases to detect as a CustomInfoType.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;exclusionType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # If set to EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE this infoType will not cause a finding to be returned. It still can be used for rules matching.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # CustomInfoType can either be a new infoType, or an extension of built-in infoType, when the name matches one of existing infoTypes and that infoType is specified in `InspectContent.info_types` field. Specifying the latter adds findings to the one detected by the system. If built-in info type is not specified in `InspectContent.info_types` list then the name is treated as a custom info type.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;likelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Likelihood to return for this CustomInfoType. This base value can be altered by a detection rule if the finding meets the criteria specified by the rule. Defaults to `VERY_LIKELY` if not specified.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression based CustomInfoType.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;storedType&quot;: { # A reference to a StoredInfoType to use with scanning. # Load an existing `StoredInfoType` resource for use in `InspectDataSource`. Not currently supported in `InspectContent`.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Timestamp indicating when the version of the `StoredInfoType` used for inspection was created. Output-only field, populated by the system.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Resource name of the requested `StoredInfoType`, for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or `projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342`.
&quot;surrogateType&quot;: { # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations such as [`CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig`]( These types of transformations are those that perform pseudonymization, thereby producing a &quot;surrogate&quot; as output. This should be used in conjunction with a field on the transformation such as `surrogate_info_type`. This CustomInfoType does not support the use of `detection_rules`. # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations that support reversing.
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: True or False, # When true, excludes type information of the findings.
&quot;includeQuote&quot;: True or False, # When true, a contextual quote from the data that triggered a finding is included in the response; see Finding.quote.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # Restricts what info_types to look for. The values must correspond to InfoType values returned by ListInfoTypes or listed at When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in a request, the system may automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated. If you need precise control and predictability as to what detectors are run you should specify specific InfoTypes listed in the reference, otherwise a default list will be used, which may change over time.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;limits&quot;: { # Configuration to control the number of findings returned. Cannot be set if de-identification is requested. # Configuration to control the number of findings returned.
&quot;maxFindingsPerInfoType&quot;: [ # Configuration of findings limit given for specified infoTypes.
{ # Max findings configuration per infoType, per content item or long running DlpJob.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # Type of information the findings limit applies to. Only one limit per info_type should be provided. If InfoTypeLimit does not have an info_type, the DLP API applies the limit against all info_types that are found but not specified in another InfoTypeLimit.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;maxFindings&quot;: 42, # Max findings limit for the given infoType.
&quot;maxFindingsPerItem&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned for each item scanned. When set within `InspectJobConfig`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, this field is ignored.
&quot;maxFindingsPerRequest&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned per request/job. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher.
&quot;minLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Only returns findings equal or above this threshold. The default is POSSIBLE. See to learn more.
&quot;ruleSet&quot;: [ # Set of rules to apply to the findings for this InspectConfig. Exclusion rules, contained in the set are executed in the end, other rules are executed in the order they are specified for each info type.
{ # Rule set for modifying a set of infoTypes to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rules within the set.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # List of infoTypes this rule set is applied to.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;rules&quot;: [ # Set of rules to be applied to infoTypes. The rules are applied in order.
{ # A single inspection rule to be applied to infoTypes, specified in `InspectionRuleSet`.
&quot;exclusionRule&quot;: { # The rule that specifies conditions when findings of infoTypes specified in `InspectionRuleSet` are removed from results. # Exclusion rule.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # Dictionary which defines the rule.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: { # List of exclude infoTypes. # Set of infoTypes for which findings would affect this rule.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # InfoType list in ExclusionRule rule drops a finding when it overlaps or contained within with a finding of an infoType from this list. For example, for `InspectionRuleSet.info_types` containing &quot;PHONE_NUMBER&quot;` and `exclusion_rule` containing `exclude_info_types.info_types` with &quot;EMAIL_ADDRESS&quot; the phone number findings are dropped if they overlap with EMAIL_ADDRESS finding. That leads to &quot;; to generate only a single finding, namely email address.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;matchingType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # How the rule is applied, see MatchingType documentation for details.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression which defines the rule.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The template name. The template will have one of the following formats: `projects/PROJECT_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID` OR `organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID`;
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The last update timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;locationId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Deprecated. This field has no effect.
&quot;templateId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The template id can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens; that is, it must match the regular expression: `[a-zA-Z\d-_]+`. The maximum length is 100 characters. Can be empty to allow the system to generate one.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # The inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The creation timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;description&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Short description (max 256 chars).
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Display name (max 256 chars).
&quot;inspectConfig&quot;: { # Configuration description of the scanning process. When used with redactContent only info_types and min_likelihood are currently used. # The core content of the template. Configuration of the scanning process.
&quot;contentOptions&quot;: [ # List of options defining data content to scan. If empty, text, images, and other content will be included.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;customInfoTypes&quot;: [ # CustomInfoTypes provided by the user. See to learn more.
{ # Custom information type provided by the user. Used to find domain-specific sensitive information configurable to the data in question.
&quot;detectionRules&quot;: [ # Set of detection rules to apply to all findings of this CustomInfoType. Rules are applied in order that they are specified. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` CustomInfoType.
{ # Deprecated; use `InspectionRuleSet` instead. Rule for modifying a `CustomInfoType` to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rule. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` custom infoType.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # A list of phrases to detect as a CustomInfoType.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;exclusionType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # If set to EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE this infoType will not cause a finding to be returned. It still can be used for rules matching.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # CustomInfoType can either be a new infoType, or an extension of built-in infoType, when the name matches one of existing infoTypes and that infoType is specified in `InspectContent.info_types` field. Specifying the latter adds findings to the one detected by the system. If built-in info type is not specified in `InspectContent.info_types` list then the name is treated as a custom info type.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;likelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Likelihood to return for this CustomInfoType. This base value can be altered by a detection rule if the finding meets the criteria specified by the rule. Defaults to `VERY_LIKELY` if not specified.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression based CustomInfoType.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;storedType&quot;: { # A reference to a StoredInfoType to use with scanning. # Load an existing `StoredInfoType` resource for use in `InspectDataSource`. Not currently supported in `InspectContent`.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Timestamp indicating when the version of the `StoredInfoType` used for inspection was created. Output-only field, populated by the system.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Resource name of the requested `StoredInfoType`, for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or `projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342`.
&quot;surrogateType&quot;: { # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations such as [`CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig`]( These types of transformations are those that perform pseudonymization, thereby producing a &quot;surrogate&quot; as output. This should be used in conjunction with a field on the transformation such as `surrogate_info_type`. This CustomInfoType does not support the use of `detection_rules`. # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations that support reversing.
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: True or False, # When true, excludes type information of the findings.
&quot;includeQuote&quot;: True or False, # When true, a contextual quote from the data that triggered a finding is included in the response; see Finding.quote.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # Restricts what info_types to look for. The values must correspond to InfoType values returned by ListInfoTypes or listed at When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in a request, the system may automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated. If you need precise control and predictability as to what detectors are run you should specify specific InfoTypes listed in the reference, otherwise a default list will be used, which may change over time.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;limits&quot;: { # Configuration to control the number of findings returned. Cannot be set if de-identification is requested. # Configuration to control the number of findings returned.
&quot;maxFindingsPerInfoType&quot;: [ # Configuration of findings limit given for specified infoTypes.
{ # Max findings configuration per infoType, per content item or long running DlpJob.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # Type of information the findings limit applies to. Only one limit per info_type should be provided. If InfoTypeLimit does not have an info_type, the DLP API applies the limit against all info_types that are found but not specified in another InfoTypeLimit.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;maxFindings&quot;: 42, # Max findings limit for the given infoType.
&quot;maxFindingsPerItem&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned for each item scanned. When set within `InspectJobConfig`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, this field is ignored.
&quot;maxFindingsPerRequest&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned per request/job. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher.
&quot;minLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Only returns findings equal or above this threshold. The default is POSSIBLE. See to learn more.
&quot;ruleSet&quot;: [ # Set of rules to apply to the findings for this InspectConfig. Exclusion rules, contained in the set are executed in the end, other rules are executed in the order they are specified for each info type.
{ # Rule set for modifying a set of infoTypes to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rules within the set.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # List of infoTypes this rule set is applied to.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;rules&quot;: [ # Set of rules to be applied to infoTypes. The rules are applied in order.
{ # A single inspection rule to be applied to infoTypes, specified in `InspectionRuleSet`.
&quot;exclusionRule&quot;: { # The rule that specifies conditions when findings of infoTypes specified in `InspectionRuleSet` are removed from results. # Exclusion rule.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # Dictionary which defines the rule.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: { # List of exclude infoTypes. # Set of infoTypes for which findings would affect this rule.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # InfoType list in ExclusionRule rule drops a finding when it overlaps or contained within with a finding of an infoType from this list. For example, for `InspectionRuleSet.info_types` containing &quot;PHONE_NUMBER&quot;` and `exclusion_rule` containing `exclude_info_types.info_types` with &quot;EMAIL_ADDRESS&quot; the phone number findings are dropped if they overlap with EMAIL_ADDRESS finding. That leads to &quot;; to generate only a single finding, namely email address.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;matchingType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # How the rule is applied, see MatchingType documentation for details.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression which defines the rule.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The template name. The template will have one of the following formats: `projects/PROJECT_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID` OR `organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID`;
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The last update timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="delete">delete(name, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Deletes an InspectTemplate. See to learn more.
name: string, Required. Resource name of the organization and inspectTemplate to be deleted, for example `organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342` or projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="get">get(name, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Gets an InspectTemplate. See to learn more.
name: string, Required. Resource name of the organization and inspectTemplate to be read, for example `organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342` or projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # The inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The creation timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;description&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Short description (max 256 chars).
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Display name (max 256 chars).
&quot;inspectConfig&quot;: { # Configuration description of the scanning process. When used with redactContent only info_types and min_likelihood are currently used. # The core content of the template. Configuration of the scanning process.
&quot;contentOptions&quot;: [ # List of options defining data content to scan. If empty, text, images, and other content will be included.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;customInfoTypes&quot;: [ # CustomInfoTypes provided by the user. See to learn more.
{ # Custom information type provided by the user. Used to find domain-specific sensitive information configurable to the data in question.
&quot;detectionRules&quot;: [ # Set of detection rules to apply to all findings of this CustomInfoType. Rules are applied in order that they are specified. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` CustomInfoType.
{ # Deprecated; use `InspectionRuleSet` instead. Rule for modifying a `CustomInfoType` to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rule. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` custom infoType.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # A list of phrases to detect as a CustomInfoType.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;exclusionType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # If set to EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE this infoType will not cause a finding to be returned. It still can be used for rules matching.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # CustomInfoType can either be a new infoType, or an extension of built-in infoType, when the name matches one of existing infoTypes and that infoType is specified in `InspectContent.info_types` field. Specifying the latter adds findings to the one detected by the system. If built-in info type is not specified in `InspectContent.info_types` list then the name is treated as a custom info type.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;likelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Likelihood to return for this CustomInfoType. This base value can be altered by a detection rule if the finding meets the criteria specified by the rule. Defaults to `VERY_LIKELY` if not specified.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression based CustomInfoType.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;storedType&quot;: { # A reference to a StoredInfoType to use with scanning. # Load an existing `StoredInfoType` resource for use in `InspectDataSource`. Not currently supported in `InspectContent`.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Timestamp indicating when the version of the `StoredInfoType` used for inspection was created. Output-only field, populated by the system.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Resource name of the requested `StoredInfoType`, for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or `projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342`.
&quot;surrogateType&quot;: { # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations such as [`CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig`]( These types of transformations are those that perform pseudonymization, thereby producing a &quot;surrogate&quot; as output. This should be used in conjunction with a field on the transformation such as `surrogate_info_type`. This CustomInfoType does not support the use of `detection_rules`. # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations that support reversing.
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: True or False, # When true, excludes type information of the findings.
&quot;includeQuote&quot;: True or False, # When true, a contextual quote from the data that triggered a finding is included in the response; see Finding.quote.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # Restricts what info_types to look for. The values must correspond to InfoType values returned by ListInfoTypes or listed at When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in a request, the system may automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated. If you need precise control and predictability as to what detectors are run you should specify specific InfoTypes listed in the reference, otherwise a default list will be used, which may change over time.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;limits&quot;: { # Configuration to control the number of findings returned. Cannot be set if de-identification is requested. # Configuration to control the number of findings returned.
&quot;maxFindingsPerInfoType&quot;: [ # Configuration of findings limit given for specified infoTypes.
{ # Max findings configuration per infoType, per content item or long running DlpJob.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # Type of information the findings limit applies to. Only one limit per info_type should be provided. If InfoTypeLimit does not have an info_type, the DLP API applies the limit against all info_types that are found but not specified in another InfoTypeLimit.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;maxFindings&quot;: 42, # Max findings limit for the given infoType.
&quot;maxFindingsPerItem&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned for each item scanned. When set within `InspectJobConfig`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, this field is ignored.
&quot;maxFindingsPerRequest&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned per request/job. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher.
&quot;minLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Only returns findings equal or above this threshold. The default is POSSIBLE. See to learn more.
&quot;ruleSet&quot;: [ # Set of rules to apply to the findings for this InspectConfig. Exclusion rules, contained in the set are executed in the end, other rules are executed in the order they are specified for each info type.
{ # Rule set for modifying a set of infoTypes to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rules within the set.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # List of infoTypes this rule set is applied to.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;rules&quot;: [ # Set of rules to be applied to infoTypes. The rules are applied in order.
{ # A single inspection rule to be applied to infoTypes, specified in `InspectionRuleSet`.
&quot;exclusionRule&quot;: { # The rule that specifies conditions when findings of infoTypes specified in `InspectionRuleSet` are removed from results. # Exclusion rule.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # Dictionary which defines the rule.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: { # List of exclude infoTypes. # Set of infoTypes for which findings would affect this rule.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # InfoType list in ExclusionRule rule drops a finding when it overlaps or contained within with a finding of an infoType from this list. For example, for `InspectionRuleSet.info_types` containing &quot;PHONE_NUMBER&quot;` and `exclusion_rule` containing `exclude_info_types.info_types` with &quot;EMAIL_ADDRESS&quot; the phone number findings are dropped if they overlap with EMAIL_ADDRESS finding. That leads to &quot;; to generate only a single finding, namely email address.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;matchingType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # How the rule is applied, see MatchingType documentation for details.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression which defines the rule.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The template name. The template will have one of the following formats: `projects/PROJECT_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID` OR `organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID`;
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The last update timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="list">list(parent, locationId=None, orderBy=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Lists InspectTemplates. See to learn more.
parent: string, Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have [specified a processing location]( + Projects scope, location specified: `projects/`PROJECT_ID`/locations/`LOCATION_ID + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): `projects/`PROJECT_ID + Organizations scope, location specified: `organizations/`ORG_ID`/locations/`LOCATION_ID + Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global): `organizations/`ORG_ID The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location for processing data: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 (required)
locationId: string, Deprecated. This field has no effect.
orderBy: string, Comma separated list of fields to order by, followed by `asc` or `desc` postfix. This list is case-insensitive, default sorting order is ascending, redundant space characters are insignificant. Example: `name asc,update_time, create_time desc` Supported fields are: - `create_time`: corresponds to time the template was created. - `update_time`: corresponds to time the template was last updated. - `name`: corresponds to template&#x27;s name. - `display_name`: corresponds to template&#x27;s display name.
pageSize: integer, Size of the page, can be limited by server. If zero server returns a page of max size 100.
pageToken: string, Page token to continue retrieval. Comes from previous call to `ListInspectTemplates`.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # Response message for ListInspectTemplates.
&quot;inspectTemplates&quot;: [ # List of inspectTemplates, up to page_size in ListInspectTemplatesRequest.
{ # The inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The creation timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;description&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Short description (max 256 chars).
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Display name (max 256 chars).
&quot;inspectConfig&quot;: { # Configuration description of the scanning process. When used with redactContent only info_types and min_likelihood are currently used. # The core content of the template. Configuration of the scanning process.
&quot;contentOptions&quot;: [ # List of options defining data content to scan. If empty, text, images, and other content will be included.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;customInfoTypes&quot;: [ # CustomInfoTypes provided by the user. See to learn more.
{ # Custom information type provided by the user. Used to find domain-specific sensitive information configurable to the data in question.
&quot;detectionRules&quot;: [ # Set of detection rules to apply to all findings of this CustomInfoType. Rules are applied in order that they are specified. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` CustomInfoType.
{ # Deprecated; use `InspectionRuleSet` instead. Rule for modifying a `CustomInfoType` to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rule. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` custom infoType.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # A list of phrases to detect as a CustomInfoType.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;exclusionType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # If set to EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE this infoType will not cause a finding to be returned. It still can be used for rules matching.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # CustomInfoType can either be a new infoType, or an extension of built-in infoType, when the name matches one of existing infoTypes and that infoType is specified in `InspectContent.info_types` field. Specifying the latter adds findings to the one detected by the system. If built-in info type is not specified in `InspectContent.info_types` list then the name is treated as a custom info type.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;likelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Likelihood to return for this CustomInfoType. This base value can be altered by a detection rule if the finding meets the criteria specified by the rule. Defaults to `VERY_LIKELY` if not specified.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression based CustomInfoType.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;storedType&quot;: { # A reference to a StoredInfoType to use with scanning. # Load an existing `StoredInfoType` resource for use in `InspectDataSource`. Not currently supported in `InspectContent`.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Timestamp indicating when the version of the `StoredInfoType` used for inspection was created. Output-only field, populated by the system.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Resource name of the requested `StoredInfoType`, for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or `projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342`.
&quot;surrogateType&quot;: { # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations such as [`CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig`]( These types of transformations are those that perform pseudonymization, thereby producing a &quot;surrogate&quot; as output. This should be used in conjunction with a field on the transformation such as `surrogate_info_type`. This CustomInfoType does not support the use of `detection_rules`. # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations that support reversing.
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: True or False, # When true, excludes type information of the findings.
&quot;includeQuote&quot;: True or False, # When true, a contextual quote from the data that triggered a finding is included in the response; see Finding.quote.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # Restricts what info_types to look for. The values must correspond to InfoType values returned by ListInfoTypes or listed at When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in a request, the system may automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated. If you need precise control and predictability as to what detectors are run you should specify specific InfoTypes listed in the reference, otherwise a default list will be used, which may change over time.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;limits&quot;: { # Configuration to control the number of findings returned. Cannot be set if de-identification is requested. # Configuration to control the number of findings returned.
&quot;maxFindingsPerInfoType&quot;: [ # Configuration of findings limit given for specified infoTypes.
{ # Max findings configuration per infoType, per content item or long running DlpJob.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # Type of information the findings limit applies to. Only one limit per info_type should be provided. If InfoTypeLimit does not have an info_type, the DLP API applies the limit against all info_types that are found but not specified in another InfoTypeLimit.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;maxFindings&quot;: 42, # Max findings limit for the given infoType.
&quot;maxFindingsPerItem&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned for each item scanned. When set within `InspectJobConfig`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, this field is ignored.
&quot;maxFindingsPerRequest&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned per request/job. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher.
&quot;minLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Only returns findings equal or above this threshold. The default is POSSIBLE. See to learn more.
&quot;ruleSet&quot;: [ # Set of rules to apply to the findings for this InspectConfig. Exclusion rules, contained in the set are executed in the end, other rules are executed in the order they are specified for each info type.
{ # Rule set for modifying a set of infoTypes to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rules within the set.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # List of infoTypes this rule set is applied to.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;rules&quot;: [ # Set of rules to be applied to infoTypes. The rules are applied in order.
{ # A single inspection rule to be applied to infoTypes, specified in `InspectionRuleSet`.
&quot;exclusionRule&quot;: { # The rule that specifies conditions when findings of infoTypes specified in `InspectionRuleSet` are removed from results. # Exclusion rule.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # Dictionary which defines the rule.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: { # List of exclude infoTypes. # Set of infoTypes for which findings would affect this rule.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # InfoType list in ExclusionRule rule drops a finding when it overlaps or contained within with a finding of an infoType from this list. For example, for `InspectionRuleSet.info_types` containing &quot;PHONE_NUMBER&quot;` and `exclusion_rule` containing `exclude_info_types.info_types` with &quot;EMAIL_ADDRESS&quot; the phone number findings are dropped if they overlap with EMAIL_ADDRESS finding. That leads to &quot;; to generate only a single finding, namely email address.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;matchingType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # How the rule is applied, see MatchingType documentation for details.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression which defines the rule.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The template name. The template will have one of the following formats: `projects/PROJECT_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID` OR `organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID`;
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The last update timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;nextPageToken&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # If the next page is available then the next page token to be used in following ListInspectTemplates request.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
<pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
A request object that you can call &#x27;execute()&#x27; on to request the next
page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="patch">patch(name, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Updates the InspectTemplate. See to learn more.
name: string, Required. Resource name of organization and inspectTemplate to be updated, for example `organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342` or projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # Request message for UpdateInspectTemplate.
&quot;inspectTemplate&quot;: { # The inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more. # New InspectTemplate value.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The creation timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;description&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Short description (max 256 chars).
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Display name (max 256 chars).
&quot;inspectConfig&quot;: { # Configuration description of the scanning process. When used with redactContent only info_types and min_likelihood are currently used. # The core content of the template. Configuration of the scanning process.
&quot;contentOptions&quot;: [ # List of options defining data content to scan. If empty, text, images, and other content will be included.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;customInfoTypes&quot;: [ # CustomInfoTypes provided by the user. See to learn more.
{ # Custom information type provided by the user. Used to find domain-specific sensitive information configurable to the data in question.
&quot;detectionRules&quot;: [ # Set of detection rules to apply to all findings of this CustomInfoType. Rules are applied in order that they are specified. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` CustomInfoType.
{ # Deprecated; use `InspectionRuleSet` instead. Rule for modifying a `CustomInfoType` to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rule. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` custom infoType.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # A list of phrases to detect as a CustomInfoType.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;exclusionType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # If set to EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE this infoType will not cause a finding to be returned. It still can be used for rules matching.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # CustomInfoType can either be a new infoType, or an extension of built-in infoType, when the name matches one of existing infoTypes and that infoType is specified in `InspectContent.info_types` field. Specifying the latter adds findings to the one detected by the system. If built-in info type is not specified in `InspectContent.info_types` list then the name is treated as a custom info type.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;likelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Likelihood to return for this CustomInfoType. This base value can be altered by a detection rule if the finding meets the criteria specified by the rule. Defaults to `VERY_LIKELY` if not specified.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression based CustomInfoType.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;storedType&quot;: { # A reference to a StoredInfoType to use with scanning. # Load an existing `StoredInfoType` resource for use in `InspectDataSource`. Not currently supported in `InspectContent`.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Timestamp indicating when the version of the `StoredInfoType` used for inspection was created. Output-only field, populated by the system.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Resource name of the requested `StoredInfoType`, for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or `projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342`.
&quot;surrogateType&quot;: { # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations such as [`CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig`]( These types of transformations are those that perform pseudonymization, thereby producing a &quot;surrogate&quot; as output. This should be used in conjunction with a field on the transformation such as `surrogate_info_type`. This CustomInfoType does not support the use of `detection_rules`. # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations that support reversing.
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: True or False, # When true, excludes type information of the findings.
&quot;includeQuote&quot;: True or False, # When true, a contextual quote from the data that triggered a finding is included in the response; see Finding.quote.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # Restricts what info_types to look for. The values must correspond to InfoType values returned by ListInfoTypes or listed at When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in a request, the system may automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated. If you need precise control and predictability as to what detectors are run you should specify specific InfoTypes listed in the reference, otherwise a default list will be used, which may change over time.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;limits&quot;: { # Configuration to control the number of findings returned. Cannot be set if de-identification is requested. # Configuration to control the number of findings returned.
&quot;maxFindingsPerInfoType&quot;: [ # Configuration of findings limit given for specified infoTypes.
{ # Max findings configuration per infoType, per content item or long running DlpJob.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # Type of information the findings limit applies to. Only one limit per info_type should be provided. If InfoTypeLimit does not have an info_type, the DLP API applies the limit against all info_types that are found but not specified in another InfoTypeLimit.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;maxFindings&quot;: 42, # Max findings limit for the given infoType.
&quot;maxFindingsPerItem&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned for each item scanned. When set within `InspectJobConfig`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, this field is ignored.
&quot;maxFindingsPerRequest&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned per request/job. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher.
&quot;minLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Only returns findings equal or above this threshold. The default is POSSIBLE. See to learn more.
&quot;ruleSet&quot;: [ # Set of rules to apply to the findings for this InspectConfig. Exclusion rules, contained in the set are executed in the end, other rules are executed in the order they are specified for each info type.
{ # Rule set for modifying a set of infoTypes to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rules within the set.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # List of infoTypes this rule set is applied to.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;rules&quot;: [ # Set of rules to be applied to infoTypes. The rules are applied in order.
{ # A single inspection rule to be applied to infoTypes, specified in `InspectionRuleSet`.
&quot;exclusionRule&quot;: { # The rule that specifies conditions when findings of infoTypes specified in `InspectionRuleSet` are removed from results. # Exclusion rule.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # Dictionary which defines the rule.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: { # List of exclude infoTypes. # Set of infoTypes for which findings would affect this rule.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # InfoType list in ExclusionRule rule drops a finding when it overlaps or contained within with a finding of an infoType from this list. For example, for `InspectionRuleSet.info_types` containing &quot;PHONE_NUMBER&quot;` and `exclusion_rule` containing `exclude_info_types.info_types` with &quot;EMAIL_ADDRESS&quot; the phone number findings are dropped if they overlap with EMAIL_ADDRESS finding. That leads to &quot;; to generate only a single finding, namely email address.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;matchingType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # How the rule is applied, see MatchingType documentation for details.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression which defines the rule.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The template name. The template will have one of the following formats: `projects/PROJECT_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID` OR `organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID`;
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The last update timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;updateMask&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Mask to control which fields get updated.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # The inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The creation timestamp of an inspectTemplate.
&quot;description&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Short description (max 256 chars).
&quot;displayName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Display name (max 256 chars).
&quot;inspectConfig&quot;: { # Configuration description of the scanning process. When used with redactContent only info_types and min_likelihood are currently used. # The core content of the template. Configuration of the scanning process.
&quot;contentOptions&quot;: [ # List of options defining data content to scan. If empty, text, images, and other content will be included.
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;customInfoTypes&quot;: [ # CustomInfoTypes provided by the user. See to learn more.
{ # Custom information type provided by the user. Used to find domain-specific sensitive information configurable to the data in question.
&quot;detectionRules&quot;: [ # Set of detection rules to apply to all findings of this CustomInfoType. Rules are applied in order that they are specified. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` CustomInfoType.
{ # Deprecated; use `InspectionRuleSet` instead. Rule for modifying a `CustomInfoType` to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rule. Not supported for the `surrogate_type` custom infoType.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # A list of phrases to detect as a CustomInfoType.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;exclusionType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # If set to EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE this infoType will not cause a finding to be returned. It still can be used for rules matching.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # CustomInfoType can either be a new infoType, or an extension of built-in infoType, when the name matches one of existing infoTypes and that infoType is specified in `InspectContent.info_types` field. Specifying the latter adds findings to the one detected by the system. If built-in info type is not specified in `InspectContent.info_types` list then the name is treated as a custom info type.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;likelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Likelihood to return for this CustomInfoType. This base value can be altered by a detection rule if the finding meets the criteria specified by the rule. Defaults to `VERY_LIKELY` if not specified.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression based CustomInfoType.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;storedType&quot;: { # A reference to a StoredInfoType to use with scanning. # Load an existing `StoredInfoType` resource for use in `InspectDataSource`. Not currently supported in `InspectContent`.
&quot;createTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Timestamp indicating when the version of the `StoredInfoType` used for inspection was created. Output-only field, populated by the system.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Resource name of the requested `StoredInfoType`, for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or `projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342`.
&quot;surrogateType&quot;: { # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations such as [`CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig`]( These types of transformations are those that perform pseudonymization, thereby producing a &quot;surrogate&quot; as output. This should be used in conjunction with a field on the transformation such as `surrogate_info_type`. This CustomInfoType does not support the use of `detection_rules`. # Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations that support reversing.
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: True or False, # When true, excludes type information of the findings.
&quot;includeQuote&quot;: True or False, # When true, a contextual quote from the data that triggered a finding is included in the response; see Finding.quote.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # Restricts what info_types to look for. The values must correspond to InfoType values returned by ListInfoTypes or listed at When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in a request, the system may automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated. If you need precise control and predictability as to what detectors are run you should specify specific InfoTypes listed in the reference, otherwise a default list will be used, which may change over time.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;limits&quot;: { # Configuration to control the number of findings returned. Cannot be set if de-identification is requested. # Configuration to control the number of findings returned.
&quot;maxFindingsPerInfoType&quot;: [ # Configuration of findings limit given for specified infoTypes.
{ # Max findings configuration per infoType, per content item or long running DlpJob.
&quot;infoType&quot;: { # Type of information detected by the API. # Type of information the findings limit applies to. Only one limit per info_type should be provided. If InfoTypeLimit does not have an info_type, the DLP API applies the limit against all info_types that are found but not specified in another InfoTypeLimit.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;maxFindings&quot;: 42, # Max findings limit for the given infoType.
&quot;maxFindingsPerItem&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned for each item scanned. When set within `InspectJobConfig`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, this field is ignored.
&quot;maxFindingsPerRequest&quot;: 42, # Max number of findings that will be returned per request/job. When set within `InspectContentRequest`, the maximum returned is 2000 regardless if this is set higher.
&quot;minLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Only returns findings equal or above this threshold. The default is POSSIBLE. See to learn more.
&quot;ruleSet&quot;: [ # Set of rules to apply to the findings for this InspectConfig. Exclusion rules, contained in the set are executed in the end, other rules are executed in the order they are specified for each info type.
{ # Rule set for modifying a set of infoTypes to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rules within the set.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # List of infoTypes this rule set is applied to.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;rules&quot;: [ # Set of rules to be applied to infoTypes. The rules are applied in order.
{ # A single inspection rule to be applied to infoTypes, specified in `InspectionRuleSet`.
&quot;exclusionRule&quot;: { # The rule that specifies conditions when findings of infoTypes specified in `InspectionRuleSet` are removed from results. # Exclusion rule.
&quot;dictionary&quot;: { # Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list of employee IDs or job titles. Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane]( will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the dictionary phrase &quot;Sam Johnson&quot; will match all three phrases &quot;sam johnson&quot;, &quot;Sam, Johnson&quot;, and &quot;Sam (Johnson)&quot;. Additionally, the characters surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word &quot;jen&quot; will match the first three letters of the text &quot;jen123&quot; but will return no matches for &quot;jennifer&quot;. Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters are treated as whitespace. The [limits]( page contains details about the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the `StoredInfoType` API. # Dictionary which defines the rule.
&quot;cloudStoragePath&quot;: { # Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage. # Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file is accepted.
&quot;path&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage. Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
&quot;wordList&quot;: { # Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data. # List of words or phrases to search for.
&quot;words&quot;: [ # Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters that are letters or digits. [required]
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;excludeInfoTypes&quot;: { # List of exclude infoTypes. # Set of infoTypes for which findings would affect this rule.
&quot;infoTypes&quot;: [ # InfoType list in ExclusionRule rule drops a finding when it overlaps or contained within with a finding of an infoType from this list. For example, for `InspectionRuleSet.info_types` containing &quot;PHONE_NUMBER&quot;` and `exclusion_rule` containing `exclude_info_types.info_types` with &quot;EMAIL_ADDRESS&quot; the phone number findings are dropped if they overlap with EMAIL_ADDRESS finding. That leads to &quot;; to generate only a single finding, namely email address.
{ # Type of information detected by the API.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed at when specifying a built-in type. When sending Cloud DLP results to Data Catalog, infoType names should conform to the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9$-_]{1,64}`.
&quot;matchingType&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # How the rule is applied, see MatchingType documentation for details.
&quot;regex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression which defines the rule.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;hotwordRule&quot;: { # The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords. # Hotword-based detection rule.
&quot;hotwordRegex&quot;: { # Message defining a custom regular expression. # Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
&quot;groupIndexes&quot;: [ # The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
&quot;pattern&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax ( can be found under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
&quot;likelihoodAdjustment&quot;: { # Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule. # Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
&quot;fixedLikelihood&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
&quot;relativeLikelihood&quot;: 42, # Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`. Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
&quot;proximity&quot;: { # Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule. # Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside. The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the certainty of a phone number regex &quot;\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}&quot; could be adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of a company office using the hotword regex &quot;\(xxx\)&quot;, where &quot;xxx&quot; is the area code in question.
&quot;windowAfter&quot;: 42, # Number of characters after the finding to consider.
&quot;windowBefore&quot;: 42, # Number of characters before the finding to consider.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The template name. The template will have one of the following formats: `projects/PROJECT_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID` OR `organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/inspectTemplates/TEMPLATE_ID`;
&quot;updateTime&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. The last update timestamp of an inspectTemplate.