blob: 820fd7ee0afad50f1aaff74af605bc022da4ffb1 [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1><a href="iap_v1.html">Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy API</a> . <a href="iap_v1.projects.html">projects</a> . <a href="iap_v1.projects.brands.html">brands</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="iap_v1.projects.brands.identityAwareProxyClients.html">identityAwareProxyClients()</a></code>
<p class="firstline">Returns the identityAwareProxyClients Resource.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#close">close()</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Close httplib2 connections.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#create">create(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Constructs a new OAuth brand for the project if one does not exist. The created brand is "internal only", meaning that OAuth clients created under it only accept requests from users who belong to the same G Suite organization as the project. The brand is created in an un-reviewed status. NOTE: The "internal only" status can be manually changed in the Google Cloud console. Requires that a brand does not already exist for the project, and that the specified support email is owned by the caller.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#get">get(name, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Retrieves the OAuth brand of the project.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#list">list(parent, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Lists the existing brands for the project.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="close">close()</code>
<pre>Close httplib2 connections.</pre>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="create">create(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Constructs a new OAuth brand for the project if one does not exist. The created brand is &quot;internal only&quot;, meaning that OAuth clients created under it only accept requests from users who belong to the same G Suite organization as the project. The brand is created in an un-reviewed status. NOTE: The &quot;internal only&quot; status can be manually changed in the Google Cloud console. Requires that a brand does not already exist for the project, and that the specified support email is owned by the caller.
parent: string, Required. GCP Project number/id under which the brand is to be created. In the following format: projects/{project_number/id}. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # OAuth brand data. NOTE: Only contains a portion of the data that describes a brand.
&quot;applicationTitle&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Application name displayed on OAuth consent screen.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. Identifier of the brand. NOTE: GCP project number achieves the same brand identification purpose as only one brand per project can be created.
&quot;orgInternalOnly&quot;: True or False, # Output only. Whether the brand is only intended for usage inside the G Suite organization only.
&quot;supportEmail&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Support email displayed on the OAuth consent screen.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # OAuth brand data. NOTE: Only contains a portion of the data that describes a brand.
&quot;applicationTitle&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Application name displayed on OAuth consent screen.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. Identifier of the brand. NOTE: GCP project number achieves the same brand identification purpose as only one brand per project can be created.
&quot;orgInternalOnly&quot;: True or False, # Output only. Whether the brand is only intended for usage inside the G Suite organization only.
&quot;supportEmail&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Support email displayed on the OAuth consent screen.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="get">get(name, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Retrieves the OAuth brand of the project.
name: string, Required. Name of the brand to be fetched. In the following format: projects/{project_number/id}/brands/{brand}. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # OAuth brand data. NOTE: Only contains a portion of the data that describes a brand.
&quot;applicationTitle&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Application name displayed on OAuth consent screen.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. Identifier of the brand. NOTE: GCP project number achieves the same brand identification purpose as only one brand per project can be created.
&quot;orgInternalOnly&quot;: True or False, # Output only. Whether the brand is only intended for usage inside the G Suite organization only.
&quot;supportEmail&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Support email displayed on the OAuth consent screen.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="list">list(parent, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Lists the existing brands for the project.
parent: string, Required. GCP Project number/id. In the following format: projects/{project_number/id}. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # Response message for ListBrands.
&quot;brands&quot;: [ # Brands existing in the project.
{ # OAuth brand data. NOTE: Only contains a portion of the data that describes a brand.
&quot;applicationTitle&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Application name displayed on OAuth consent screen.
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Output only. Identifier of the brand. NOTE: GCP project number achieves the same brand identification purpose as only one brand per project can be created.
&quot;orgInternalOnly&quot;: True or False, # Output only. Whether the brand is only intended for usage inside the G Suite organization only.
&quot;supportEmail&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Support email displayed on the OAuth consent screen.