blob: fae3d70f1cc6d6ac3dd0100bbe0997d333455972 [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1><a href="tagmanager_v1.html">Tag Manager API</a> . <a href="tagmanager_v1.accounts.html">accounts</a> . <a href="tagmanager_v1.accounts.containers.html">containers</a> . <a href="tagmanager_v1.accounts.containers.tags.html">tags</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#close">close()</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Close httplib2 connections.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#create">create(accountId, containerId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Creates a GTM Tag.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#delete">delete(accountId, containerId, tagId, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Deletes a GTM Tag.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#get">get(accountId, containerId, tagId, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Gets a GTM Tag.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#list">list(accountId, containerId, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Lists all GTM Tags of a Container.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#update">update(accountId, containerId, tagId, body=None, fingerprint=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Updates a GTM Tag.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="close">close()</code>
<pre>Close httplib2 connections.</pre>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="create">create(accountId, containerId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Creates a GTM Tag.
accountId: string, The GTM Account ID. (required)
containerId: string, The GTM Container ID. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Tag.
&quot;accountId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Account ID.
&quot;blockingRuleId&quot;: [ # Blocking rule IDs. If any of the listed rules evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;blockingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Blocking trigger IDs. If any of the listed triggers evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;containerId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Container ID.
&quot;fingerprint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The fingerprint of the GTM Tag as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the tag is modified.
&quot;firingRuleId&quot;: [ # Firing rule IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed rules are true and all of its blockingRuleIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;firingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Firing trigger IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed triggers are true and all of its blockingTriggerIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;liveOnly&quot;: True or False, # If set to true, this tag will only fire in the live environment (e.g. not in preview or debug mode). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Tag display name. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;notes&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # User notes on how to apply this tag in the container. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parameter&quot;: [ # The tag&#x27;s parameters. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter.
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parentFolderId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Parent folder id.
&quot;paused&quot;: True or False, # True if the tag is paused. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;priority&quot;: { # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter. # User defined numeric priority of the tag. Tags are fired asynchronously in order of priority. Tags with higher numeric value fire first. A tag&#x27;s priority can be a positive or negative value. The default value is 0. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleEndMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The end timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleStartMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The start timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;setupTag&quot;: [ # The list of setup tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopOnSetupFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the main tag if and only if the setup tag fires successfully. If false, fire the main tag regardless of setup tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the setup tag.
&quot;tagFiringOption&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Option to fire this tag.
&quot;tagId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The Tag ID uniquely identifies the GTM Tag.
&quot;teardownTag&quot;: [ # The list of teardown tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopTeardownOnFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the teardown tag if and only if the main tag fires successfully. If false, fire the teardown tag regardless of main tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the teardown tag.
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Tag Type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Tag.
&quot;accountId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Account ID.
&quot;blockingRuleId&quot;: [ # Blocking rule IDs. If any of the listed rules evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;blockingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Blocking trigger IDs. If any of the listed triggers evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;containerId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Container ID.
&quot;fingerprint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The fingerprint of the GTM Tag as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the tag is modified.
&quot;firingRuleId&quot;: [ # Firing rule IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed rules are true and all of its blockingRuleIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;firingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Firing trigger IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed triggers are true and all of its blockingTriggerIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;liveOnly&quot;: True or False, # If set to true, this tag will only fire in the live environment (e.g. not in preview or debug mode). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Tag display name. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;notes&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # User notes on how to apply this tag in the container. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parameter&quot;: [ # The tag&#x27;s parameters. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter.
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parentFolderId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Parent folder id.
&quot;paused&quot;: True or False, # True if the tag is paused. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;priority&quot;: { # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter. # User defined numeric priority of the tag. Tags are fired asynchronously in order of priority. Tags with higher numeric value fire first. A tag&#x27;s priority can be a positive or negative value. The default value is 0. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleEndMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The end timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleStartMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The start timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;setupTag&quot;: [ # The list of setup tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopOnSetupFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the main tag if and only if the setup tag fires successfully. If false, fire the main tag regardless of setup tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the setup tag.
&quot;tagFiringOption&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Option to fire this tag.
&quot;tagId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The Tag ID uniquely identifies the GTM Tag.
&quot;teardownTag&quot;: [ # The list of teardown tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopTeardownOnFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the teardown tag if and only if the main tag fires successfully. If false, fire the teardown tag regardless of main tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the teardown tag.
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Tag Type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="delete">delete(accountId, containerId, tagId, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Deletes a GTM Tag.
accountId: string, The GTM Account ID. (required)
containerId: string, The GTM Container ID. (required)
tagId: string, The GTM Tag ID. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="get">get(accountId, containerId, tagId, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Gets a GTM Tag.
accountId: string, The GTM Account ID. (required)
containerId: string, The GTM Container ID. (required)
tagId: string, The GTM Tag ID. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Tag.
&quot;accountId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Account ID.
&quot;blockingRuleId&quot;: [ # Blocking rule IDs. If any of the listed rules evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;blockingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Blocking trigger IDs. If any of the listed triggers evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;containerId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Container ID.
&quot;fingerprint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The fingerprint of the GTM Tag as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the tag is modified.
&quot;firingRuleId&quot;: [ # Firing rule IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed rules are true and all of its blockingRuleIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;firingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Firing trigger IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed triggers are true and all of its blockingTriggerIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;liveOnly&quot;: True or False, # If set to true, this tag will only fire in the live environment (e.g. not in preview or debug mode). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Tag display name. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;notes&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # User notes on how to apply this tag in the container. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parameter&quot;: [ # The tag&#x27;s parameters. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter.
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parentFolderId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Parent folder id.
&quot;paused&quot;: True or False, # True if the tag is paused. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;priority&quot;: { # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter. # User defined numeric priority of the tag. Tags are fired asynchronously in order of priority. Tags with higher numeric value fire first. A tag&#x27;s priority can be a positive or negative value. The default value is 0. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleEndMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The end timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleStartMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The start timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;setupTag&quot;: [ # The list of setup tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopOnSetupFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the main tag if and only if the setup tag fires successfully. If false, fire the main tag regardless of setup tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the setup tag.
&quot;tagFiringOption&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Option to fire this tag.
&quot;tagId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The Tag ID uniquely identifies the GTM Tag.
&quot;teardownTag&quot;: [ # The list of teardown tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopTeardownOnFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the teardown tag if and only if the main tag fires successfully. If false, fire the teardown tag regardless of main tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the teardown tag.
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Tag Type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="list">list(accountId, containerId, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Lists all GTM Tags of a Container.
accountId: string, The GTM Account ID. (required)
containerId: string, The GTM Container ID. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # List Tags Response.
&quot;tags&quot;: [ # All GTM Tags of a GTM Container.
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Tag.
&quot;accountId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Account ID.
&quot;blockingRuleId&quot;: [ # Blocking rule IDs. If any of the listed rules evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;blockingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Blocking trigger IDs. If any of the listed triggers evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;containerId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Container ID.
&quot;fingerprint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The fingerprint of the GTM Tag as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the tag is modified.
&quot;firingRuleId&quot;: [ # Firing rule IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed rules are true and all of its blockingRuleIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;firingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Firing trigger IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed triggers are true and all of its blockingTriggerIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;liveOnly&quot;: True or False, # If set to true, this tag will only fire in the live environment (e.g. not in preview or debug mode). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Tag display name. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;notes&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # User notes on how to apply this tag in the container. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parameter&quot;: [ # The tag&#x27;s parameters. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter.
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parentFolderId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Parent folder id.
&quot;paused&quot;: True or False, # True if the tag is paused. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;priority&quot;: { # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter. # User defined numeric priority of the tag. Tags are fired asynchronously in order of priority. Tags with higher numeric value fire first. A tag&#x27;s priority can be a positive or negative value. The default value is 0. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleEndMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The end timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleStartMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The start timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;setupTag&quot;: [ # The list of setup tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopOnSetupFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the main tag if and only if the setup tag fires successfully. If false, fire the main tag regardless of setup tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the setup tag.
&quot;tagFiringOption&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Option to fire this tag.
&quot;tagId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The Tag ID uniquely identifies the GTM Tag.
&quot;teardownTag&quot;: [ # The list of teardown tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopTeardownOnFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the teardown tag if and only if the main tag fires successfully. If false, fire the teardown tag regardless of main tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the teardown tag.
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Tag Type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="update">update(accountId, containerId, tagId, body=None, fingerprint=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Updates a GTM Tag.
accountId: string, The GTM Account ID. (required)
containerId: string, The GTM Container ID. (required)
tagId: string, The GTM Tag ID. (required)
body: object, The request body.
The object takes the form of:
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Tag.
&quot;accountId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Account ID.
&quot;blockingRuleId&quot;: [ # Blocking rule IDs. If any of the listed rules evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;blockingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Blocking trigger IDs. If any of the listed triggers evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;containerId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Container ID.
&quot;fingerprint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The fingerprint of the GTM Tag as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the tag is modified.
&quot;firingRuleId&quot;: [ # Firing rule IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed rules are true and all of its blockingRuleIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;firingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Firing trigger IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed triggers are true and all of its blockingTriggerIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;liveOnly&quot;: True or False, # If set to true, this tag will only fire in the live environment (e.g. not in preview or debug mode). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Tag display name. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;notes&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # User notes on how to apply this tag in the container. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parameter&quot;: [ # The tag&#x27;s parameters. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter.
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parentFolderId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Parent folder id.
&quot;paused&quot;: True or False, # True if the tag is paused. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;priority&quot;: { # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter. # User defined numeric priority of the tag. Tags are fired asynchronously in order of priority. Tags with higher numeric value fire first. A tag&#x27;s priority can be a positive or negative value. The default value is 0. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleEndMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The end timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleStartMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The start timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;setupTag&quot;: [ # The list of setup tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopOnSetupFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the main tag if and only if the setup tag fires successfully. If false, fire the main tag regardless of setup tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the setup tag.
&quot;tagFiringOption&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Option to fire this tag.
&quot;tagId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The Tag ID uniquely identifies the GTM Tag.
&quot;teardownTag&quot;: [ # The list of teardown tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopTeardownOnFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the teardown tag if and only if the main tag fires successfully. If false, fire the teardown tag regardless of main tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the teardown tag.
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Tag Type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
fingerprint: string, When provided, this fingerprint must match the fingerprint of the tag in storage.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Tag.
&quot;accountId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Account ID.
&quot;blockingRuleId&quot;: [ # Blocking rule IDs. If any of the listed rules evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;blockingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Blocking trigger IDs. If any of the listed triggers evaluate to true, the tag will not fire. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;containerId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Container ID.
&quot;fingerprint&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The fingerprint of the GTM Tag as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the tag is modified.
&quot;firingRuleId&quot;: [ # Firing rule IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed rules are true and all of its blockingRuleIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;firingTriggerId&quot;: [ # Firing trigger IDs. A tag will fire when any of the listed triggers are true and all of its blockingTriggerIds (if any specified) are false. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;A String&quot;,
&quot;liveOnly&quot;: True or False, # If set to true, this tag will only fire in the live environment (e.g. not in preview or debug mode). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Tag display name. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;notes&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # User notes on how to apply this tag in the container. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parameter&quot;: [ # The tag&#x27;s parameters. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
{ # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter.
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;parentFolderId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Parent folder id.
&quot;paused&quot;: True or False, # True if the tag is paused. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;priority&quot;: { # Represents a Google Tag Manager Parameter. # User defined numeric priority of the tag. Tags are fired asynchronously in order of priority. Tags with higher numeric value fire first. A tag&#x27;s priority can be a positive or negative value. The default value is 0. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;key&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The named key that uniquely identifies a parameter. Required for top-level parameters, as well as map values. Ignored for list values. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;list&quot;: [ # This list parameter&#x27;s parameters (keys will be ignored). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;map&quot;: [ # This map parameter&#x27;s parameters (must have keys; keys must be unique). @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
# Object with schema name: Parameter
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The parameter type. Valid values are: - boolean: The value represents a boolean, represented as &#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27; - integer: The value represents a 64-bit signed integer value, in base 10 - list: A list of parameters should be specified - map: A map of parameters should be specified - template: The value represents any text; this can include variable references (even variable references that might return non-string types) - trigger_reference: The value represents a trigger, represented as the trigger id - tag_reference: The value represents a tag, represented as the tag name @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # A parameter&#x27;s value (may contain variable references such as &quot;{{myVariable}}&quot;) as appropriate to the specified type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.variables.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.triggers.update @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleEndMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The end timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;scheduleStartMs&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The start timestamp in milliseconds to schedule a tag. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update
&quot;setupTag&quot;: [ # The list of setup tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopOnSetupFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the main tag if and only if the setup tag fires successfully. If false, fire the main tag regardless of setup tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the setup tag.
&quot;tagFiringOption&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Option to fire this tag.
&quot;tagId&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The Tag ID uniquely identifies the GTM Tag.
&quot;teardownTag&quot;: [ # The list of teardown tags. Currently we only allow one.
&quot;stopTeardownOnFailure&quot;: True or False, # If true, fire the teardown tag if and only if the main tag fires successfully. If false, fire the teardown tag regardless of main tag firing status.
&quot;tagName&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # The name of the teardown tag.
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # GTM Tag Type. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.create @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.tags.update