blob: 4f7fe9697789a6ed6a09b703d9ecfa183d35d971 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import pydoc
import re
from apiclient.discovery import build
BASE = 'docs/dyn'
APIS = [
('buzz', 'v1'),
('moderator', 'v1'),
('latitude', 'v1'),
('customsearch', 'v1'),
('diacritize', 'v1'),
('translate', 'v2'),
('prediction', 'v1.1'),
('shopping', 'v1'),
('urlshortener', 'v1'),
def document(resource, path):
print path
collections = []
for name in dir(resource):
if not "_" in name and callable(getattr(resource, name)) and hasattr(
getattr(resource, name), '__is_resource__'):
obj, name = pydoc.resolve(type(resource))
page =
pydoc.describe(obj), pydoc.html.document(obj, name))
for name in collections:
page = re.sub('strong>(%s)<' % name, r'strong><a href="%s">\1</a><' % (path + name + ".html"), page)
for name in collections:
document(getattr(resource, name)(), path + name + ".")
f = open(os.path.join(BASE, path + 'html'), 'w')
def document_api(name, version):
service = build(name, version)
document(service, '%s.%s.' % (name, version))
if __name__ == '__main__':
for name, version in APIS:
document_api(name, version)