blob: 3768f2b5b7b4c31c2f2b9bd7332726922bdceb65 [file] [log] [blame]
import httplib2
import pytest
import tests
from six.moves import urllib
def test_credentials():
c = httplib2.Credentials()
c.add('joe', 'password')
assert tuple(c.iter(''))[0] == ('joe', 'password')
assert tuple(c.iter(''))[0] == ('joe', 'password')
c.add('fred', 'password2', '')
assert tuple(c.iter(''))[0] == ('joe', 'password')
assert len(tuple(c.iter(''))) == 1
assert len(tuple(c.iter(''))) == 2
assert ('fred', 'password2') in tuple(c.iter(''))
assert len(tuple(c.iter(''))) == 0
c.add('fred', 'password2', '')
assert ('fred', 'password2') in tuple(c.iter(''))
assert len(tuple(c.iter(''))) == 0
assert len(tuple(c.iter(''))) == 0
def test_basic():
# Test Basic Authentication
http = httplib2.Http()
password = tests.gen_password()
handler = tests.http_reflect_with_auth(allow_scheme='basic', allow_credentials=(('joe', password),))
with tests.server_request(handler, request_count=3) as uri:
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 401
http.add_credentials('joe', password)
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 200
def test_basic_for_domain():
# Test Basic Authentication
http = httplib2.Http()
password = tests.gen_password()
handler = tests.http_reflect_with_auth(allow_scheme='basic', allow_credentials=(('joe', password),))
with tests.server_request(handler, request_count=4) as uri:
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 401
http.add_credentials('joe', password, '')
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 401
domain = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)[1]
http.add_credentials('joe', password, domain)
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 200
def test_basic_two_credentials():
# Test Basic Authentication with multiple sets of credentials
http = httplib2.Http()
password1 = tests.gen_password()
password2 = tests.gen_password()
allowed = [('joe', password1)] # exploit shared mutable list
handler = tests.http_reflect_with_auth(allow_scheme='basic', allow_credentials=allowed)
with tests.server_request(handler, request_count=7) as uri:
http.add_credentials('fred', password2)
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 401
http.add_credentials('joe', password1)
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 200
allowed[0] = ('fred', password2)
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 200
def test_digest():
# Test that we support Digest Authentication
http = httplib2.Http()
password = tests.gen_password()
handler = tests.http_reflect_with_auth(allow_scheme='digest', allow_credentials=(('joe', password),))
with tests.server_request(handler, request_count=3) as uri:
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 401
http.add_credentials('joe', password)
response, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 200, content.decode()
def test_digest_next_nonce_nc():
# Test that if the server sets nextnonce that we reset
# the nonce count back to 1
http = httplib2.Http()
password = tests.gen_password()
grenew_nonce = [None]
handler = tests.http_reflect_with_auth(
allow_credentials=(('joe', password),),
with tests.server_request(handler, request_count=5) as uri:
http.add_credentials('joe', password)
response1, _ = http.request(uri, 'GET')
info = httplib2._parse_www_authenticate(response1, 'authentication-info')
assert response1.status == 200
assert info.get('digest', {}).get('nc') == '00000001', info
assert not info.get('digest', {}).get('nextnonce'), info
response2, _ = http.request(uri, 'GET')
info2 = httplib2._parse_www_authenticate(response2, 'authentication-info')
assert info2.get('digest', {}).get('nc') == '00000002', info2
response3, content = http.request(uri, 'GET')
info3 = httplib2._parse_www_authenticate(response3, 'authentication-info')
assert response3.status == 200
assert info3.get('digest', {}).get('nc') == '00000001', info3
def test_digest_auth_stale():
# Test that we can handle a nonce becoming stale
http = httplib2.Http()
password = tests.gen_password()
grenew_nonce = [None]
requests = []
handler = tests.http_reflect_with_auth(
allow_credentials=(('joe', password),),
with tests.server_request(handler, request_count=4) as uri:
http.add_credentials('joe', password)
response, _ = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 200
info = httplib2._parse_www_authenticate(requests[0][1].headers, 'www-authenticate')
response, _ = http.request(uri, 'GET')
assert response.status == 200
assert not response.fromcache
assert getattr(response, '_stale_digest', False)
info2 = httplib2._parse_www_authenticate(requests[2][1].headers, 'www-authenticate')
nonce1 = info.get('digest', {}).get('nonce', '')
nonce2 = info2.get('digest', {}).get('nonce', '')
assert nonce1 != ''
assert nonce2 != ''
assert nonce1 != nonce2, (nonce1, nonce2)
'data', (
({}, {}),
({'www-authenticate': ''}, {}),
({'www-authenticate': 'Test realm="test realm" , foo=foo ,bar="bar", baz=baz,qux=qux'},
{'test': {'realm': 'test realm', 'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar', 'baz': 'baz', 'qux': 'qux'}}),
({'www-authenticate': 'T*!%#st realm=to*!%#en, to*!%#en="quoted string"'},
{'t*!%#st': {'realm': 'to*!%#en', 'to*!%#en': 'quoted string'}}),
({'www-authenticate': 'Test realm="a \\"test\\" realm"'},
{'test': {'realm': 'a "test" realm'}}),
({'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="me"'},
{'basic': {'realm': 'me'}}),
({'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="me", algorithm="MD5"'},
{'basic': {'realm': 'me', 'algorithm': 'MD5'}}),
({'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="me", algorithm=MD5'},
{'basic': {'realm': 'me', 'algorithm': 'MD5'}}),
({'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="me",other="fred" '},
{'basic': {'realm': 'me', 'other': 'fred'}}),
({'www-authenticate': 'Basic REAlm="me" '},
{'basic': {'realm': 'me'}}),
({'www-authenticate': 'Digest realm="digest1", qop="auth,auth-int", nonce="7102dd2", opaque="e9517f"'},
{'digest': {'realm': 'digest1', 'qop': 'auth,auth-int', 'nonce': '7102dd2', 'opaque': 'e9517f'}}),
# multiple schema choice
({'www-authenticate': 'Digest realm="multi-d", nonce="8b11d0f6", opaque="cc069c" Basic realm="multi-b" '},
{'digest': {'realm': 'multi-d', 'nonce': '8b11d0f6', 'opaque': 'cc069c'},
'basic': {'realm': 'multi-b'}}),
# comma between schemas (glue for multiple headers with same name)
# ({'www-authenticate': 'Digest realm="2-comma-d", qop="auth-int", nonce="c0c8ff1", Basic realm="2-comma-b"'},
# {'digest': {'realm': '2-comma-d', 'qop': 'auth-int', 'nonce': 'c0c8ff1'},
# 'basic': {'realm': '2-comma-b'}}),
# comma between schemas + WSSE (glue for multiple headers with same name)
# ({'www-authenticate': 'Digest realm="com3d", Basic realm="com3b", WSSE realm="com3w", profile="token"'},
# {'digest': {'realm': 'com3d'}, 'basic': {'realm': 'com3b'}, 'wsse': {'realm': 'com3w', profile': 'token'}}),
# multiple syntax figures
# ({'www-authenticate':
# 'Digest realm="brig", qop \t=\t"\tauth,auth-int", nonce="(*)&^&$%#",opaque="5ccc"' +
# ', Basic REAlm="zoo", WSSE realm="very", profile="UsernameToken"'},
# {'digest': {'realm': 'brig', 'qop': 'auth,auth-int', 'nonce': '(*)&^&$%#', 'opaque': '5ccc'},
# 'basic': {'realm': 'zoo'},
# 'wsse': {'realm': 'very', 'profile': 'UsernameToken'}}),
# more quote combos
({'www-authenticate': 'Digest realm="myrealm", nonce="KBAA=3", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth", stale=true'},
{'digest': {'realm': 'myrealm', 'nonce': 'KBAA=3', 'algorithm': 'MD5', 'qop': 'auth', 'stale': 'true'}}),
), ids=lambda data: str(data[0]))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('strict', (True, False), ids=('strict', 'relax'))
def test_parse_www_authenticate_correct(data, strict):
headers, info = data
# FIXME: move strict to parse argument
assert httplib2._parse_www_authenticate(headers) == info
def test_parse_www_authenticate_malformed():
# TODO: test (and fix) header value 'barbqwnbm-bb...:asd' leads to dead loop
with tests.assert_raises(httplib2.MalformedHeader):
{'www-authenticate': 'OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Invalid OAuth access token."'}
def test_digest_object():
credentials = ('joe', 'password')
host = None
request_uri = '/test/digest/'
headers = {}
response = {
'www-authenticate': 'Digest realm="myrealm", nonce="KBAA=35", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth"'
content = b''
d = httplib2.DigestAuthentication(credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, None)
d.request('GET', request_uri, headers, content, cnonce="33033375ec278a46")
our_request = 'authorization: ' + headers['authorization']
working_request = (
'authorization: Digest username="joe", realm="myrealm", nonce="KBAA=35", uri="/test/digest/"' +
', algorithm=MD5, response="de6d4a123b80801d0e94550411b6283f", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce="33033375ec278a46"'
assert our_request == working_request
def test_digest_object_with_opaque():
credentials = ('joe', 'password')
host = None
request_uri = '/digest/opaque/'
headers = {}
response = {
'www-authenticate': 'Digest realm="myrealm", nonce="30352fd", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth", opaque="atestopaque"',
content = ''
d = httplib2.DigestAuthentication(credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, None)
d.request('GET', request_uri, headers, content, cnonce="5ec2")
our_request = 'authorization: ' + headers['authorization']
working_request = (
'authorization: Digest username="joe", realm="myrealm", nonce="30352fd", uri="/digest/opaque/", algorithm=MD5' +
', response="a1fab43041f8f3789a447f48018bee48", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce="5ec2", opaque="atestopaque"'
assert our_request == working_request
def test_digest_object_stale():
credentials = ('joe', 'password')
host = None
request_uri = '/digest/stale/'
headers = {}
response = httplib2.Response({})
response['www-authenticate'] = 'Digest realm="myrealm", nonce="bd669f", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth", stale=true'
response.status = 401
content = b''
d = httplib2.DigestAuthentication(credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, None)
# Returns true to force a retry
assert d.response(response, content)
def test_digest_object_auth_info():
credentials = ('joe', 'password')
host = None
request_uri = '/digest/nextnonce/'
headers = {}
response = httplib2.Response({})
response['www-authenticate'] = 'Digest realm="myrealm", nonce="barney", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth", stale=true'
response['authentication-info'] = 'nextnonce="fred"'
content = b''
d = httplib2.DigestAuthentication(credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, None)
# Returns true to force a retry
assert not d.response(response, content)
assert d.challenge['nonce'] == 'fred'
assert d.challenge['nc'] == 1
def test_wsse_algorithm():
digest = httplib2._wsse_username_token('d36e316282959a9ed4c89851497a717f', '2003-12-15T14:43:07Z', 'taadtaadpstcsm')
expected = b'quR/EWLAV4xLf9Zqyw4pDmfV9OY='
assert expected == digest