blob: a387ffa1f0215404d131af6981d68358e0988e14 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides a class that holds runtime and parsing time options.
:copyright: 2007 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from jinja.lexer import Lexer
from jinja.parser import Parser
from jinja.loaders import LoaderWrapper
from jinja.datastructure import SilentUndefined, Markup, Context, FakeTranslator
from jinja.utils import collect_translations, get_attribute
from jinja.exceptions import FilterNotFound, TestNotFound, \
SecurityException, TemplateSyntaxError
__all__ = ['Environment']
#: minor speedup
_getattr = getattr
class Environment(object):
The Jinja environment.
The core component of Jinja is the `Environment`. It contains
important shared variables like configuration, filters, tests,
globals and others.
def __init__(self,
Here the possible initialization parameters:
========================= ============================================
`block_start_string` the string marking the begin of a block.
this defaults to ``'{%'``.
`block_end_string` the string marking the end of a block.
defaults to ``'%}'``.
`variable_start_string` the string marking the begin of a print
statement. defaults to ``'{{'``.
`comment_start_string` the string marking the begin of a
comment. defaults to ``'{#'``.
`comment_end_string` the string marking the end of a comment.
defaults to ``'#}'``.
`trim_blocks` If this is set to ``True`` the first newline
after a block is removed (block, not
variable tag!). Defaults to ``False``.
`loader` The loader for this environment.
========================= ============================================
# lexer / parser information
self.block_start_string = block_start_string
self.block_end_string = block_end_string
self.variable_start_string = variable_start_string
self.variable_end_string = variable_end_string
self.comment_start_string = comment_start_string
self.comment_end_string = comment_end_string
self.trim_blocks = trim_blocks
# other stuff
self.template_charset = template_charset
self.loader = loader
# defaults
self.filters = DEFAULT_FILTERS.copy()
self.tests = DEFAULT_TESTS.copy()
self.globals = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.copy()
# create lexer
self.lexer = Lexer(self)
def loader(self, value):
Get or set the template loader.
self._loader = LoaderWrapper(self, value)
loader = property(lambda s: s._loader, loader, doc=loader.__doc__)
def parse(self, source, filename=None):
Parse the sourcecode and return the abstract syntax tree. This tree
of nodes is used by the `translators`_ to convert the template into
executable source- or bytecode.
.. _translators: translators.txt
parser = Parser(self, source, filename)
return parser.parse()
def lex(self, source, filename=None):
Lex the given sourcecode and return a generator that yields tokens.
The stream returned is not usable for Jinja but can be used if
Jinja templates should be processed by other tools (for example
syntax highlighting etc)
The tuples are returned in the form ``(lineno, token, value)``.
return self.lexer.tokeniter(source, filename)