blob: 25f7992784fd572730f7eba5405f139707c2b2ce [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Jinja test functions. Used with the "is" operator.
:copyright: 2007 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import re
number_re = re.compile(r'^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$')
regex_type = type(number_re)
def test_odd():
Return true if the variable is odd.
return lambda e, c, v: v % 2 == 1
def test_even():
Return true of the variable is even.
return lambda e, c, v: v % 2 == 0
def test_defined():
Return true if the variable is defined:
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{% if variable is defined %}
value of variable: {{ variable }}
{% else %}
variable is not defined
{% endif %}
See also the ``default`` filter.
return lambda e, c, v: v is not e.undefined_singleton
def test_lower():
Return true if the variable is lowercase.
return lambda e, c, v: isinstance(v, basestring) and v.islower()
def test_upper():
Return true if the variable is uppercase.
return lambda e, c, v: isinstance(v, basestring) and v.isupper()
def test_numeric():
Return true if the variable is numeric.
return lambda e, c, v: isinstance(v, (int, long, float)) or (
isinstance(v, basestring) and
number_re.match(v) is not None)
def test_sequence():
Return true if the variable is a sequence. Sequences are variables
that are iterable.
def wrapped(environment, context, value):
return False
return True
return wrapped
def test_matching(regex):
Test if the variable matches the regular expression given. Note that
you have to escape special chars using *two* backslashes, these are
*not* raw strings.
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{% if var is matching @/^\d+$/ %}
var looks like a number
{% else %}
var doesn't really look like a number
{% endif %}
def wrapped(environment, context, value):
if type(regex) is regex_type:
regex_ = regex
if environment.disable_regexps:
raise RuntimeError('regular expressions disabled.')
if isinstance(regex, unicode):
regex_ = re.compile(regex, re.U)
elif isinstance(regex, str):
regex_ = re.compile(regex)
return False
return is not None
return wrapped
def test_sameas(other):
Check if an object points to the same memory address than another
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{% if foo.attribute is sameas(false) %}
the foo attribute really is the `False` singleton
{% endif %}
*New in Jinja 1.2*
return lambda e, c, v: v is other
'odd': test_odd,
'even': test_even,
'defined': test_defined,
'lower': test_lower,
'upper': test_upper,
'numeric': test_numeric,
'sequence': test_sequence,
'matching': test_matching,
'sameas': test_sameas