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Filter Functions
Filters are a powerful feature of Jinja taken from django which probably took
it from UNIX. The idea is that you "pipe" a value through some filters to
do something with it. For example convert it to upper case, escape it or
replace a substring.
Jinja comes with some builtin filters explained in the `designer documentation`_.
Writing Filters
A filter basically is a factory function, a function that returns another
function. We do this because filters can get an unlimited amount of positional
arguments and aditionally should gain access to the environment, context and
piped value. A simple filter looks like this:
.. sourcecode:: python
def do_join(d=u''):
def wrapped(env, context, value):
tmp = []
for item in value:
return d.join(tmp)
return wrapped
Now you have to register that filter on an environment:
.. sourcecode:: python
env.filters['join'] = do_join
In fact this filter is already bundled so you won't see any effect. But it
should explain how such a filter looks like. The template designer can just
trigger the outer code (i.e. call `join` with or without arguments). The
returned function is then processed by the jinja template engine once all
filters are created.
If you want to create filters that just operate on a string (in fact unicode
objects) you can use the `stringfilter` decorator:
.. sourcecode:: python
from jinja.filters import stringfilter
def do_strip(value):
return value.strip()
The wrapped function is created internally by the decorator, any positional
arguments are forwarded to the filter function. The first argument is always
the value already converted into a string.
If you're using Jinja with django and want to use the django filters in Jinja
have a look at the `developer recipies`_ page.
*new in Jinja 1.1* additionally to the `stringfilter` decorator there is now
a similar decorator that works exactly the same but does not convert values
to unicode:
.. sourcecode:: python
from jinja.filters import simplefilter
def do_add(value, to_add):
return value + to_add
.. _designer documentation: builtins.txt
.. _developer recipies: devrecipies.txt