blob: 77aee3f4375a3fd43b7a0cc1c35e0054a6710918 [file] [log] [blame]
Jinja Changelog
Version 1.1
(codename to be selected, release date unknown)
- blocks now support ``{{ super() }}`` to render the parent output.
- debugging system improved, smaller filesize for the cached files.
- added whitespace management system for the template designer.
- some small bugfixes.
- improved security system regarding function calls.
- added `lipsum` function to generate random text.
- strings without unicode characters are processed as binary strings now
to workaround problems with `datetime.strftime` which only accepts
binary strings.
- developer friendly traceback is now toggleable
- silent variable name failure is now toggleable
- fixed issue with old-style classes not implementing `__getitem__`
(thanks to Axel Bรถhm for discovering that bug)
- added a bunch of new docstrings to the Jinja classes. Makes fun now to
use pydoc :-)
Version 1.0
(released Mar 23, 2007)
- Initial release