blob: 9f9020acc9c1accba86ef2a83c5f989c1127d3dc [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
unit test for loop functions
:copyright: 2007 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from py.test import raises
SIMPLE = '''{% for item in seq %}{{ item }}{% endfor %}'''
ELSE = '''{% for item in seq %}XXX{% else %}...{% endfor %}'''
EMPTYBLOCKS = '''<{% for item in seq %}{% else %}{% endfor %}>'''
CONTEXTVARS = '''{% for item in seq %}\
{{ loop.index }}|{{ loop.index0 }}|{{ loop.revindex }}|{{
loop.revindex0 }}|{{ loop.first }}|{{ loop.last }}|{{
loop.length }}###{% endfor %}'''
CYCLING = '''{% for item in seq %}{{ loop.cycle('<1>', '<2>') }}{% endfor %}\
{% for item in seq %}{{ loop.cycle(*through) }}{% endfor %}'''
SCOPE = '''{% for item in seq %}{% endfor %}{{ item }}'''
VARLEN = '''{% for item in iter %}{{ item }}{% endfor %}'''
NONITER = '''{% for item in none %}...{% endfor %}'''
RECURSIVE = '''{% for item in seq recursive -%}
[{{ item.a }}{% if item.b %}[{{ loop(item.b) }}]{% endif %}]
{%- endfor %}'''
def test_simple(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(SIMPLE)
assert tmpl.render(seq=range(10)) == '0123456789'
def test_else(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(ELSE)
assert tmpl.render() == '...'
def test_empty_blocks(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(EMPTYBLOCKS)
assert tmpl.render() == '<>'
def test_context_vars(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(CONTEXTVARS)
one, two, _ = tmpl.render(seq=[0, 1]).split('###')
(one_index, one_index0, one_revindex, one_revindex0, one_first,
one_last, one_length) = one.split('|')
(two_index, two_index0, two_revindex, two_revindex0, two_first,
two_last, two_length) = two.split('|')
assert int(one_index) == 1 and int(two_index) == 2
assert int(one_index0) == 0 and int(two_index0) == 1
assert int(one_revindex) == 2 and int(two_revindex) == 1
assert int(one_revindex0) == 1 and int(two_revindex0) == 0
assert one_first == 'True' and two_first == 'False'
assert one_last == 'False' and two_last == 'True'
assert one_length == two_length == '2'
def test_cycling(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(CYCLING)
output = tmpl.render(seq=range(4), through=('<1>', '<2>'))
assert output == '<1><2>' * 4
def test_scope(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(SCOPE)
output = tmpl.render(seq=range(10))
assert not output
def test_varlen(env):
def inner():
for item in range(5):
yield item
tmpl = env.from_string(VARLEN)
output = tmpl.render(iter=inner())
assert output == '01234'
def test_noniter(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(NONITER)
raises(TypeError, tmpl.render)
def test_recursive(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(RECURSIVE)
assert tmpl.render(seq=[
dict(a=1, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=2, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=3, b=[dict(a='a')])
]) == '[1[[1][2]]][2[[1][2]]][3[[a]]]'