blob: a78116c4dfbc256f7e9c19378e75d540df219ab0 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Jinja loader classes.
:copyright: 2008 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from os import path
from time import time
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
from jinja2.environment import Template
from jinja2.utils import LRUCache
class BaseLoader(object):
Baseclass for all loaders. Subclass this and override `get_source` to
implement a custom loading mechanism.
The environment provides a `get_template` method that will automatically
call the loader bound to an environment.
def __init__(self, cache_size=50, auto_reload=True):
if cache_size > 0:
self.cache = LRUCache(cache_size)
self.cache = None
self.auto_reload = auto_reload
def get_source(self, environment, template):
"""Get the template source, filename and reload helper for a template.
It's passed the environment and template name and has to return a
tuple in the form ``(source, filename, uptodate)`` or raise a
`TemplateNotFound` error if it can't locate the template.
The source part of the returned tuple must be the source of the
template as unicode string or a ASCII bytestring. The filename should
be the name of the file on the filesystem if it was loaded from there,
otherwise `None`. The filename is used by python for the tracebacks
if no loader extension is used.
The last item in the tuple is the `uptodate` function. If auto
reloading is enabled it's always called to check if the template
changed. No arguments are passed so the function must store the
old state somewhere (for example in a closure). If it returns `False`
the template will be reloaded.
raise TemplateNotFound(template)
def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
"""Loads a template. This method should not be overriden by
subclasses unless `get_source` doesn't provide enough flexibility.
if globals is None:
globals = {}
if self.cache is not None:
template = self.cache.get(name)
if template is not None and (not self.auto_reload or \
return template
source, filename, uptodate = self.get_source(environment, name)
code = environment.compile(source, name, filename, globals)
template = Template(environment, code, globals, uptodate)
if self.cache is not None:
self.cache[name] = template
return template
class FileSystemLoader(BaseLoader):
"""Loads templates from the file system."""
def __init__(self, searchpath, encoding='utf-8', cache_size=50,
BaseLoader.__init__(self, cache_size, auto_reload)
if isinstance(searchpath, basestring):
searchpath = [searchpath]
self.searchpath = searchpath
self.encoding = encoding
def get_source(self, environment, template):
pieces = []
for piece in template.split('/'):
if piece == '..':
raise TemplateNotFound(template)
elif piece != '.':
for searchpath in self.searchpath:
filename = path.join(searchpath, *pieces)
if path.isfile(filename):
f = file(filename)
contents =
mtime = path.getmtime(filename)
def uptodate():
return path.getmtime(filename) != mtime
return contents, filename, uptodate
raise TemplateNotFound(template)
class DictLoader(BaseLoader):
"""Loads a template from a python dict. Used for unittests mostly."""
def __init__(self, mapping):
self.mapping = mapping
def get_source(self, environment, template):
if template in self.mapping:
return self.mapping[template], None, None
raise TemplateNotFound(template)