blob: 80ac497883dd7a5d0b349d3fd6b48656b13702d5 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
unit test for the parser
:copyright: 2007 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from jinja2 import Environment
<!-- I'm a comment, I'm not interesting -->\
<? for item in seq -?>
<?= item ?>
<?- endfor ?>'''
<%# I'm a comment, I'm not interesting %>\
<% for item in seq -%>
<%= item %>
<%- endfor %>'''
<!--# I'm a comment, I'm not interesting -->\
<!-- for item in seq --->
<!--- endfor -->'''
% for item in seq:
% endfor'''
BALANCING = '''{{{'foo':'bar'}.foo}}'''
STARTCOMMENT = '''{# foo comment
and bar comment #}
{% macro blub() %}foo{% endmacro %}
{{ blub() }}'''
def test_php_syntax():
env = Environment('<?', '?>', '<?=', '?>', '<!--', '-->')
tmpl = env.from_string(PHP_SYNTAX)
assert tmpl.render(seq=range(5)) == '01234'
def test_erb_syntax():
env = Environment('<%', '%>', '<%=', '%>', '<%#', '%>')
tmpl = env.from_string(ERB_SYNTAX)
assert tmpl.render(seq=range(5)) == '01234'
def test_comment_syntax():
env = Environment('<!--', '-->', '${', '}', '<!--#', '-->')
tmpl = env.from_string(COMMENT_SYNTAX)
assert tmpl.render(seq=range(5)) == '01234'
def test_balancing(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(BALANCING)
assert tmpl.render() == 'bar'
def test_start_comment(env):
tmpl = env.from_string(STARTCOMMENT)
assert tmpl.render().strip() == 'foo'
def test_line_syntax():
env = Environment('<%', '%>', '${', '}', '<%#', '%>', '%')
tmpl = env.from_string(MAKO_SYNTAX)
assert [int(x.strip()) for x in tmpl.render(seq=range(5)).split()] == \