blob: c1231ea9c561b11a5250217889c8827749b5f402 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module implements additional nodes derived from the ast base node.
It also provides some node tree helper functions like `in_lineno` and
`get_nodes` used by the parser and translator in order to normalize
python and jinja nodes.
:copyright: 2008 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import operator
from types import FunctionType
from itertools import chain, izip
from collections import deque
from copy import copy
_binop_to_func = {
'*': operator.mul,
'/': operator.truediv,
'//': operator.floordiv,
'**': operator.pow,
'%': operator.mod,
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub
_uaop_to_func = {
'not': operator.not_,
'+': operator.pos,
'-': operator.neg
_cmpop_to_func = {
'eq': operator.eq,
'lteq': operator.le,
'in': lambda a, b: a in b,
'notin': lambda a, b: a not in b
class Impossible(Exception):
"""Raised if the node could not perform a requested action."""
class NodeType(type):
"""A metaclass for nodes that handles the field and attribute
inheritance. fields and attributes from the parent class are
automatically forwarded to the child."""
def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
for attr in 'fields', 'attributes':
storage = []
storage.extend(getattr(bases[0], attr, ()))
storage.extend(d.get(attr, ()))
assert len(bases) == 1, 'multiple inheritance not allowed'
assert len(storage) == len(set(storage)), 'layout conflict'
d[attr] = tuple(storage)
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
class Node(object):
"""Baseclass for all Jinja nodes."""
__metaclass__ = NodeType
fields = ()
attributes = ('lineno', 'environment')
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
if args:
if len(args) != len(self.fields):
if not self.fields:
raise TypeError('%r takes 0 arguments' %
raise TypeError('%r takes 0 or %d argument%s' % (
len(self.fields) != 1 and 's' or ''
for name, arg in izip(self.fields, args):
setattr(self, name, arg)
for attr in self.attributes:
setattr(self, attr, kw.pop(attr, None))
if kw:
raise TypeError('unknown keyword argument %r' %
def iter_fields(self, exclude=()):
"""Iterate over all fields."""
for name in self.fields:
if name not in exclude:
yield name, getattr(self, name)
except AttributeError:
def iter_child_nodes(self, exclude=()):
"""Iterate over all child nodes."""
for field, item in self.iter_fields(exclude):
if isinstance(item, list):
for n in item:
if isinstance(n, Node):
yield n
elif isinstance(item, Node):
yield item
def find(self, node_type):
"""Find the first node of a given type."""
for result in self.find_all(node_type):
return result
def find_all(self, node_type):
"""Find all the nodes of a given type."""
for child in self.iter_child_nodes():
if isinstance(child, node_type):
yield child
for result in child.find_all(node_type):
yield result
def copy(self):
"""Return a deep copy of the node."""
result = object.__new__(self.__class__)
for field, value in self.iter_fields():
if isinstance(value, Node):
new_value = value.copy()
elif isinstance(value, list):
new_value = []
for item in value:
if isinstance(item, Node):
item = item.copy()
item = copy(item)
new_value = copy(value)
setattr(result, field, new_value)
for attr in self.attributes:
setattr(result, attr, getattr(self, attr))
except AttributeError:
return result
def set_ctx(self, ctx):
"""Reset the context of a node and all child nodes. Per default the
parser will all generate nodes that have a 'load' context as it's the
most common one. This method is used in the parser to set assignment
targets and other nodes to a store context.
todo = deque([self])
while todo:
node = todo.popleft()
if 'ctx' in node.fields:
node.ctx = ctx
def set_lineno(self, lineno, override=False):
"""Set the line numbers of the node and children."""
todo = deque([self])
while todo:
node = todo.popleft()
if 'lineno' in node.attributes:
if node.lineno is None or override:
node.lineno = lineno
def set_environment(self, environment):
"""Set the environment for all nodes."""
todo = deque([self])
while todo:
node = todo.popleft()
node.environment = environment
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (
', '.join('%s=%r' % (arg, getattr(self, arg, None)) for
arg in self.fields)
class Stmt(Node):
"""Base node for all statements."""
class Helper(Node):
"""Nodes that exist in a specific context only."""
class Template(Node):
"""Node that represents a template."""
fields = ('body',)
class Output(Stmt):
"""A node that holds multiple expressions which are then printed out.
This is used both for the `print` statement and the regular template data.
fields = ('nodes',)
def optimized_nodes(self):
"""Try to optimize the nodes."""
buffer = []
for node in self.nodes:
const = unicode(node.as_const())
if buffer and isinstance(buffer[-1], unicode):
buffer[-1] += const
return buffer
class Extends(Stmt):
"""Represents an extends statement."""
fields = ('template',)
class For(Stmt):
"""A node that represents a for loop"""
fields = ('target', 'iter', 'body', 'else_', 'test')
class If(Stmt):
"""A node that represents an if condition."""
fields = ('test', 'body', 'else_')
class Macro(Stmt):
"""A node that represents a macro."""
fields = ('name', 'args', 'defaults', 'body')
class CallBlock(Stmt):
"""A node that represents am extended macro call."""
fields = ('call', 'args', 'defaults', 'body')
class Set(Stmt):
"""Allows defining own variables."""
fields = ('name', 'expr')
class FilterBlock(Stmt):
"""Node for filter sections."""
fields = ('body', 'filter')
class Block(Stmt):
"""A node that represents a block."""
fields = ('name', 'body')
class Include(Stmt):
"""A node that represents the include tag."""
fields = ('template',)
class Import(Stmt):
"""A node that represents the import tag."""
fields = ('template', 'target')
class FromImport(Stmt):
"""A node that represents the from import tag. It's important to not
pass unsafe names to the name attribute. The compiler translates the
attribute lookups directly into getattr calls and does *not* use the
subscribe callback of the interface. As exported variables may not
start with double underscores (which the parser asserts) this is not a
problem for regular Jinja code, but if this node is used in an extension
extra care must be taken.
The list of names may contain tuples if aliases are wanted.
fields = ('template', 'names')
class Trans(Stmt):
"""A node for translatable sections."""
fields = ('singular', 'plural', 'indicator', 'replacements')
class ExprStmt(Stmt):
"""A statement that evaluates an expression to None."""
fields = ('node',)
class Assign(Stmt):
"""Assigns an expression to a target."""
fields = ('target', 'node')
class Expr(Node):
"""Baseclass for all expressions."""
def as_const(self):
"""Return the value of the expression as constant or raise
`Impossible` if this was not possible.
raise Impossible()
def can_assign(self):
"""Check if it's possible to assign something to this node."""
return False
class BinExpr(Expr):
"""Baseclass for all binary expressions."""
fields = ('left', 'right')
operator = None
def as_const(self):
f = _binop_to_func[self.operator]
return f(self.left.as_const(), self.right.as_const())
raise Impossible()
class UnaryExpr(Expr):
"""Baseclass for all unary expressions."""
fields = ('node',)
operator = None
def as_const(self):
f = _uaop_to_func[self.operator]
return f(self.node.as_const())
raise Impossible()
class Name(Expr):
"""any name such as {{ foo }}"""
fields = ('name', 'ctx')
def can_assign(self):
return not in ('true', 'false', 'none')
class Literal(Expr):
"""Baseclass for literals."""
class Const(Literal):
"""any constat such as {{ "foo" }}"""
fields = ('value',)
def as_const(self):
return self.value
def from_untrusted(cls, value, lineno=None, environment=None):
"""Return a const object if the value is representable as
constant value in the generated code, otherwise it will raise
an `Impossible` exception.
from compiler import has_safe_repr
if not has_safe_repr(value):
raise Impossible()
return cls(value, lineno=lineno, environment=environment)
class Tuple(Literal):
"""For loop unpacking and some other things like multiple arguments
for subscripts.
fields = ('items', 'ctx')
def as_const(self):
return tuple(x.as_const() for x in self.items)
def can_assign(self):
for item in self.items:
if not item.can_assign():
return False
return True
class List(Literal):
"""any list literal such as {{ [1, 2, 3] }}"""
fields = ('items',)
def as_const(self):
return [x.as_const() for x in self.items]
class Dict(Literal):
"""any dict literal such as {{ {1: 2, 3: 4} }}"""
fields = ('items',)
def as_const(self):
return dict(x.as_const() for x in self.items)
class Pair(Helper):
"""A key, value pair for dicts."""
fields = ('key', 'value')
def as_const(self):
return self.key.as_const(), self.value.as_const()
class Keyword(Helper):
"""A key, value pair for keyword arguments."""
fields = ('key', 'value')
class CondExpr(Expr):
"""{{ foo if bar else baz }}"""
fields = ('test', 'expr1', 'expr2')
def as_const(self):
if self.test.as_const():
return self.expr1.as_const()
return self.expr2.as_const()
class Filter(Expr):
"""{{ foo|bar|baz }}"""
fields = ('node', 'name', 'args', 'kwargs', 'dyn_args', 'dyn_kwargs')
def as_const(self, obj=None):
if self.node is obj is None:
raise Impossible()
filter = self.environment.filters.get(
if filter is None or getattr(filter, 'contextfilter', False):
raise Impossible()
if obj is None:
obj = self.node.as_const()
args = [x.as_const() for x in self.args]
if getattr(filter, 'environmentfilter', False):
args.insert(0, self.environment)
kwargs = dict(x.as_const() for x in self.kwargs)
if self.dyn_args is not None:
raise Impossible()
if self.dyn_kwargs is not None:
raise Impossible()
return filter(obj, *args, **kwargs)
raise Impossible()
class Test(Expr):
"""{{ foo is lower }}"""
fields = ('node', 'name', 'args', 'kwargs', 'dyn_args', 'dyn_kwargs')
class Call(Expr):
"""{{ foo(bar) }}"""
fields = ('node', 'args', 'kwargs', 'dyn_args', 'dyn_kwargs')
def as_const(self):
obj = self.node.as_const()
# don't evaluate context functions
args = [x.as_const() for x in self.args]
if type(obj) is FunctionType:
if getattr(obj, 'contextfunction', False):
raise Impossible()
elif obj.environmentfunction:
args.insert(0, self.environment)
kwargs = dict(x.as_const() for x in self.kwargs)
if self.dyn_args is not None:
raise Impossible()
if self.dyn_kwargs is not None:
raise Impossible()
return obj(*args, **kwargs)
raise Impossible()
class Subscript(Expr):
"""{{ }} and {{ foo['bar'] }} etc."""
fields = ('node', 'arg', 'ctx')
def as_const(self):
if self.ctx != 'load':
raise Impossible()
return self.environment.subscribe(self.node.as_const(),
raise Impossible()
def can_assign(self):
return False
class Slice(Expr):
"""1:2:3 etc."""
fields = ('start', 'stop', 'step')
def as_const(self):
def const(obj):
if obj is None:
return obj
return obj.as_const()
return slice(const(self.start), const(self.stop), const(self.step))
class Concat(Expr):
"""For {{ foo ~ bar }}. Concatenates strings."""
fields = ('nodes',)
def as_const(self):
return ''.join(unicode(x.as_const()) for x in self.nodes)
class Compare(Expr):
"""{{ foo == bar }}, {{ foo >= bar }} etc."""
fields = ('expr', 'ops')
def as_const(self):
result = value = self.expr.as_const()
for op in self.ops:
new_value = op.expr.as_const()
result = _cmpop_to_func[op.op](value, new_value)
value = new_value
raise Impossible()
return result
class Operand(Helper):
"""Operator + expression."""
fields = ('op', 'expr')
class Mul(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo * bar }}"""
operator = '*'
class Div(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo / bar }}"""
operator = '/'
class FloorDiv(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo // bar }}"""
operator = '//'
class Add(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo + bar }}"""
operator = '+'
class Sub(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo - bar }}"""
operator = '-'
class Mod(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo % bar }}"""
operator = '%'
class Pow(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo ** bar }}"""
operator = '**'
class And(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo and bar }}"""
operator = 'and'
def as_const(self):
return self.left.as_const() and self.right.as_const()
class Or(BinExpr):
"""{{ foo or bar }}"""
operator = 'or'
def as_const(self):
return self.left.as_const() or self.right.as_const()
class Not(UnaryExpr):
"""{{ not foo }}"""
operator = 'not'
class Neg(UnaryExpr):
"""{{ -foo }}"""
operator = '-'
class Pos(UnaryExpr):
"""{{ +foo }}"""
operator = '+'