blob: 0c8b9403169b4d23172e61d100467504a3ee9968 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Adds a sandbox layer to Jinja as it was the default behavior in the old
Jinja 1 releases. This sandbox is slightly different from Jinja 1 as the
default behavior is easier to use.
The behavior can be changed by subclassing the environment.
:copyright: Copyright 2008 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD.
from types import FunctionType, MethodType
from jinja2.runtime import Undefined
from jinja2.environment import Environment
#: maximum number of items a range may produce
MAX_RANGE = 100000
def safe_range(*args):
"""A range that can't generate ranges with a length of more than
MAX_RANGE items."""
rng = xrange(*args)
if len(rng) > MAX_RANGE:
raise OverflowError('range too big')
return rng
def unsafe(f):
"""Mark a function as unsafe."""
f.unsafe_callable = True
return f
class SandboxedEnvironment(Environment):
"""The sandboxed environment"""
sandboxed = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Environment.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.globals['range'] = safe_range
def is_safe_attribute(self, obj, attr):
"""The sandboxed environment will call this method to check if the
attribute of an object is safe to access. Per default all attributes
starting with an underscore are considered private as well as the
special attributes of functions and methods.
if attr.startswith('_'):
return False
if isinstance(obj, FunctionType):
return not attr.startswith('func_')
if isinstance(obj, MethodType):
return not attr.startswith('im_')
return True
def is_safe_callable(self, obj):
"""Check if an object is safely callable. Per default a function is
considered safe unless the `unsafe_callable` attribute exists and is
truish. Override this method to alter the behavior, but this won't
affect the `unsafe` decorator from this module.
return not getattr(obj, 'unsafe_callable', False)
def subscribe(self, obj, arg):
"""Subscribe an object from sandboxed code."""
return obj[arg]
except (TypeError, LookupError):
if not self.is_safe_attribute(obj, arg):
return Undefined(obj, arg, extra='attribute unsafe')
return getattr(obj, str(arg))
except (AttributeError, UnicodeError):
return Undefined(obj, arg)
def call(__self, __obj, *args, **kwargs):
"""Call an object from sandboxed code."""
# the double prefixes are to avoid double keyword argument
# errors when proxying the call.
if not __self.is_safe_callable(__obj):
raise TypeError('%r is not safely callable' % (__obj,))
return __obj(*args, **kwargs)