blob: 93db80f04dad045d1927b2ada446bca623b209d2 [file] [log] [blame]
- Issue #21262: New method assert_not_called for Mock.
It raises AssertionError if the mock has been called.
- Issue #21238: New keyword argument `unsafe` to Mock. It raises
`AttributeError` incase of an attribute startswith assert or assret.
- Issue #21239: patch.stopall() didn't work deterministically when the same
name was patched more than once.
- Issue #21222: Passing name keyword argument to mock.create_autospec now
- Issue #17826: setting an iterable side_effect on a mock function created by
create_autospec now works. Patch by Kushal Das.
- Issue #17826: setting an iterable side_effect on a mock function created by
create_autospec now works. Patch by Kushal Das.
- Issue #20968: unittest.mock.MagicMock now supports division.
Patch by Johannes Baiter.
- Issue #20189: unittest.mock now no longer assumes that any object for
which it could get an inspect.Signature is a callable written in Python.
Fix courtesy of Michael Foord.
- Issue #17467: add readline and readlines support to mock_open in
- Issue #17015: When it has a spec, a Mock object now inspects its signature
when matching calls, so that arguments can be matched positionally or
by name.
- Issue #15323: improve failure message of Mock.assert_called_once_with
- Issue #14857: fix regression in references to PEP 3135 implicit __class__
closure variable (Reopens issue #12370)
- Issue #14295: Add unittest.mock