| Contributing |
| ============ |
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| First of all, thank you for your interest in contributing to pyOpenSSL! |
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| Filing bug reports |
| ------------------ |
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| Bug reports are very welcome. |
| Please file them on the Github issue tracker. |
| Good bug reports come with extensive descriptions of the error and how to reproduce it. |
| Reporters are strongly encouraged to include an `short, self contained, correct example <http://www.sscce.org/>`_. |
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| Patches |
| ------- |
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| All patches to pyOpenSSL should be submitted in the form of pull requests to the main pyOpenSSL repository, ``pyca/pyopenssl``. |
| These pull requests should satisfy the following properties: |
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| - The branch referenced should be a `feature branch`_ focusing on one particular improvement to pyOpenSSL. |
| Create different branches and different pull requests for unrelated features or bugfixes. |
| - The branch referenced should have a distinctive name (in particular, please do not open pull requests for your ``master`` branch). |
| - Code should follow `PEP 8`_, especially in the "do what code around you does" sense. |
| One notable way pyOpenSSL code differs, for example, is that there should be three empty lines between module-level elements,and two empty lines between class-level elements. |
| Methods and functions are named in ``snake_case``. |
| Follow OpenSSL naming for callables whenever possible is preferred. |
| - Pull requests that introduce code must test all new behavior they introduce as well as for previously untested or poorly tested behavior that they touch. |
| - Pull requests are not allowed to break existing tests. |
| - Pull requests that introduce features or fix bugs should note those changes in the ``ChangeLog`` text file in the root of the repository. |
| They should also document the changes, both in docstrings and in the documentation in the ``doc/`` directory. |
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| Finally, pull requests must be reviewed before merging. |
| This process mirrors the `cryptography code review process`_. |
| Everyone can perform reviews; this is a very valuable way to contribute, and is highly encouraged. |
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| Pull requests are merged by members of the `pyopenssl-committers team <https://github.com/orgs/pyca/teams/pyopenssl-committers>`_. |
| They should, of course, keep all the requirements detailed in this document as well as the pyca/cryptography merge requirements in mind. |
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| The final responsibility for the reviewing of merged code lies with the person merging it; since pyOpenSSL is obviously a sensitive project from a security perspective, so reviewers are strongly encouraged to take this review and merge process very seriously. |
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| .. _PEP 8: http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ |
| .. _cryptography code review process: https://cryptography.io/en/latest/development/reviewing-patches/ |
| .. _feature branch: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ |