blob: ecf95e5d635ff4574073e6183b46c5d7826e5634 [file] [log] [blame]
I've finally gotten around to writing some examples :-)
They aren't many, but at least it's something. If you write any, feel free to
send them to me and I will add themn. - Certificate generation module
Example module with three functions:
createKeyPair - Create a public/private key pair
createCertRequest - Create a certificate request
createCertificate - Create a certificate given a cert request
In fact, I created the certificates and keys in the 'simple' directory with
the script
simple - Simple client/server example
Start the server with
python PORT
and start clients with
python HOST PORT
The server is a simple echo server, anything a client sends, it sends back. - Example of an SSL-enabled proxy
The proxy example demonstrate how to use set_connect_state to start
talking SSL over an already connected socket.
Usage: python server[:port] proxy[:port]
Contributed by Mihai Ibanescu - SSL-enabled version of SimpleXMLRPCServer
This acts exactly like SimpleXMLRPCServer from the standard python library,
but uses secure connections. The technique and classes should work for any
SocketServer style server. However, the code has not been extensively tested.
Contributed by Michal Wallace