blob: ffd482715c3c48daba24a1dc926d24d3fc073d1f [file] [log] [blame]
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
// transliterated from
// and
public class ResourceTypes {
public static final String ANDROID_NS = "";
public static final String AUTO_NS = "";
static final int kIdmapMagic = 0x504D4449;
static final int kIdmapCurrentVersion = 0x00000001;
static int validate_chunk(ResChunk_header chunk,
int minSize,
int dataLen,
String name)
final short headerSize = dtohs(chunk.headerSize);
final int size = dtohl(chunk.size);
if (headerSize >= minSize) {
if (headerSize <= size) {
if (((headerSize|size)&0x3) == 0) {
if (size <= (dataLen)) {
return NO_ERROR;
ALOGW("%s data size 0x%x extends beyond resource end.",
name, size /*, (dataEnd-((const uint8_t*)chunk))*/);
return BAD_TYPE;
ALOGW("%s size 0x%x or headerSize 0x%x is not on an integer boundary.",
name, (int)size, (int)headerSize);
return BAD_TYPE;
ALOGW("%s size 0x%x is smaller than header size 0x%x.",
name, size, headerSize);
return BAD_TYPE;
ALOGW("%s header size 0x%04x is too small.",
name, headerSize);
return BAD_TYPE;
static class WithOffset {
private final ByteBuffer buf;
private final int offset;
WithOffset(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
this.buf = buf;
this.offset = offset;
public final ByteBuffer myBuf() {
return buf;
public final int myOffset() {
return offset;
public String toString() {
return "{buf+" + offset + '}';
/** ********************************************************************
* Base Types
* These are standard types that are shared between multiple specific
* resource types.
*********************************************************************** */
* Header that appears at the front of every data chunk in a resource.
public static class ResChunk_header extends WithOffset
static int SIZEOF = 8;
// Type identifier for this chunk. The meaning of this value depends
// on the containing chunk.
final short type;
// Size of the chunk header (in bytes). Adding this value to
// the address of the chunk allows you to find its associated data
// (if any).
final short headerSize;
// Total size of this chunk (in bytes). This is the chunkSize plus
// the size of any data associated with the chunk. Adding this value
// to the chunk allows you to completely skip its contents (including
// any child chunks). If this value is the same as chunkSize, there is
// no data associated with the chunk.
final int size;
public ResChunk_header(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
this.type = buf.getShort(offset);
this.headerSize = buf.getShort(offset + 2);
this.size = buf.getInt(offset + 4);
public static void write(ByteBuffer buf, short type, Runnable header, Runnable contents) {
int startPos = buf.position();
ShortWriter headerSize = new ShortWriter(buf);
IntWriter size = new IntWriter(buf);;
headerSize.write((short) (buf.position() - startPos));;
// pad to next int boundary
int len = buf.position() - startPos;
while ((len & 0x3) != 0) {
buf.put((byte) 0);
public static final int RES_NULL_TYPE = 0x0000;
public static final int RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE = 0x0001;
public static final int RES_TABLE_TYPE = 0x0002;
public static final int RES_XML_TYPE = 0x0003;
// Chunk types in RES_XML_TYPE
public static final int RES_XML_FIRST_CHUNK_TYPE = 0x0100;
public static final int RES_XML_START_NAMESPACE_TYPE= 0x0100;
public static final int RES_XML_END_NAMESPACE_TYPE = 0x0101;
public static final int RES_XML_START_ELEMENT_TYPE = 0x0102;
public static final int RES_XML_END_ELEMENT_TYPE = 0x0103;
public static final int RES_XML_CDATA_TYPE = 0x0104;
public static final int RES_XML_LAST_CHUNK_TYPE = 0x017f;
// This contains a uint32_t array mapping strings in the string
// pool back to resource identifiers. It is optional.
public static final int RES_XML_RESOURCE_MAP_TYPE = 0x0180;
// Chunk types in RES_TABLE_TYPE
public static final int RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE = 0x0200;
public static final int RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE = 0x0201;
public static final int RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE = 0x0202;
public static final int RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE = 0x0203;
* Macros for building/splitting resource identifiers.
//#define Res_VALIDID(resid) (resid != 0)
//#define Res_CHECKID(resid) ((resid&0xFFFF0000) != 0)
//#define Res_MAKEID(package, type, entry) \
//(((package+1)<<24) | (((type+1)&0xFF)<<16) | (entry&0xFFFF))
//#define Res_GETPACKAGE(id) ((id>>24)-1)
//#define Res_GETTYPE(id) (((id>>16)&0xFF)-1)
//#define Res_GETENTRY(id) (id&0xFFFF)
//#define Res_INTERNALID(resid) ((resid&0xFFFF0000) != 0 && (resid&0xFF0000) == 0)
private static int Res_MAKEINTERNAL(int entry) {
return (0x01000000 | (entry & 0xFFFF));
//#define Res_MAKEARRAY(entry) (0x02000000 | (entry&0xFFFF))
// static const size_t Res_MAXPACKAGE = 255;
// static const size_t Res_MAXTYPE = 255;
* Representation of a value in a resource, supplying type
* information.
public static class Res_value
static final int SIZEOF = 8;
// Number of bytes in this structure.
final short size;
// Always set to 0.
// byte res0;
// Type of the data value.
// enum {
// The 'data' is either 0 or 1, specifying this resource is either
// undefined or empty, respectively.
public static final int TYPE_NULL = 0x00;
// The 'data' holds a ResTable_ref, a reference to another resource
// table entry.
public static final int TYPE_REFERENCE = 0x01;
// The 'data' holds an attribute resource identifier.
public static final int TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = 0x02;
// The 'data' holds an index into the containing resource table's
// global value string pool.
public static final int TYPE_STRING = 0x03;
// The 'data' holds a single-precision floating point number.
public static final int TYPE_FLOAT = 0x04;
// The 'data' holds a complex number encoding a dimension value,
// such as "100in".
public static final int TYPE_DIMENSION = 0x05;
// The 'data' holds a complex number encoding a fraction of a
// container.
public static final int TYPE_FRACTION = 0x06;
// The 'data' holds a dynamic ResTable_ref, which needs to be
// resolved before it can be used like a TYPE_REFERENCE.
public static final int TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE = 0x07;
// The 'data' holds an attribute resource identifier, which needs to be resolved
// before it can be used like a TYPE_ATTRIBUTE.
public static final int TYPE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE = 0x08;
// Beginning of integer flavors...
public static final int TYPE_FIRST_INT = 0x10;
// The 'data' is a raw integer value of the form n..n.
public static final int TYPE_INT_DEC = 0x10;
// The 'data' is a raw integer value of the form 0xn..n.
public static final int TYPE_INT_HEX = 0x11;
// The 'data' is either 0 or 1, for input "false" or "true" respectively.
public static final int TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN = 0x12;
// Beginning of color integer flavors...
public static final int TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT = 0x1c;
// The 'data' is a raw integer value of the form #aarrggbb.
public static final int TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB8 = 0x1c;
// The 'data' is a raw integer value of the form #rrggbb.
public static final int TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB8 = 0x1d;
// The 'data' is a raw integer value of the form #argb.
public static final int TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB4 = 0x1e;
// The 'data' is a raw integer value of the form #rgb.
public static final int TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB4 = 0x1f;
// ...end of integer flavors.
public static final int TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT = 0x1f;
// ...end of integer flavors.
public static final int TYPE_LAST_INT = 0x1f;
// };
public final byte dataType;
// Structure of complex data values (TYPE_UNIT and TYPE_FRACTION)
// enum {
// Where the unit type information is. This gives us 16 possible
// types, as defined below.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_SHIFT = 0;
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK = 0xf;
// TYPE_DIMENSION: Value is raw pixels.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_PX = 0;
// TYPE_DIMENSION: Value is Device Independent Pixels.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP = 1;
// TYPE_DIMENSION: Value is a Scaled device independent Pixels.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_SP = 2;
// TYPE_DIMENSION: Value is in points.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_PT = 3;
// TYPE_DIMENSION: Value is in inches.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_IN = 4;
// TYPE_DIMENSION: Value is in millimeters.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_MM = 5;
// TYPE_FRACTION: A basic fraction of the overall size.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_FRACTION = 0;
// TYPE_FRACTION: A fraction of the parent size.
public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_FRACTION_PARENT = 1;
// Where the radix information is, telling where the decimal place
// appears in the mantissa. This give us 4 possible fixed point
// representations as defined below.
public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_SHIFT = 4;
public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_MASK = 0x3;
// The mantissa is an integral number -- i.e., 0xnnnnnn.0
public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_23p0 = 0;
// The mantissa magnitude is 16 bits -- i.e, 0xnnnn.nn
public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_16p7 = 1;
// The mantissa magnitude is 8 bits -- i.e, 0xnn.nnnn
public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_8p15 = 2;
// The mantissa magnitude is 0 bits -- i.e, 0x0.nnnnnn
public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_0p23 = 3;
// Where the actual value is. This gives us 23 bits of
// precision. The top bit is the sign.
public static final int COMPLEX_MANTISSA_SHIFT = 8;
public static final int COMPLEX_MANTISSA_MASK = 0xffffff;
// };
// Possible data values for TYPE_NULL.
// enum {
// The value is not defined.
public static final int DATA_NULL_UNDEFINED = 0;
// The value is explicitly defined as empty.
public static final int DATA_NULL_EMPTY = 1;
// };
public static final Res_value NULL_VALUE = new Res_value((byte) TYPE_NULL, DATA_NULL_UNDEFINED);
// The data for this item, as interpreted according to dataType.
// typedef uint32_t data_type;
public final int data;
public Res_value() {
this.size = 0;
// this.res0 = 0;
this.dataType = 0; = 0;
public Res_value(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
this.size = buf.getShort(offset);
byte res0 = buf.get(offset + 2);
this.dataType = buf.get(offset + 3); = buf.getInt(offset + 4);
if (res0 != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("res0 != 0 (" + res0 + ")");
public Res_value(Res_value other) {
this.size = other.size;
// this.res0 = other.res0;
this.dataType = other.dataType; =;
public Res_value(byte dataType, int data) {
this.size = 0;
// this.res0 = 0;
this.dataType = dataType; = data;
public static void write(ByteBuffer buf, int dataType, int data) {
buf.putShort((short) SIZEOF); // size
buf.put((byte) 0); // res0
buf.put((byte) dataType); // dataType
buf.putInt(data); // data
public Res_value withType(byte dataType) {
return new Res_value(dataType, data);
public Res_value withData(int data) {
return new Res_value(dataType, data);
// public void copyFrom_dtoh(Res_value other) {
// this.size = other.size;
// // this.res0 = other.res0;
// this.dataType = other.dataType;
// =;
// }
public Res_value copy() {
return new Res_value(this);
public String toString() {
return "Res_value{dataType=" + dataType + ", data=" + data + '}';
* This is a reference to a unique entry (a ResTable_entry structure)
* in a resource table. The value is structured as: 0xpptteeee,
* where pp is the package index, tt is the type index in that
* package, and eeee is the entry index in that type. The package
* and type values start at 1 for the first item, to help catch cases
* where they have not been supplied.
public static class ResTable_ref
public static final int SIZEOF = 4;
public int ident;
public ResTable_ref(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
ident = buf.getInt(offset);
public ResTable_ref() {
ident = 0;
public String toString() {
return "ResTable_ref{ident=" + ident + '}';
* Reference to a string in a string pool.
public static class ResStringPool_ref
public static final int SIZEOF = 4;
// Index into the string pool table (uint32_t-offset from the indices
// immediately after ResStringPool_header) at which to find the location
// of the string data in the pool.
public final int index;
public ResStringPool_ref(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
this.index = buf.getInt(offset);
public static void write(ByteBuffer buf, int value) {
public String toString() {
return "ResStringPool_ref{index=" + index + '}';
/** ********************************************************************
* String Pool
* A set of strings that can be references by others through a
* ResStringPool_ref.
*********************************************************************** */
* Definition for a pool of strings. The data of this chunk is an
* array of uint32_t providing indices into the pool, relative to
* stringsStart. At stringsStart are all of the UTF-16 strings
* concatenated together; each starts with a uint16_t of the string's
* length and each ends with a 0x0000 terminator. If a string is >
* 32767 characters, the high bit of the length is set meaning to take
* those 15 bits as a high word and it will be followed by another
* uint16_t containing the low word.
* If styleCount is not zero, then immediately following the array of
* uint32_t indices into the string table is another array of indices
* into a style table starting at stylesStart. Each entry in the
* style table is an array of ResStringPool_span structures.
public static class ResStringPool_header extends WithOffset
public static final int SIZEOF = ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 20;
final ResChunk_header header;
// Number of strings in this pool (number of uint32_t indices that follow
// in the data).
final int stringCount;
// Number of style span arrays in the pool (number of uint32_t indices
// follow the string indices).
final int styleCount;
// Flags.
// enum {
// If set, the string index is sorted by the string values (based
// on strcmp16()).
public static final int SORTED_FLAG = 1<<0;
// String pool is encoded in UTF-8
public static final int UTF8_FLAG = 1<<8;
// };
final int flags;
// Index from header of the string data.
final int stringsStart;
// Index from header of the style data.
final int stylesStart;
public ResStringPool_header(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
this.header = new ResChunk_header(buf, offset);
this.stringCount = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF);
this.styleCount = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4);
this.flags = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 8);
this.stringsStart = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 12);
this.stylesStart = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 16);
public int getByte(int i) {
return myBuf().get(myOffset() + i);
public int getShort(int i) {
return myBuf().getShort(myOffset() + i);
public static class Writer {
private final List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<byte[]> stringsAsBytes = new ArrayList<>();
private final Map<String, Integer> stringIds = new HashMap<>();
private boolean frozen;
public int string(String s) {
if (frozen) {
throw new IllegalStateException("string pool is frozen!");
if (s == null) {
return -1;
Integer id = stringIds.get(s);
if (id == null) {
id = strings.size();
stringIds.put(s, id);
return id;
public int uniqueString(String s) {
if (frozen) {
throw new IllegalStateException("string pool is frozen!");
if (s == null) {
return -1;
int id = strings.size();
return id;
public void write(ByteBuffer buf) {
ResChunk_header.write(buf, (short) RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE, () -> {
// header
int startPos = buf.position();
int stringCount = strings.size();
// begin string pool...
buf.putInt(stringCount); // stringCount
buf.putInt(0); // styleCount
buf.putInt(UTF8_FLAG); // flags
IntWriter stringStart = new IntWriter(buf);
buf.putInt(0); // stylesStart
stringStart.write(buf.position() - startPos);
}, () -> {
// contents
int stringOffset = /*buf.position() + */8 + 4 * stringsAsBytes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < stringsAsBytes.size(); i++) {
String string = strings.get(i);
byte[] bytes = stringsAsBytes.get(i);
stringOffset += lenLen(string.length()) + lenLen(bytes.length) + bytes.length + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < stringsAsBytes.size(); i++) {
// number of chars
writeLen(buf, strings.get(i).length());
// number of bytes
writeLen(buf, stringsAsBytes.get(i).length);
// bytes
// null terminator
buf.put((byte) '\0');
private int lenLen(int length) {
return length > 0x7f ? 2 : 1;
private void writeLen(ByteBuffer buf, int length) {
if (length <= 0x7f) {
buf.put((byte) length);
} else {
buf.put((byte) ((length >> 8) | 0x80));
buf.put((byte) (length & 0x7f));
public void freeze() {
frozen = true;
* This structure defines a span of style information associated with
* a string in the pool.
public static class ResStringPool_span extends WithOffset
public static final int SIZEOF = ResStringPool_ref.SIZEOF + 8;
// enum {
public static final int END = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// };
// This is the name of the span -- that is, the name of the XML
// tag that defined it. The special value END (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates
// the end of an array of spans.
public final ResStringPool_ref name;
// The range of characters in the string that this span applies to.
final int firstChar;
final int lastChar;
public ResStringPool_span(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
name = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset);
firstChar = buf.getInt(offset + ResStringPool_ref.SIZEOF);
lastChar = buf.getInt(offset + ResStringPool_ref.SIZEOF + 4);
public boolean isEnd() {
return name.index == END && firstChar == END && lastChar == END;
/** ********************************************************************
* XML Tree
* Binary representation of an XML document. This is designed to
* express everything in an XML document, in a form that is much
* easier to parse on the device.
*********************************************************************** */
* XML tree header. This appears at the front of an XML tree,
* describing its content. It is followed by a flat array of
* ResXMLTree_node structures; the hierarchy of the XML document
* is described by the occurrance of RES_XML_START_ELEMENT_TYPE
* and corresponding RES_XML_END_ELEMENT_TYPE nodes in the array.
public static class ResXMLTree_header extends WithOffset
public final ResChunk_header header;
ResXMLTree_header(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
header = new ResChunk_header(buf, offset);
public static void write(ByteBuffer buf, Writer resStringPoolWriter, Runnable contents) {
ResChunk_header.write(buf, (short) RES_XML_TYPE, ()-> {}, () -> {
* Basic XML tree node. A single item in the XML document. Extended info
* about the node can be found after header.headerSize.
public static class ResXMLTree_node extends WithOffset
final ResChunk_header header;
// Line number in original source file at which this element appeared.
final int lineNumber;
// Optional XML comment that was associated with this element; -1 if none.
final ResStringPool_ref comment;
ResXMLTree_node(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
this.header = new ResChunk_header(buf, offset);
this.lineNumber = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF);
this.comment = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset + 12);
ResXMLTree_node(ByteBuffer buf, ResChunk_header header) {
super(buf, header.myOffset());
this.header = header;
this.lineNumber = buf.getInt(myOffset() + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF);
this.comment = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, myOffset() + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4);
public static void write(ByteBuffer buf, int type, Runnable contents) {
ResChunk_header.write(buf, (short) type, () -> {
buf.putInt(-1); // lineNumber
ResStringPool_ref.write(buf, -1); // comment
}, contents);
* Extended XML tree node for CDATA tags -- includes the CDATA string.
* Appears header.headerSize bytes after a ResXMLTree_node.
static class ResXMLTree_cdataExt
// The raw CDATA character data.
final ResStringPool_ref data;
// The typed value of the character data if this is a CDATA node.
final Res_value typedData;
public ResXMLTree_cdataExt(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) { = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset);
int dataType = buf.getInt(offset + 4);
int data = buf.getInt(offset + 8);
this.typedData = new Res_value((byte) dataType, data);
* Extended XML tree node for namespace start/end nodes.
* Appears header.headerSize bytes after a ResXMLTree_node.
static class ResXMLTree_namespaceExt
// The prefix of the namespace.
final ResStringPool_ref prefix;
// The URI of the namespace.
final ResStringPool_ref uri;
public ResXMLTree_namespaceExt(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
this.prefix = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset);
this.uri = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset + 4);
* Extended XML tree node for element start/end nodes.
* Appears header.headerSize bytes after a ResXMLTree_node.
public static class ResXMLTree_endElementExt
static final int SIZEOF = 8;
// String of the full namespace of this element.
final ResStringPool_ref ns;
// String name of this node if it is an ELEMENT; the raw
// character data if this is a CDATA node.
final ResStringPool_ref name;
public ResXMLTree_endElementExt(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
this.ns = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset); = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset + ResStringPool_ref.SIZEOF);
public static class Writer {
private final ByteBuffer buf;
private final ResStringPool_header.Writer resStringPoolWriter;
private final int ns;
private final int name;
public Writer(ByteBuffer buf, ResStringPool_header.Writer resStringPoolWriter,
String ns, String name) {
this.buf = buf;
this.resStringPoolWriter = resStringPoolWriter;
this.ns = resStringPoolWriter.string(ns); = resStringPoolWriter.string(name);
public void write() {
ResStringPool_ref.write(buf, ns);
ResStringPool_ref.write(buf, name);
* Extended XML tree node for start tags -- includes attribute
* information.
* Appears header.headerSize bytes after a ResXMLTree_node.
public static class ResXMLTree_attrExt extends WithOffset
private final ByteBuffer buf;
// String of the full namespace of this element.
final ResStringPool_ref ns;
// String name of this node if it is an ELEMENT; the raw
// character data if this is a CDATA node.
final ResStringPool_ref name;
// Byte offset from the start of this structure where the attributes start.
final short attributeStart;
// Size of the ResXMLTree_attribute structures that follow.
final short attributeSize;
// Number of attributes associated with an ELEMENT. These are
// available as an array of ResXMLTree_attribute structures
// immediately following this node.
final short attributeCount;
// Index (1-based) of the "id" attribute. 0 if none.
final short idIndex;
// Index (1-based) of the "class" attribute. 0 if none.
final short classIndex;
// Index (1-based) of the "style" attribute. 0 if none.
final short styleIndex;
public ResXMLTree_attrExt(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
this.buf = buf;
this.ns = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset); = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset + 4);
this.attributeStart = buf.getShort(offset + 8);
this.attributeSize = buf.getShort(offset + 10);
this.attributeCount = buf.getShort(offset + 12);
this.idIndex = buf.getShort(offset + 14);
this.classIndex = buf.getShort(offset + 16);
this.styleIndex = buf.getShort(offset + 18);
ResXMLTree_attribute attributeAt(int idx) {
return new ResXMLTree_attribute(buf,
myOffset() + dtohs(attributeStart) + dtohs(attributeSize) * idx);
public static class Writer {
private final ByteBuffer buf;
private final ResStringPool_header.Writer resStringPoolWriter;
private final int ns;
private final int name;
private short idIndex;
private short classIndex;
private short styleIndex;
private final List<Attr> attrs = new ArrayList<>();
public Writer(ByteBuffer buf, ResStringPool_header.Writer resStringPoolWriter,
String ns, String name) {
this.buf = buf;
this.resStringPoolWriter = resStringPoolWriter;
this.ns = resStringPoolWriter.string(ns); = resStringPoolWriter.string(name);
public void attr(int ns, int name, int value, Res_value resValue, String fullName) {
attrs.add(new Attr(ns, name, value, resValue, fullName));
public void write() {
int startPos = buf.position();
int attributeCount = attrs.size();
ResStringPool_ref.write(buf, ns);
ResStringPool_ref.write(buf, name);
ShortWriter attributeStartWriter = new ShortWriter(buf);
buf.putShort((short) ResXMLTree_attribute.SIZEOF); // attributeSize
buf.putShort((short) attributeCount); // attributeCount
ShortWriter idIndexWriter = new ShortWriter(buf);
ShortWriter classIndexWriter = new ShortWriter(buf);
ShortWriter styleIndexWriter = new ShortWriter(buf);
attributeStartWriter.write((short) (buf.position() - startPos));
for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
Attr attr = attrs.get(i);
switch (attr.fullName) {
case ":id":
idIndex = (short) (i + 1);
case ":style":
styleIndex = (short) (i + 1);
case ":class":
classIndex = (short) (i + 1);
private static class Attr {
final int ns;
final int name;
final int value;
final int resValueDataType;
final int resValueData;
final String fullName;
public Attr(int ns, int name, int value, Res_value resValue, String fullName) {
this.ns = ns; = name;
this.value = value;
this.resValueDataType = resValue.dataType;
this.resValueData =;
this.fullName = fullName;
public void write(ByteBuffer buf) {
ResXMLTree_attribute.write(buf, ns, name, value, resValueDataType, resValueData);
static class ResXMLTree_attribute
public static final int SIZEOF = 12+ ResourceTypes.Res_value.SIZEOF;
// Namespace of this attribute.
final ResStringPool_ref ns;
// Name of this attribute.
final ResStringPool_ref name;
// The original raw string value of this attribute.
final ResStringPool_ref rawValue;
// Processesd typed value of this attribute.
final Res_value typedValue;
public ResXMLTree_attribute(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
this.ns = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset); = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset + 4);
this.rawValue = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset + 8);
this.typedValue = new Res_value(buf, offset + 12);
public static void write(ByteBuffer buf, int ns, int name, int value, int resValueDataType,
int resValueData) {
ResStringPool_ref.write(buf, ns);
ResStringPool_ref.write(buf, name);
ResStringPool_ref.write(buf, value);
ResourceTypes.Res_value.write(buf, resValueDataType, resValueData);
/** ********************************************************************
*********************************************************************** */
* Header for a resource table. Its data contains a series of
* additional chunks:
* * A ResStringPool_header containing all table values. This string pool
* contains all of the string values in the entire resource table (not
* the names of entries or type identifiers however).
* * One or more ResTable_package chunks.
* Specific entries within a resource table can be uniquely identified
* with a single integer as defined by the ResTable_ref structure.
static class ResTable_header extends WithOffset
public static final int SIZEOF = ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4;
final ResChunk_header header;
// The number of ResTable_package structures.
final int packageCount;
public ResTable_header(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
this.header = new ResChunk_header(buf, offset);
this.packageCount = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF);
* A collection of resource data types within a package. Followed by
* one or more ResTable_type and ResTable_typeSpec structures containing the
* entry values for each resource type.
static class ResTable_package extends WithOffset
public static final int SIZEOF = ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4 + 128 + 20;
final ResChunk_header header;
// If this is a base package, its ID. Package IDs start
// at 1 (corresponding to the value of the package bits in a
// resource identifier). 0 means this is not a base package.
public final int id;
// Actual name of this package, \0-terminated.
public final char[] name = new char[128];
// Offset to a ResStringPool_header defining the resource
// type symbol table. If zero, this package is inheriting from
// another base package (overriding specific values in it).
public final int typeStrings;
// Last index into typeStrings that is for public use by others.
public final int lastPublicType;
// Offset to a ResStringPool_header defining the resource
// key symbol table. If zero, this package is inheriting from
// another base package (overriding specific values in it).
public final int keyStrings;
// Last index into keyStrings that is for public use by others.
public final int lastPublicKey;
public final int typeIdOffset;
public ResTable_package(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
header = new ResChunk_header(buf, offset);
id = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF);
for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
name[i] = buf.getChar(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4 + i * 2);
typeStrings = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4 + 256);
lastPublicType = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4 + 256 + 4);
keyStrings = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4 + 256 + 8);
lastPublicKey = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4 + 256 + 12);
typeIdOffset = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4 + 256 + 16);
// The most specific locale can consist of:
// - a 3 char language code
// - a 3 char region code prefixed by a 'r'
// - a 4 char script code prefixed by a 's'
// - a 8 char variant code prefixed by a 'v'
// each separated by a single char separator, which sums up to a total of 24
// chars, (25 include the string terminator). Numbering system specificator,
// if present, can add up to 14 bytes (-u-nu-xxxxxxxx), giving 39 bytes,
// or 40 bytes to make it 4 bytes aligned.
public static final int RESTABLE_MAX_LOCALE_LEN = 40;
* A specification of the resources defined by a particular type.
* There should be one of these chunks for each resource type.
* This structure is followed by an array of integers providing the set of
* configuration change flags (ResTable_config::CONFIG_*) that have multiple
* resources for that configuration. In addition, the high bit is set if that
* resource has been made public.
static class ResTable_typeSpec extends WithOffset
public static final int SIZEOF = ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 8;
final ResChunk_header header;
// The type identifier this chunk is holding. Type IDs start
// at 1 (corresponding to the value of the type bits in a
// resource identifier). 0 is invalid.
final byte id;
// Must be 0.
final byte res0;
// Must be 0.
final short res1;
// Number of uint32_t entry configuration masks that follow.
final int entryCount;
//enum : uint32_t {
// Additional flag indicating an entry is public.
static final int SPEC_PUBLIC = 0x40000000;
// Additional flag indicating an entry is overlayable at runtime.
// Added in Android-P.
static final int SPEC_OVERLAYABLE = 0x80000000;
// };
public ResTable_typeSpec(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
header = new ResChunk_header(buf, offset);
id = buf.get(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF);
res0 = buf.get(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 1);
res1 = buf.getShort(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 2);
entryCount = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4);
public int[] getSpecFlags() {
int[] ints = new int[(header.size - header.headerSize) / 4];
for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) {
ints[i] = myBuf().getInt(myOffset() + header.headerSize + i * 4);
return ints;
* A collection of resource entries for a particular resource data
* type.
* If the flag FLAG_SPARSE is not set in `flags`, then this struct is
* followed by an array of uint32_t defining the resource
* values, corresponding to the array of type strings in the
* ResTable_package::typeStrings string block. Each of these hold an
* index from entriesStart; a value of NO_ENTRY means that entry is
* not defined.
* If the flag FLAG_SPARSE is set in `flags`, then this struct is followed
* by an array of ResTable_sparseTypeEntry defining only the entries that
* have values for this type. Each entry is sorted by their entry ID such
* that a binary search can be performed over the entries. The ID and offset
* are encoded in a uint32_t. See ResTabe_sparseTypeEntry.
* There may be multiple of these chunks for a particular resource type,
* supply different configuration variations for the resource values of
* that type.
* It would be nice to have an additional ordered index of entries, so
* we can do a binary search if trying to find a resource by string name.
static class ResTable_type extends WithOffset
// public static final int SIZEOF = ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 12 + ResTable_config.SIZ;
public static final int SIZEOF_WITHOUT_CONFIG = ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 12;
final ResChunk_header header;
//enum {
public static final int NO_ENTRY = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// };
// The type identifier this chunk is holding. Type IDs start
// at 1 (corresponding to the value of the type bits in a
// resource identifier). 0 is invalid.
final byte id;
// enum {
// If set, the entry is sparse, and encodes both the entry ID and offset into each entry,
// and a binary search is used to find the key. Only available on platforms >= O.
// Mark any types that use this with a v26 qualifier to prevent runtime issues on older
// platforms.
public static final int FLAG_SPARSE = 0x01;
// };
final byte flags;
// Must be 0.
final short reserved;
// Number of uint32_t entry indices that follow.
final int entryCount;
// Offset from header where ResTable_entry data starts.
final int entriesStart;
// Configuration this collection of entries is designed for. This must always be last.
final ResTable_config config;
ResTable_type(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
header = new ResChunk_header(buf, offset);
id = buf.get(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF);
flags = buf.get(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 1);
reserved = buf.getShort(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 2);
entryCount = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4);
entriesStart = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 8);
buf.position(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 12);
config = ResTable_config.createConfig(buf);
public int findEntryByResName(int stringId) {
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
if (entryNameIndex(i) == stringId) {
return i;
return -1;
int entryOffset(int entryIndex) {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = myBuf();
int offset = myOffset();
// from ResTable cpp:
// const uint32_t* const eindex = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
// reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(thisType) + dtohs(thisType->header.headerSize));
// uint32_t thisOffset = dtohl(eindex[realEntryIndex]);
return byteBuffer.getInt(offset + header.headerSize + entryIndex * 4);
private int entryNameIndex(int entryIndex) {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = myBuf();
int offset = myOffset();
// from ResTable cpp:
// const uint32_t* const eindex = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
// reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(thisType) + dtohs(thisType->header.headerSize));
// uint32_t thisOffset = dtohl(eindex[realEntryIndex]);
int entryOffset = byteBuffer.getInt(offset + header.headerSize + entryIndex * 4);
if (entryOffset == -1) {
return -1;
return dtohl(byteBuffer.getInt(offset + entriesStart + entryOffset + STRING_POOL_REF_OFFSET));
// The minimum size required to read any version of ResTable_type.
// constexpr size_t kResTableTypeMinSize =
// sizeof(ResTable_type) - sizeof(ResTable_config) + sizeof(ResTable_config::size);
static final int kResTableTypeMinSize =
ResTable_type.SIZEOF_WITHOUT_CONFIG - ResTable_config.SIZEOF + SIZEOF_INT /*sizeof(ResTable_config::size)*/;
* An entry in a ResTable_type with the flag `FLAG_SPARSE` set.
static class ResTable_sparseTypeEntry extends WithOffset {
public static final int SIZEOF = 6;
// Holds the raw uint32_t encoded value. Do not read this.
int entry;
short idxOrOffset;
// struct {
// The index of the entry.
// uint16_t idx;
// The offset from ResTable_type::entriesStart, divided by 4.
// uint16_t offset;
// };
public ResTable_sparseTypeEntry(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
entry = buf.getInt(offset);
idxOrOffset = buf.getShort(offset + 4);
* This is the beginning of information about an entry in the resource
* table. It holds the reference to the name of this entry, and is
* immediately followed by one of:
* * A Res_value structure, if FLAG_COMPLEX is -not- set.
* * An array of ResTable_map structures, if FLAG_COMPLEX is set.
* These supply a set of name/value mappings of data.
static class ResTable_entry extends WithOffset
public static final int SIZEOF = 4 + ResStringPool_ref.SIZEOF;
// Number of bytes in this structure.
final short size;
//enum {
// If set, this is a complex entry, holding a set of name/value
// mappings. It is followed by an array of ResTable_map structures.
public static final int FLAG_COMPLEX = 0x0001;
// If set, this resource has been declared public, so libraries
// are allowed to reference it.
public static final int FLAG_PUBLIC = 0x0002;
// If set, this is a weak resource and may be overriden by strong
// resources of the same name/type. This is only useful during
// linking with other resource tables.
public static final int FLAG_WEAK = 0x0004;
// };
final short flags;
// Reference into ResTable_package::keyStrings identifying this entry.
final ResStringPool_ref key;
ResTable_entry(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
size = buf.getShort(offset);
flags = buf.getShort(offset + 2);
key = new ResStringPool_ref(buf, offset + 4);
public Res_value getResValue() {
// something like:
// final Res_value device_value = reinterpret_cast<final Res_value>(
// reinterpret_cast<final byte*>(entry) + dtohs(entry.size));
return new Res_value(myBuf(), myOffset() + dtohs(size));
* Extended form of a ResTable_entry for map entries, defining a parent map
* resource from which to inherit values.
static class ResTable_map_entry extends ResTable_entry
* Indeterminate size, calculate using {@link #size} instead.
public static final Void SIZEOF = null;
public static final int BASE_SIZEOF = ResTable_entry.SIZEOF + 8;
// Resource identifier of the parent mapping, or 0 if there is none.
// This is always treated as a TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE.
ResTable_ref parent;
// Number of name/value pairs that follow for FLAG_COMPLEX.
int count;
ResTable_map_entry(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
parent = new ResTable_ref(buf, offset + ResTable_entry.SIZEOF);
count = buf.getInt(offset + ResTable_entry.SIZEOF + ResTable_ref.SIZEOF);
* A single name/value mapping that is part of a complex resource
* entry.
public static class ResTable_map extends WithOffset
public static final int SIZEOF = ResTable_ref.SIZEOF + ResourceTypes.Res_value.SIZEOF;
// The resource identifier defining this mapping's name. For attribute
// resources, 'name' can be one of the following special resource types
// to supply meta-data about the attribute; for all other resource types
// it must be an attribute resource.
public final ResTable_ref name;
// Special values for 'name' when defining attribute resources.
//enum {
// This entry holds the attribute's type code.
public static final int ATTR_TYPE = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(0);
// For integral attributes, this is the minimum value it can hold.
public static final int ATTR_MIN = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(1);
// For integral attributes, this is the maximum value it can hold.
public static final int ATTR_MAX = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(2);
// Localization of this resource is can be encouraged or required with
// an aapt flag if this is set
public static final int ATTR_L10N = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(3);
// for plural support, see android.content.res.PluralRules#attrForQuantity(int)
public static final int ATTR_OTHER = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(4);
public static final int ATTR_ZERO = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(5);
public static final int ATTR_ONE = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(6);
public static final int ATTR_TWO = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(7);
public static final int ATTR_FEW = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(8);
public static final int ATTR_MANY = Res_MAKEINTERNAL(9);
// };
// Bit mask of allowed types, for use with ATTR_TYPE.
//enum {
// No type has been defined for this attribute, use generic
// type handling. The low 16 bits are for types that can be
// handled generically; the upper 16 require additional information
// in the bag so can not be handled generically for TYPE_ANY.
public static final int TYPE_ANY = 0x0000FFFF;
// Attribute holds a references to another resource.
public static final int TYPE_REFERENCE = 1<<0;
// Attribute holds a generic string.
public static final int TYPE_STRING = 1<<1;
// Attribute holds an integer value. ATTR_MIN and ATTR_MIN can
// optionally specify a constrained range of possible integer values.
public static final int TYPE_INTEGER = 1<<2;
// Attribute holds a boolean integer.
public static final int TYPE_BOOLEAN = 1<<3;
// Attribute holds a color value.
public static final int TYPE_COLOR = 1<<4;
// Attribute holds a floating point value.
public static final int TYPE_FLOAT = 1<<5;
// Attribute holds a dimension value, such as "20px".
public static final int TYPE_DIMENSION = 1<<6;
// Attribute holds a fraction value, such as "20%".
public static final int TYPE_FRACTION = 1<<7;
// Attribute holds an enumeration. The enumeration values are
// supplied as additional entries in the map.
public static final int TYPE_ENUM = 1<<16;
// Attribute holds a bitmaks of flags. The flag bit values are
// supplied as additional entries in the map.
public static final int TYPE_FLAGS = 1<<17;
// };
// Enum of localization modes, for use with ATTR_L10N.
//enum {
public static final int L10N_NOT_REQUIRED = 0;
public static final int L10N_SUGGESTED = 1;
// };
// This mapping's value.
public Res_value value;
public ResTable_map(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
name = new ResTable_ref(buf, offset);
value = new Res_value(buf, offset + ResTable_ref.SIZEOF);
public ResTable_map() {
super(null, 0); = new ResTable_ref();
this.value = new Res_value();
public String toString() {
return "ResTable_map{" + "name=" + name + ", value=" + value + '}';
* A package-id to package name mapping for any shared libraries used
* in this resource table. The package-id's encoded in this resource
* table may be different than the id's assigned at runtime. We must
* be able to translate the package-id's based on the package name.
static class ResTable_lib_header extends WithOffset
static final int SIZEOF = ResChunk_header.SIZEOF + 4;
ResChunk_header header;
// The number of shared libraries linked in this resource table.
int count;
ResTable_lib_header(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
header = new ResChunk_header(buf, offset);
count = buf.getInt(offset + ResChunk_header.SIZEOF);
* A shared library package-id to package name entry.
static class ResTable_lib_entry extends WithOffset
public static final int SIZEOF = 4 + 128 * SIZEOF_SHORT;
// The package-id this shared library was assigned at build time.
// We use a uint32 to keep the structure aligned on a uint32 boundary.
int packageId;
// The package name of the shared library. \0 terminated.
char[] packageName = new char[128];
ResTable_lib_entry(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
packageId = buf.getInt(offset);
for (int i = 0; i < packageName.length; i++) {
packageName[i] = buf.getChar(offset + 4 + i * SIZEOF_SHORT);
// struct alignas(uint32_t) Idmap_header {
static class Idmap_header extends WithOffset {
// Always 0x504D4449 ('IDMP')
int magic;
int version;
int target_crc32;
int overlay_crc32;
final byte[] target_path = new byte[256];
final byte[] overlay_path = new byte[256];
short target_package_id;
short type_count;
Idmap_header(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
magic = buf.getInt(offset);
version = buf.getInt(offset + 4);
target_crc32 = buf.getInt(offset + 8);
overlay_crc32 = buf.getInt(offset + 12);
buf.get(target_path, offset + 16, 256);
buf.get(overlay_path, offset + 16 + 256, 256);
target_package_id = buf.getShort(offset + 16 + 256 + 256);
type_count = buf.getShort(offset + 16 + 256 + 256 + 2);
} // __attribute__((packed));
// struct alignas(uint32_t) IdmapEntry_header {
static class IdmapEntry_header extends WithOffset {
static final int SIZEOF = 2 * 4;
short target_type_id;
short overlay_type_id;
short entry_count;
short entry_id_offset;
int entries[];
IdmapEntry_header(ByteBuffer buf, int offset) {
super(buf, offset);
target_type_id = buf.getShort(offset);
overlay_type_id = buf.getShort(offset + 2);
entry_count = buf.getShort(offset + 4);
entry_id_offset = buf.getShort(offset + 6);
entries = new int[entry_count];
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
entries[i] = buf.getInt(offset + 8 + i * SIZEOF_INT);
} // __attribute__((packed));
abstract private static class FutureWriter<T> {
protected final ByteBuffer buf;
private final int position;
public FutureWriter(ByteBuffer buf, int size) {
this.buf = buf;
this.position = buf.position();
buf.position(position + size);
abstract protected void put(int position, T value);
public void write(T value) {
put(position, value);
private static class IntWriter extends FutureWriter<Integer> {
public IntWriter(ByteBuffer buf) {
super(buf, 4);
protected void put(int position, Integer value) {
buf.putInt(position, value);
private static class ShortWriter extends FutureWriter<Short> {
public ShortWriter(ByteBuffer buf) {
super(buf, 2);
protected void put(int position, Short value) {
buf.putShort(position, value);
private static final Runnable NO_OP = () -> {};