blob: 837924ddd96f65063425ba18baa4f45d073d156c [file] [log] [blame]
use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn assert_sufficiently_different(a: u64, b: u64, tolerance: i32) {
let (same_byte_count, same_nibble_count) = count_same_bytes_and_nibbles(a, b);
assert!(same_byte_count <= tolerance, "{:x} vs {:x}: {:}", a, b, same_byte_count);
same_nibble_count <= tolerance * 3,
"{:x} vs {:x}: {:}",
let flipped_bits = (a ^ b).count_ones();
flipped_bits > 12 && flipped_bits < 52,
"{:x} and {:x}: {:}",
for rotate in 0..64 {
let flipped_bits2 = (a ^ (b.rotate_left(rotate))).count_ones();
flipped_bits2 > 10 && flipped_bits2 < 54,
"{:x} and {:x}: {:}",
fn count_same_bytes_and_nibbles(a: u64, b: u64) -> (i32, i32) {
let mut same_byte_count = 0;
let mut same_nibble_count = 0;
for byte in 0..8 {
let ba = (a >> (8 * byte)) as u8;
let bb = (b >> (8 * byte)) as u8;
if ba == bb {
same_byte_count += 1;
if ba & 0xF0u8 == bb & 0xF0u8 {
same_nibble_count += 1;
if ba & 0x0Fu8 == bb & 0x0Fu8 {
same_nibble_count += 1;
(same_byte_count, same_nibble_count)
fn gen_combinations(options: &[u32; 8], depth: u32, so_far: Vec<u32>, combinations: &mut Vec<Vec<u32>>) {
if depth == 0 {
for option in options {
let mut next = so_far.clone();
gen_combinations(options, depth - 1, next, combinations);
fn test_no_full_collisions<T: Hasher>(gen_hash: impl Fn() -> T) {
let options: [u32; 8] = [
0x00000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x60000000, 0x80000000, 0xA0000000, 0xC0000000, 0xE0000000,
let mut combinations = Vec::new();
gen_combinations(&options, 7, Vec::new(), &mut combinations);
let mut map: HashMap<u64, Vec<u8>> = HashMap::new();
for combination in combinations {
let array = unsafe {
let (begin, middle, end) = combination.align_to::<u8>();
assert_eq!(0, begin.len());
assert_eq!(0, end.len());
let mut hasher = gen_hash();
let hash = hasher.finish();
if let Some(value) = map.get(&hash) {
value, &array,
"Found a collision between {:x?} and {:x?}. Hash: {:x?}",
value, &array, &hash
} else {
map.insert(hash, array);
assert_eq!(2396744, map.len());
fn test_keys_change_output<T: Hasher>(constructor: impl Fn(u128, u128) -> T) {
let mut a = constructor(1, 1);
let mut b = constructor(1, 2);
let mut c = constructor(2, 1);
let mut d = constructor(2, 2);
"test".hash(&mut a);
"test".hash(&mut b);
"test".hash(&mut c);
"test".hash(&mut d);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), b.finish(), 1);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), c.finish(), 1);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), d.finish(), 1);
assert_sufficiently_different(b.finish(), c.finish(), 1);
assert_sufficiently_different(b.finish(), d.finish(), 1);
assert_sufficiently_different(c.finish(), d.finish(), 1);
fn test_input_affect_every_byte<T: Hasher>(constructor: impl Fn(u128, u128) -> T) {
let base = hash_with(&0, constructor(0, 0));
for shift in 0..16 {
let mut alternitives = vec![];
for v in 0..256 {
let input = (v as u128) << (shift * 8);
let hasher = constructor(0, 0);
alternitives.push(hash_with(&input, hasher));
assert_each_byte_differs(shift, base, alternitives);
///Ensures that for every bit in the output there is some value for each byte in the key that flips it.
fn test_keys_affect_every_byte<H: Hash, T: Hasher>(item: H, constructor: impl Fn(u128, u128) -> T) {
let base = hash_with(&item, constructor(0, 0));
for shift in 0..16 {
let mut alternitives1 = vec![];
let mut alternitives2 = vec![];
for v in 0..256 {
let input = (v as u128) << (shift * 8);
let hasher1 = constructor(input, 0);
let hasher2 = constructor(0, input);
let h1 = hash_with(&item, hasher1);
let h2 = hash_with(&item, hasher2);
assert_each_byte_differs(shift, base, alternitives1);
assert_each_byte_differs(shift, base, alternitives2);
fn assert_each_byte_differs(num: u64, base: u64, alternitives: Vec<u64>) {
let mut changed_bits = 0_u64;
for alternitive in alternitives {
changed_bits |= base ^ alternitive
assert_eq!(core::u64::MAX, changed_bits, "Bits changed: {:x} on num: {:?}", changed_bits, num);
fn test_finish_is_consistent<T: Hasher>(constructor: impl Fn(u128, u128) -> T) {
let mut hasher = constructor(1, 2);
"Foo".hash(&mut hasher);
let a = hasher.finish();
let b = hasher.finish();
assert_eq!(a, b);
fn test_single_key_bit_flip<T: Hasher>(constructor: impl Fn(u128, u128) -> T) {
for bit in 0..128 {
let mut a = constructor(0, 0);
let mut b = constructor(0, 1 << bit);
let mut c = constructor(1 << bit, 0);
"1234".hash(&mut a);
"1234".hash(&mut b);
"1234".hash(&mut c);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), b.finish(), 2);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), c.finish(), 2);
assert_sufficiently_different(b.finish(), c.finish(), 2);
let mut a = constructor(0, 0);
let mut b = constructor(0, 1 << bit);
let mut c = constructor(1 << bit, 0);
"12345678".hash(&mut a);
"12345678".hash(&mut b);
"12345678".hash(&mut c);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), b.finish(), 2);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), c.finish(), 2);
assert_sufficiently_different(b.finish(), c.finish(), 2);
let mut a = constructor(0, 0);
let mut b = constructor(0, 1 << bit);
let mut c = constructor(1 << bit, 0);
"1234567812345678".hash(&mut a);
"1234567812345678".hash(&mut b);
"1234567812345678".hash(&mut c);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), b.finish(), 2);
assert_sufficiently_different(a.finish(), c.finish(), 2);
assert_sufficiently_different(b.finish(), c.finish(), 2);
fn test_all_bytes_matter<T: Hasher>(hasher: impl Fn() -> T) {
let mut item = vec![0; 256];
let base_hash = hash(&item, &hasher);
for pos in 0..256 {
item[pos] = 255;
let hash = hash(&item, &hasher);
assert_ne!(base_hash, hash, "Position {} did not affect output", pos);
item[pos] = 0;
fn test_no_pair_collisions<T: Hasher>(hasher: impl Fn() -> T) {
let base = [0_u64, 0_u64];
let base_hash = hash(&base, &hasher);
for bitpos1 in 0..64 {
let a = 1_u64 << bitpos1;
for bitpos2 in 0..bitpos1 {
let b = 1_u64 << bitpos2;
let aa = hash(&[a, a], &hasher);
let ab = hash(&[a, b], &hasher);
let ba = hash(&[b, a], &hasher);
let bb = hash(&[b, b], &hasher);
assert_sufficiently_different(base_hash, aa, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(base_hash, ab, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(base_hash, ba, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(base_hash, bb, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(aa, ab, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(ab, ba, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(ba, bb, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(aa, ba, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(ab, bb, 3);
assert_sufficiently_different(aa, bb, 3);
fn hash<H: Hash, T: Hasher>(b: &H, hash_builder: &dyn Fn() -> T) -> u64 {
let mut hasher = hash_builder();
b.hash(&mut hasher);
fn hash_with<H: Hash, T: Hasher>(b: &H, mut hasher: T) -> u64 {
b.hash(&mut hasher);
fn test_single_bit_flip<T: Hasher>(hasher: impl Fn() -> T) {
let size = 32;
let compare_value = hash(&0u32, &hasher);
for pos in 0..size {
let test_value = hash(&(1u32 << pos), &hasher);
assert_sufficiently_different(compare_value, test_value, 2);
let size = 64;
let compare_value = hash(&0u64, &hasher);
for pos in 0..size {
let test_value = hash(&(1u64 << pos), &hasher);
assert_sufficiently_different(compare_value, test_value, 2);
let size = 128;
let compare_value = hash(&0u128, &hasher);
for pos in 0..size {
let test_value = hash(&(1u128 << pos), &hasher);
dbg!(compare_value, test_value);
assert_sufficiently_different(compare_value, test_value, 2);
fn test_padding_doesnot_collide<T: Hasher>(hasher: impl Fn() -> T) {
for c in 0..128u8 {
for string in ["", "\0", "\x01", "1234", "12345678", "1234567812345678"].iter() {
let mut short = hasher();
string.hash(&mut short);
let value = short.finish();
let mut padded = string.to_string();
for num in 1..=128 {
let mut long = hasher();
padded.push(c as char);
padded.hash(&mut long);
let (same_bytes, same_nibbles) = count_same_bytes_and_nibbles(value, long.finish());
same_bytes <= 3,
"{} bytes of {} -> {:x} vs {:x}", num, c, value, long.finish()
same_nibbles <= 8,
"{} bytes of {} -> {:x} vs {:x}", num, c, value, long.finish()
let flipped_bits = (value ^ long.finish()).count_ones();
assert!(flipped_bits > 10);
if string.len() > 0 {
let mut padded = string[1..].to_string();
padded.push(c as char);
for num in 2..=128 {
let mut long = hasher();
padded.push(c as char);
padded.hash(&mut long);
let (same_bytes, same_nibbles) = count_same_bytes_and_nibbles(value, long.finish());
same_bytes <= 3,
"string {:?} + {} bytes of {} -> {:x} vs {:x}",
same_nibbles <= 8,
"string {:?} + {} bytes of {} -> {:x} vs {:x}",
let flipped_bits = (value ^ long.finish()).count_ones();
assert!(flipped_bits > 10);
mod fallback_tests {
use crate::fallback_hash::*;
use crate::hash_quality_test::*;
fn fallback_single_bit_flip() {
test_single_bit_flip(|| AHasher::new_with_keys(0, 0))
fn fallback_single_key_bit_flip() {
fn fallback_all_bytes_matter() {
test_all_bytes_matter(|| AHasher::new_with_keys(0, 0));
fn fallback_test_no_pair_collisions() {
test_no_pair_collisions(|| AHasher::new_with_keys(0, 0));
fn fallback_test_no_full_collisions() {
test_no_full_collisions(|| AHasher::new_with_keys(0, 0));
fn fallback_keys_change_output() {
fn fallback_input_affect_every_byte() {
fn fallback_keys_affect_every_byte() {
//For fallback second key is not used in every hash.
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "specialize"), feature = "folded_multiply"))]
test_keys_affect_every_byte(0, |a, b| AHasher::new_with_keys(a ^ b, a));
test_keys_affect_every_byte("", |a, b| AHasher::new_with_keys(a ^ b, a));
test_keys_affect_every_byte((0, 0), |a, b| AHasher::new_with_keys(a ^ b, a));
fn fallback_finish_is_consistant() {
fn fallback_padding_doesnot_collide() {
test_padding_doesnot_collide(|| AHasher::new_with_keys(0, 0));
test_padding_doesnot_collide(|| AHasher::new_with_keys(0, 2));
test_padding_doesnot_collide(|| AHasher::new_with_keys(2, 0));
test_padding_doesnot_collide(|| AHasher::new_with_keys(2, 2));
///Basic sanity tests of the cypto properties of aHash.
#[cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"), target_feature = "aes", not(miri)))]
mod aes_tests {
use crate::aes_hash::*;
use crate::hash_quality_test::*;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
//This encrypts to 0.
const BAD_KEY2: u128 = 0x6363_6363_6363_6363_6363_6363_6363_6363;
//This decrypts to 0.
const BAD_KEY: u128 = 0x5252_5252_5252_5252_5252_5252_5252_5252;
fn test_single_bit_in_byte() {
let mut hasher1 = AHasher::test_with_keys(0, 0);
8_u32.hash(&mut hasher1);
let mut hasher2 = AHasher::test_with_keys(0, 0);
0_u32.hash(&mut hasher2);
assert_sufficiently_different(hasher1.finish(), hasher2.finish(), 1);
fn aes_single_bit_flip() {
test_single_bit_flip(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(BAD_KEY, BAD_KEY));
test_single_bit_flip(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(BAD_KEY2, BAD_KEY2));
fn aes_single_key_bit_flip() {
fn aes_all_bytes_matter() {
test_all_bytes_matter(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(BAD_KEY, BAD_KEY));
test_all_bytes_matter(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(BAD_KEY2, BAD_KEY2));
fn aes_test_no_pair_collisions() {
test_no_pair_collisions(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(BAD_KEY, BAD_KEY));
test_no_pair_collisions(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(BAD_KEY2, BAD_KEY2));
fn ase_test_no_full_collisions() {
test_no_full_collisions(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(12345, 67890));
fn aes_keys_change_output() {
fn aes_input_affect_every_byte() {
fn aes_keys_affect_every_byte() {
#[cfg(not(feature = "specialize"))]
test_keys_affect_every_byte(0, AHasher::test_with_keys);
test_keys_affect_every_byte("", AHasher::test_with_keys);
test_keys_affect_every_byte((0, 0), AHasher::test_with_keys);
fn aes_finish_is_consistant() {
fn aes_padding_doesnot_collide() {
test_padding_doesnot_collide(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(BAD_KEY, BAD_KEY));
test_padding_doesnot_collide(|| AHasher::test_with_keys(BAD_KEY2, BAD_KEY2));