blob: c55518c2548778f5c9ea8f990f17c9328bc29a4b [file] [log] [blame]
// pest. The Elegant Parser
// Copyright (c) 2018 DragoČ™ Tiselice
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE or> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied,
// modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
//! # pest. The Elegant Parser
//! pest is a general purpose parser written in Rust with a focus on accessibility, correctness,
//! and performance. It uses parsing expression grammars (or [PEG]) as input, which are similar in
//! spirit to regular expressions, but which offer the enhanced expressivity needed to parse
//! complex languages.
//! [PEG]:
//! ## Getting started
//! The recommended way to start parsing with pest is to read the official [book].
//! Other helpful resources:
//! * API reference on []
//! * play with grammars and share them on our [fiddle]
//! * leave feedback, ask questions, or greet us on [Gitter]
//! [book]:
//! []:
//! [fiddle]:
//! [Gitter]:
//! ## Usage
//! The core of pest is the trait [`Parser`], which provides an interface to the parsing
//! functionality.
//! The accompanying crate `pest_derive` can automatically generate a [`Parser`] from a PEG
//! grammar. Using `pest_derive` is highly encouraged, but it is also possible to implement
//! [`Parser`] manually if required.
//! ## `.pest` files
//! Grammar definitions reside in custom `.pest` files located in the crate `src` directory.
//! Parsers are automatically generated from these files using `#[derive(Parser)]` and a special
//! `#[grammar = "..."]` attribute on a dummy struct.
//! ```ignore
//! #[derive(Parser)]
//! #[grammar = "path/to/my_grammar.pest"] // relative to src
//! struct MyParser;
//! ```
//! The syntax of `.pest` files is documented in the [`pest_derive` crate].
//! ## Inline grammars
//! Grammars can also be inlined by using the `#[grammar_inline = "..."]` attribute.
//! [`Parser`]: trait.Parser.html
//! [`pest_derive` crate]:
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
extern crate ucd_trie;
#[cfg(feature = "pretty-print")]
extern crate serde;
#[cfg(feature = "pretty-print")]
extern crate serde_json;
pub use parser::Parser;
pub use parser_state::{state, Atomicity, Lookahead, MatchDir, ParseResult, ParserState};
pub use position::Position;
pub use span::{Lines, Span};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
pub use token::Token;
pub mod error;
pub mod iterators;
mod macros;
mod parser;
mod parser_state;
mod position;
pub mod prec_climber;
mod span;
mod stack;
mod token;
pub mod unicode;
/// A trait which parser rules must implement.
/// This trait is set up so that any struct that implements all of its required traits will
/// automatically implement this trait as well.
/// This is essentially a [trait alias]( When trait
/// aliases are implemented, this may be replaced by one.
pub trait RuleType: Copy + Debug + Eq + Hash + Ord {}
impl<T: Copy + Debug + Eq + Hash + Ord> RuleType for T {}