blob: 845645a76391827b555151f24d06226bebcff9ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Original code (./
// ```rust
// #![allow(dead_code)]
// use pin_project::pin_project;
// #[pin_project(project = EnumProj)]
// enum Enum<T, U> {
// Pinned(#[pin] T),
// Unpinned(U),
// }
// fn main() {}
// ```
#![allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_parens)]
#![allow(clippy::no_effect, clippy::just_underscores_and_digits)]
use pin_project::pin_project;
enum Enum<T, U> {
Pinned(/* #[pin] */ T),
#[allow(clippy::mut_mut)] // This lint warns `&mut &mut <ty>`.
#[allow(dead_code)] // This lint warns unused fields/variants.
enum EnumProj<'pin, T, U>
Enum<T, U>: 'pin,
Pinned(::pin_project::__reexport::pin::Pin<&'pin mut (T)>),
Unpinned(&'pin mut (U)),
#[allow(dead_code)] // This lint warns unused fields/variants.
enum __EnumProjectionRef<'pin, T, U>
Enum<T, U>: 'pin,
Pinned(::pin_project::__reexport::pin::Pin<&'pin (T)>),
Unpinned(&'pin (U)),
const __SCOPE_Enum: () = {
impl<T, U> Enum<T, U> {
fn project<'pin>(
self: ::pin_project::__reexport::pin::Pin<&'pin mut Self>,
) -> EnumProj<'pin, T, U> {
unsafe {
match self.get_unchecked_mut() {
Enum::Pinned(_0) => {
Enum::Unpinned(_0) => EnumProj::Unpinned(_0),
fn project_ref<'pin>(
self: ::pin_project::__reexport::pin::Pin<&'pin Self>,
) -> __EnumProjectionRef<'pin, T, U> {
unsafe {
match self.get_ref() {
Enum::Pinned(_0) => __EnumProjectionRef::Pinned(
Enum::Unpinned(_0) => __EnumProjectionRef::Unpinned(_0),
// Automatically create the appropriate conditional `Unpin` implementation.
// See ./ and
// for details.
struct __Enum<'pin, T, U> {
__pin_project_use_generics: ::pin_project::__private::AlwaysUnpin<'pin, (T, U)>,
__field0: T,
impl<'pin, T, U> ::pin_project::__reexport::marker::Unpin for Enum<T, U> where
__Enum<'pin, T, U>: ::pin_project::__reexport::marker::Unpin
unsafe impl<T, U> ::pin_project::UnsafeUnpin for Enum<T, U> {}
// Ensure that enum does not implement `Drop`.
// See ./ for details.
trait EnumMustNotImplDrop {}
impl<T: ::pin_project::__reexport::ops::Drop> EnumMustNotImplDrop for T {}
impl<T, U> EnumMustNotImplDrop for Enum<T, U> {}
impl<T, U> ::pin_project::__private::PinnedDrop for Enum<T, U> {
unsafe fn drop(self: ::pin_project::__reexport::pin::Pin<&mut Self>) {}
// We don't need to check for `#[repr(packed)]`,
// since it does not apply to enums.
fn main() {}