blob: f1e8d2c67b56d372b07050b09480c7fb4a778a21 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Unix-only extensions, for sending signals.
use std::io;
pub trait SharedChildExt {
/// Send a signal to the child process with `libc::kill`. If the process
/// has already been waited on, this returns `Ok(())` and does nothing.
fn send_signal(&self, signal: libc::c_int) -> io::Result<()>;
impl SharedChildExt for super::SharedChild {
fn send_signal(&self, signal: libc::c_int) -> io::Result<()> {
let status = self.state_lock.lock().unwrap();
if let super::ChildState::Exited(_) = *status {
return Ok(());
// The child is still running. Signal it. Holding the state lock
// is important to prevent a PID race.
// This assumes that the wait methods will never hold the child
// lock during a blocking wait, since we need it to get the pid.
let pid = as libc::pid_t;
match unsafe { libc::kill(pid, signal) } {
-1 => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()),
_ => Ok(()),
mod tests {
use super::SharedChildExt;
use crate::tests::*;
use crate::SharedChild;
use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
fn test_send_signal() {
let child = SharedChild::spawn(&mut sleep_forever_cmd()).unwrap();
let status = child.wait().unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(libc::SIGABRT), status.signal());