blob: ce5e59638b3c25fa6c3c45234329bb6b1bf5f9e2 [file] [log] [blame]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
//! This library offers a variety of weak hash tables:
//! - For a hash map where the keys are held by weak pointers and compared by key value, see
//! [`WeakKeyHashMap`](struct.WeakKeyHashMap.html).
//! - For a hash map where the keys are held by weak pointers and compared by pointer, see
//! [`PtrWeakKeyHashMap`](struct.PtrWeakKeyHashMap.html).
//! - For a hash map where the values are held by weak pointers, see
//! [`WeakValueHashMap`](struct.WeakValueHashMap.html).
//! - For a hash map where the keys and values are both held by weak pointers and the keys are
//! compared by value, see
//! [`WeakWeakHashMap`](struct.WeakWeakHashMap.html).
//! - For a hash map where the keys and values are both held by weak pointers and the keys are
//! compared by pointer, see
//! [`PtrWeakWeakHashMap`](struct.PtrWeakWeakHashMap.html).
//! - For a hash set where the elements are held by weak pointers and compared by element value, see
//! [`WeakHashSet`](struct.WeakHashSet.html).
//! - For a hash set where the elements are held by weak pointers and compared by pointer, see
//! [`PtrWeakHashSet`](struct.PtrWeakHashSet.html).
//! To add support for your own weak pointers, see
//! [the traits `WeakElement` and `WeakKey`](traits/).
//! This crate supports Rust version 1.32 and later.
//! # Examples
//! Here we create a weak hash table mapping strings to integers.
//! Note that after dropping `one`, the key `"one"` is no longer present in the map.
//! This is because the map holds the strings as `std::sync::Weak<str>`s.
//! ```
//! use weak_table::WeakKeyHashMap;
//! use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
//! let mut table = <WeakKeyHashMap<Weak<str>, u32>>::new();
//! let one = Arc::<str>::from("one");
//! let two = Arc::<str>::from("two");
//! table.insert(one.clone(), 1);
//! assert_eq!( table.get("one"), Some(&1) );
//! assert_eq!( table.get("two"), None );
//! table.insert(two.clone(), 2);
//! *table.get_mut(&one).unwrap() += 10;
//! assert_eq!( table.get("one"), Some(&11) );
//! assert_eq!( table.get("two"), Some(&2) );
//! drop(one);
//! assert_eq!( table.get("one"), None );
//! assert_eq!( table.get("two"), Some(&2) );
//! ```
//! Here we use a weak hash set to implement a simple string interning facility:
//! ```
//! use weak_table::WeakHashSet;
//! use std::ops::Deref;
//! use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
//! #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
//! pub struct Symbol(Rc<str>);
//! impl PartialEq for Symbol {
//! fn eq(&self, other: &Symbol) -> bool {
//! Rc::ptr_eq(&self.0, &other.0)
//! }
//! }
//! impl Eq for Symbol {}
//! impl Deref for Symbol {
//! type Target = str;
//! fn deref(&self) -> &str {
//! &self.0
//! }
//! }
//! #[derive(Debug, Default)]
//! pub struct SymbolTable(WeakHashSet<Weak<str>>);
//! impl SymbolTable {
//! pub fn new() -> Self {
//! Self::default()
//! }
//! pub fn intern(&mut self, name: &str) -> Symbol {
//! if let Some(rc) = self.0.get(name) {
//! Symbol(rc)
//! } else {
//! let rc = Rc::<str>::from(name);
//! self.0.insert(Rc::clone(&rc));
//! Symbol(rc)
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! #[test]
//! fn interning() {
//! let mut tab = SymbolTable::new();
//! let a0 = tab.intern("a");
//! let a1 = tab.intern("a");
//! let b = tab.intern("b");
//! assert_eq!(a0, a1);
//! assert_ne!(a0, b);
//! }
//! ```
use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
pub mod traits;
pub mod weak_key_hash_map;
pub mod ptr_weak_key_hash_map;
pub mod weak_value_hash_map;
pub mod weak_weak_hash_map;
pub mod ptr_weak_weak_hash_map;
pub mod weak_hash_set;
pub mod ptr_weak_hash_set;
mod util;
mod by_ptr;
mod size_policy;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct HashCode(u64);
type FullBucket<K, V> = (K, V, HashCode);
type Bucket<K, V> = Option<FullBucket<K, V>>;
type TablePtr<K, V> = Box<[Bucket<K, V>]>;
/// A hash map with weak keys, hashed on key value.
/// When a weak pointer expires, its mapping is lazily removed.
pub struct WeakKeyHashMap<K, V, S = RandomState> {
hash_builder: S,
inner: WeakKeyInnerMap<K, V>,
struct WeakKeyInnerMap<K, V> {
buckets: TablePtr<K, V>,
len: usize,
/// A hash map with weak keys, hashed on key pointer.
/// When a weak pointer expires, its mapping is lazily removed.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use weak_table::PtrWeakKeyHashMap;
/// use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
/// type Table = PtrWeakKeyHashMap<Weak<str>, usize>;
/// let mut map = Table::new();
/// let a = Rc::<str>::from("hello");
/// let b = Rc::<str>::from("hello");
/// map.insert(a.clone(), 5);
/// assert_eq!( map.get(&a), Some(&5) );
/// assert_eq!( map.get(&b), None );
/// map.insert(b.clone(), 7);
/// assert_eq!( map.get(&a), Some(&5) );
/// assert_eq!( map.get(&b), Some(&7) );
/// ```
pub struct PtrWeakKeyHashMap<K, V, S = RandomState>(
WeakKeyHashMap<by_ptr::ByPtr<K>, V, S>
/// A hash map with weak values.
/// When a weak pointer expires, its mapping is lazily removed.
pub struct WeakValueHashMap<K, V, S = RandomState> {
hash_builder: S,
inner: WeakValueInnerMap<K, V>,
struct WeakValueInnerMap<K, V> {
buckets: TablePtr<K, V>,
len: usize,
/// A hash map with weak keys and weak values, hashed on key value.
/// When a weak pointer expires, its mapping is lazily removed.
pub struct WeakWeakHashMap<K, V, S = RandomState> {
hash_builder: S,
inner: WeakWeakInnerMap<K, V>,
struct WeakWeakInnerMap<K, V> {
buckets: TablePtr<K, V>,
len: usize,
/// A hash map with weak keys and weak values, hashed on key pointer.
/// When a weak pointer expires, its mapping is lazily removed.
pub struct PtrWeakWeakHashMap<K, V, S = RandomState>(
WeakWeakHashMap<by_ptr::ByPtr<K>, V, S>
/// A hash set with weak elements, hashed on element value.
/// When a weak pointer expires, its mapping is lazily removed.
pub struct WeakHashSet<T, S = RandomState>(WeakKeyHashMap<T, (), S>);
/// A hash set with weak elements, hashed on element pointer.
/// When a weak pointer expires, its mapping is lazily removed.
pub struct PtrWeakHashSet<T, S = RandomState>(PtrWeakKeyHashMap<T, (), S>);