blob: c7a6fe48955fd1f478d3b770f276e07d21662c1f [file] [log] [blame]
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
namespace ruy {
// A BlockingCounter lets one thread to wait for N events to occur.
// This is how the master thread waits for all the worker threads
// to have finished working.
// The waiting is done using a naive spinlock waiting for the atomic
// count_ to hit the value 0. This is acceptable because in our usage
// pattern, BlockingCounter is used only to synchronize threads after
// short-lived tasks (performing parts of the same GEMM). It is not used
// for synchronizing longer waits (resuming work on the next GEMM).
class BlockingCounter {
BlockingCounter() : count_(0) {}
// Sets/resets the counter; initial_count is the number of
// decrementing events that the Wait() call will be waiting for.
void Reset(std::size_t initial_count);
// Decrements the counter; if the counter hits zero, signals
// the threads that were waiting for that, and returns true.
// Otherwise (if the decremented count is still nonzero),
// returns false.
bool DecrementCount();
// Waits for the N other threads (N having been set by Reset())
// to hit the BlockingCounter.
void Wait();
std::atomic<std::size_t> count_;
} // namespace ruy