blob: 86e22101827894d859cac6e5f16d0f6d94c2c67c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
namespace ruy {
namespace detail {
// An empty base class for MulParams just so that a MulParamsEmptyBase* pointer can be used as a generic pointer to any object of any MulParams type.
class MulParamsEmptyBase {};
} // namespace detail
// Enumeration to designate which dimension is the 'channels', for MulParams
// features that are 'per-channel', namely the bias-vector and the quantized
// multiplier.
enum class ChannelDimension : std::int8_t {
// kRow means that 'per-channel' means 'per row of the destination matrix'
// kCol means that 'per-channel' means 'per column of the destination matrix'
// MulParams describes all about a matrix multiplication that
// isn't encoded in the LHS, RHS and destination matrices. Some of that
// information is encoded as compile-time constants and types (for instance, the
// choice of accumulator type, AccumScalar). Some of that information is encoded
// as runtime values (for instance, the optional bias vector).
template <typename tAccumScalar, typename tDstScalar>
class MulParams final : public detail::MulParamsEmptyBase {
// Accumulator type. The type of accumulators used to compute the dot-products
// before being ultimately casted to the destination type.
using AccumScalar = tAccumScalar;
// The destination scalar type.
using DstScalar = tDstScalar;
const AccumScalar* bias() const { return bias_; }
void set_bias(const AccumScalar* ptr) { bias_ = ptr; }
AccumScalar multiplier_fixedpoint() const { return multiplier_fixedpoint_; }
void set_multiplier_fixedpoint(const AccumScalar value) {
multiplier_fixedpoint_ = value;
int multiplier_exponent() const { return multiplier_exponent_; }
void set_multiplier_exponent(const int value) {
multiplier_exponent_ = value;
const AccumScalar* multiplier_fixedpoint_perchannel() const {
return multiplier_fixedpoint_perchannel_;
void set_multiplier_fixedpoint_perchannel(const AccumScalar* ptr) {
multiplier_fixedpoint_perchannel_ = ptr;
const int* multiplier_exponent_perchannel() const {
return multiplier_exponent_perchannel_;
void set_multiplier_exponent_perchannel(const int* ptr) {
multiplier_exponent_perchannel_ = ptr;
DstScalar clamp_min() const { return clamp_min_; }
void set_clamp_min(const DstScalar value) { clamp_min_ = value; }
DstScalar clamp_max() const { return clamp_max_; }
void set_clamp_max(const DstScalar value) { clamp_max_ = value; }
ChannelDimension channel_dimension() const { return channel_dimension_; }
void set_channel_dimension(ChannelDimension value) {
channel_dimension_ = value;
// The bias vector data, if not null.
const AccumScalar* bias_ = nullptr;
// Only for non-floating-point cases. The fixed-point part (i.e. the mantissa)
// of the multiplier by which accumulators are multiplied before being casted
// to the destination type.
AccumScalar multiplier_fixedpoint_ = 0;
// Only for non-floating-point cases. The exponent part of the aforementioned
// multiplier.
int multiplier_exponent_ = 0;
// Per-channel variant of multiplier_fixedpoint. If not nullptr, this must
// point to a buffer of as many values as there are rows in the destination
// matrix. Each row of the destination matrix will use the corresponding
// buffer element instead of multiplier_fixedpoint.
const AccumScalar* multiplier_fixedpoint_perchannel_ = nullptr;
// Per-channel variant of multiplier_exponent. If not nullptr, this must
// point to a buffer of as many values as there are rows in the destination
// matrix. Each row of the destination matrix will use the corresponding
// buffer element instead of multiplier_exponent.
// Either none or both of multiplier_exponent_perchannel and
// multiplier_fixedpoint_perchannel must be nullptr.
const int* multiplier_exponent_perchannel_ = nullptr;
// min clamp bound of destination values.
DstScalar clamp_min_ = std::is_floating_point<DstScalar>::value
? -std::numeric_limits<DstScalar>::infinity()
: std::numeric_limits<DstScalar>::lowest();
// max clamp bound of destination values.
DstScalar clamp_max_ = std::is_floating_point<DstScalar>::value
? std::numeric_limits<DstScalar>::infinity()
: std::numeric_limits<DstScalar>::max();
// Designates which dimension is the 'channels', for per-channel features
// such as bias-addition and per-channel quantization multipliers.
ChannelDimension channel_dimension_ = ChannelDimension::kRow;
} // namespace ruy