some minor changes
diff --git a/source/1.0/doc/RELEASE_NOTES-1.0.0.txt b/source/1.0/doc/RELEASE_NOTES-1.0.0.txt
index 765f240..cd55d80 100644
--- a/source/1.0/doc/RELEASE_NOTES-1.0.0.txt
+++ b/source/1.0/doc/RELEASE_NOTES-1.0.0.txt
@@ -46,20 +46,24 @@
 Here is a matrix of the supported features of the various getopt variants.
-Feature                   std enh
-short option names         Y   Y
-long option names          N   Y
-spaces in string options   N   Y
+|Feature                  |std|enh|
+|short option names       | Y | Y |
+|long option names        | N | Y |
+|spaces in string options | N | Y |
 Known Issues
 The getopt version provided by default with all versions of Solaris (up to and
-including Solaris 10) is the standard version.
+including Solaris 10) is the standard version. As such, only short flags are
 The getopt version provided by default with all versions of Mac OS X (up to and
-including 10.5) is the standard version.
+including 10.5) is the standard version. As such, only short flags are