blob: fd6d6563a72485749546106ba4cb351559f7e96f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef Sk4fGradientBase_DEFINED
#define Sk4fGradientBase_DEFINED
#include "Sk4fGradientPriv.h"
#include "SkColor.h"
#include "SkGradientShaderPriv.h"
#include "SkMatrix.h"
#include "SkNx.h"
#include "SkPM4f.h"
#include "SkShader.h"
#include "SkTArray.h"
class SkGradientShaderBase::
GradientShaderBase4fContext : public SkShader::Context {
GradientShaderBase4fContext(const SkGradientShaderBase&,
const ContextRec&);
uint32_t getFlags() const override { return fFlags; }
void shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor dst[], int count) override;
void shadeSpan4f(int x, int y, SkPM4f dst[], int count) override;
bool isValid() const;
struct Interval {
Interval(const Sk4f& c0, SkScalar p0,
const Sk4f& c1, SkScalar p1);
bool isZeroRamp() const { return fZeroRamp; }
SkPM4f fC0, fDc;
SkScalar fP0, fP1;
bool fZeroRamp;
virtual void mapTs(int x, int y, SkScalar ts[], int count) const = 0;
void buildIntervals(const SkGradientShaderBase&, const ContextRec&, bool reverse);
SkSTArray<8, Interval, true> fIntervals;
SkMatrix fDstToPos;
SkMatrix::MapXYProc fDstToPosProc;
uint8_t fDstToPosClass;
uint8_t fFlags;
bool fDither;
bool fColorsArePremul;
using INHERITED = SkShader::Context;
void addMirrorIntervals(const SkGradientShaderBase&,
const Sk4f& componentScale, bool reverse);
template<DstType, SkShader::TileMode tileMode>
class TSampler;
template <DstType dstType, ApplyPremul premul>
void shadePremulSpan(int x, int y, typename DstTraits<dstType, premul>::Type[],
int count) const;
template <DstType dstType, ApplyPremul premul, SkShader::TileMode tileMode>
void shadeSpanInternal(int x, int y, typename DstTraits<dstType, premul>::Type[],
int count) const;
#endif // Sk4fGradientBase_DEFINED