blob: 73e4c4773896afa4aaf2f7d59975da5e696557d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkFontConfigParser_android.h"
#include "SkFontMgr_android.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkTDArray.h"
#include "SkTSearch.h"
#include "SkTypeface.h"
#include <expat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LMP_SYSTEM_FONTS_FILE "/system/etc/fonts.xml"
#define OLD_SYSTEM_FONTS_FILE "/system/etc/system_fonts.xml"
#define FALLBACK_FONTS_FILE "/system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml"
#define VENDOR_FONTS_FILE "/vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml"
#define LOCALE_FALLBACK_FONTS_PREFIX "fallback_fonts-"
# define SK_FONT_FILE_PREFIX "/fonts/"
* This file contains TWO 'familyset' handlers:
* One for JB and earlier which works with
* /system/etc/system_fonts.xml
* /system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml
* /vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml
* /system/etc/fallback_fonts-XX.xml
* /vendor/etc/fallback_fonts-XX.xml
* and the other for LMP and later which works with
* /system/etc/fonts.xml
* If the 'familyset' 'version' attribute is 21 or higher the LMP parser is used, otherwise the JB.
struct FamilyData;
struct TagHandler {
/** Called at the start tag.
* Called immediately after the parent tag retuns this handler from a call to 'tag'.
* Allows setting up for handling the tag content and processing attributes.
* If NULL, will not be called.
void (*start)(FamilyData* data, const char* tag, const char** attributes);
/** Called at the end tag.
* Allows post-processing of any accumulated information.
* This will be the last call made in relation to the current tag.
* If NULL, will not be called.
void (*end)(FamilyData* data, const char* tag);
/** Called when a nested tag is encountered.
* This is responsible for determining how to handle the tag.
* If the tag is not recognized, return NULL to skip the tag.
* If NULL, all nested tags will be skipped.
const TagHandler* (*tag)(FamilyData* data, const char* tag, const char** attributes);
/** The character handler for this tag.
* This is only active for character data contained directly in this tag (not sub-tags).
* The first parameter will be castable to a FamilyData*.
* If NULL, any character data in this tag will be ignored.
XML_CharacterDataHandler chars;
/** Represents the current parsing state. */
struct FamilyData {
FamilyData(XML_Parser parser, SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& families,
const SkString& basePath, bool isFallback, const char* filename,
const TagHandler* topLevelHandler)
: fParser(parser)
, fFamilies(families)
, fCurrentFamily(NULL)
, fCurrentFontInfo(NULL)
, fVersion(0)
, fBasePath(basePath)
, fIsFallback(isFallback)
, fFilename(filename)
, fDepth(1)
, fSkip(0)
, fHandler(&topLevelHandler, 1)
{ };
XML_Parser fParser; // The expat parser doing the work, owned by caller
SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& fFamilies; // The array to append families, owned by caller
SkAutoTDelete<FontFamily> fCurrentFamily; // The family being created, owned by this
FontFileInfo* fCurrentFontInfo; // The fontInfo being created, owned by fCurrentFamily
int fVersion; // The version of the file parsed.
const SkString& fBasePath; // The current base path.
const bool fIsFallback; // Indicates the file being parsed is a fallback file
const char* fFilename; // The name of the file currently being parsed.
int fDepth; // The current element depth of the parse.
int fSkip; // The depth to stop skipping, 0 if not skipping.
SkTDArray<const TagHandler*> fHandler; // The stack of current tag handlers.
/** Parses a null terminated string into an integer type, checking for overflow.
* If the string cannot be parsed into 'value', returns false and does not change 'value'.
template <typename T> static bool parse_non_negative_integer(const char* s, T* value) {
SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, T_must_be_integer);
const T nMax = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / 10;
const T dMax = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() - (nMax * 10);
T n = 0;
for (; *s; ++s) {
// Check if digit
if (*s < '0' || '9' < *s) {
return false;
int d = *s - '0';
// Check for overflow
if (n > nMax || (n == nMax && d > dMax)) {
return false;
n = (n * 10) + d;
*value = n;
return true;
static bool memeq(const char* s1, const char* s2, size_t n1, size_t n2) {
return n1 == n2 && 0 == memcmp(s1, s2, n1);
#define MEMEQ(c, s, n) memeq(c, s, sizeof(c) - 1, n)
#define ATTS_NON_NULL(a, i) (a[i] != NULL && a[i+1] != NULL)
#define SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_PREFIX "[SkFontConfigParser] "
#define SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING(message, ...) SkDebugf( \
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_PREFIX "%s:%d:%d: warning: " message "\n", \
self->fFilename, \
XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(self->fParser), \
XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(self->fParser), \
static bool is_whitespace(char c) {
return c == ' ' || c == '\n'|| c == '\r' || c == '\t';
static void trim_string(SkString* s) {
char* str = s->writable_str();
const char* start = str; // start is inclusive
const char* end = start + s->size(); // end is exclusive
while (is_whitespace(*start)) { ++start; }
if (start != end) {
--end; // make end inclusive
while (is_whitespace(*end)) { --end; }
++end; // make end exclusive
size_t len = end - start;
memmove(str, start, len);
namespace lmpParser {
static const TagHandler fontHandler = {
/*start*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) {
// 'weight' (non-negative integer) [default 0]
// 'style' ("normal", "italic") [default "auto"]
// 'index' (non-negative integer) [default 0]
// The character data should be a filename.
FontFileInfo& file = self->fCurrentFamily->fFonts.push_back();
self->fCurrentFontInfo = &file;
for (size_t i = 0; ATTS_NON_NULL(attributes, i); i += 2) {
const char* name = attributes[i];
const char* value = attributes[i+1];
size_t nameLen = strlen(name);
if (MEMEQ("weight", name, nameLen)) {
if (!parse_non_negative_integer(value, &file.fWeight)) {
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' is an invalid weight", value);
} else if (MEMEQ("style", name, nameLen)) {
size_t valueLen = strlen(value);
if (MEMEQ("normal", value, valueLen)) {
file.fStyle = FontFileInfo::Style::kNormal;
} else if (MEMEQ("italic", value, valueLen)) {
file.fStyle = FontFileInfo::Style::kItalic;
} else if (MEMEQ("index", name, nameLen)) {
if (!parse_non_negative_integer(value, &file.fIndex)) {
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' is an invalid index", value);
/*end*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag) {
/*chars*/[](void* data, const char* s, int len) {
FamilyData* self = static_cast<FamilyData*>(data);
self->fCurrentFontInfo->fFileName.append(s, len);
static const TagHandler familyHandler = {
/*start*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) {
// 'name' (string) [optional]
// 'lang' (string) [default ""]
// 'variant' ("elegant", "compact") [default "default"]
// If there is no name, this is a fallback only font.
FontFamily* family = new FontFamily(self->fBasePath, true);
for (size_t i = 0; ATTS_NON_NULL(attributes, i); i += 2) {
const char* name = attributes[i];
const char* value = attributes[i+1];
size_t nameLen = strlen(name);
size_t valueLen = strlen(value);
if (MEMEQ("name", name, nameLen)) {
SkAutoAsciiToLC tolc(value);
family->fIsFallbackFont = false;
} else if (MEMEQ("lang", name, nameLen)) {
family->fLanguage = SkLanguage(value, valueLen);
} else if (MEMEQ("variant", name, nameLen)) {
if (MEMEQ("elegant", value, valueLen)) {
family->fVariant = kElegant_FontVariant;
} else if (MEMEQ("compact", value, valueLen)) {
family->fVariant = kCompact_FontVariant;
/*end*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag) {
*self->fFamilies.append() = self->fCurrentFamily.detach();
/*tag*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) -> const TagHandler* {
size_t len = strlen(tag);
if (MEMEQ("font", tag, len)) {
return &fontHandler;
return NULL;
static FontFamily* find_family(FamilyData* self, const SkString& familyName) {
for (int i = 0; i < self->fFamilies.count(); i++) {
FontFamily* candidate = self->fFamilies[i];
for (int j = 0; j < candidate->fNames.count(); j++) {
if (candidate->fNames[j] == familyName) {
return candidate;
return NULL;
static const TagHandler aliasHandler = {
/*start*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) {
// 'name' (string) introduces a new family name.
// 'to' (string) specifies which (previous) family to alias
// 'weight' (non-negative integer) [optional]
// If it *does not* have a weight, 'name' is an alias for the entire 'to' family.
// If it *does* have a weight, 'name' is a new family consisting of
// the font(s) with 'weight' from the 'to' family.
SkString aliasName;
SkString to;
int weight = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; ATTS_NON_NULL(attributes, i); i += 2) {
const char* name = attributes[i];
const char* value = attributes[i+1];
size_t nameLen = strlen(name);
if (MEMEQ("name", name, nameLen)) {
SkAutoAsciiToLC tolc(value);
} else if (MEMEQ("to", name, nameLen)) {
} else if (MEMEQ("weight", name, nameLen)) {
if (!parse_non_negative_integer(value, &weight)) {
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' is an invalid weight", value);
// Assumes that the named family is already declared
FontFamily* targetFamily = find_family(self, to);
if (!targetFamily) {
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' alias target not found", to.c_str());
if (weight) {
FontFamily* family = new FontFamily(targetFamily->fBasePath, self->fIsFallback);
for (int i = 0; i < targetFamily->fFonts.count(); i++) {
if (targetFamily->fFonts[i].fWeight == weight) {
*self->fFamilies.append() = family;
} else {
static const TagHandler familySetHandler = {
/*start*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) { },
/*tag*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) -> const TagHandler* {
size_t len = strlen(tag);
if (MEMEQ("family", tag, len)) {
return &familyHandler;
} else if (MEMEQ("alias", tag, len)) {
return &aliasHandler;
return NULL;
} // lmpParser
namespace jbParser {
static const TagHandler fileHandler = {
/*start*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) {
// 'variant' ("elegant", "compact") [default "default"]
// 'lang' (string) [default ""]
// 'index' (non-negative integer) [default 0]
// The character data should be a filename.
FontFamily& currentFamily = *self->fCurrentFamily.get();
FontFileInfo& newFileInfo = currentFamily.fFonts.push_back();
if (attributes) {
for (size_t i = 0; ATTS_NON_NULL(attributes, i); i += 2) {
const char* name = attributes[i];
const char* value = attributes[i+1];
size_t nameLen = strlen(name);
size_t valueLen = strlen(value);
if (MEMEQ("variant", name, nameLen)) {
const FontVariant prevVariant = currentFamily.fVariant;
if (MEMEQ("elegant", value, valueLen)) {
currentFamily.fVariant = kElegant_FontVariant;
} else if (MEMEQ("compact", value, valueLen)) {
currentFamily.fVariant = kCompact_FontVariant;
if (currentFamily.fFonts.count() > 1 && currentFamily.fVariant != prevVariant) {
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' unexpected variant found\n"
"Note: Every font file within a family must have identical variants.",
} else if (MEMEQ("lang", name, nameLen)) {
SkLanguage prevLang = currentFamily.fLanguage;
currentFamily.fLanguage = SkLanguage(value, valueLen);
if (currentFamily.fFonts.count() > 1 && currentFamily.fLanguage != prevLang) {
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' unexpected language found\n"
"Note: Every font file within a family must have identical languages.",
} else if (MEMEQ("index", name, nameLen)) {
if (!parse_non_negative_integer(value, &newFileInfo.fIndex)) {
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' is an invalid index", value);
self->fCurrentFontInfo = &newFileInfo;
/*chars*/[](void* data, const char* s, int len) {
FamilyData* self = static_cast<FamilyData*>(data);
self->fCurrentFontInfo->fFileName.append(s, len);
static const TagHandler fileSetHandler = {
/*tag*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) -> const TagHandler* {
size_t len = strlen(tag);
if (MEMEQ("file", tag, len)) {
return &fileHandler;
return NULL;
static const TagHandler nameHandler = {
/*start*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) {
// The character data should be a name for the font.
/*chars*/[](void* data, const char* s, int len) {
FamilyData* self = static_cast<FamilyData*>(data);
SkAutoAsciiToLC tolc(s, len);
self->fCurrentFamily->fNames.back().append(, len);
static const TagHandler nameSetHandler = {
/*tag*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) -> const TagHandler* {
size_t len = strlen(tag);
if (MEMEQ("name", tag, len)) {
return &nameHandler;
return NULL;
static const TagHandler familyHandler = {
/*start*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) {
self->fCurrentFamily.reset(new FontFamily(self->fBasePath, self->fIsFallback));
// 'order' (non-negative integer) [default -1]
for (size_t i = 0; ATTS_NON_NULL(attributes, i); i += 2) {
const char* value = attributes[i+1];
parse_non_negative_integer(value, &self->fCurrentFamily->fOrder);
/*end*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag) {
*self->fFamilies.append() = self->fCurrentFamily.detach();
/*tag*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) -> const TagHandler* {
size_t len = strlen(tag);
if (MEMEQ("nameset", tag, len)) {
return &nameSetHandler;
} else if (MEMEQ("fileset", tag, len)) {
return &fileSetHandler;
return NULL;
static const TagHandler familySetHandler = {
/*tag*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) -> const TagHandler* {
size_t len = strlen(tag);
if (MEMEQ("family", tag, len)) {
return &familyHandler;
return NULL;
} // namespace jbParser
static const TagHandler topLevelHandler = {
/*tag*/[](FamilyData* self, const char* tag, const char** attributes) -> const TagHandler* {
size_t len = strlen(tag);
if (MEMEQ("familyset", tag, len)) {
// 'version' (non-negative integer) [default 0]
for (size_t i = 0; ATTS_NON_NULL(attributes, i); i += 2) {
const char* name = attributes[i];
size_t nameLen = strlen(name);
if (MEMEQ("version", name, nameLen)) {
const char* value = attributes[i+1];
if (parse_non_negative_integer(value, &self->fVersion)) {
if (self->fVersion >= 21) {
return &lmpParser::familySetHandler;
return &jbParser::familySetHandler;
return NULL;
static void XMLCALL start_element_handler(void *data, const char *tag, const char **attributes) {
FamilyData* self = static_cast<FamilyData*>(data);
if (!self->fSkip) {
const TagHandler* parent = self->;
const TagHandler* child = parent->tag ? parent->tag(self, tag, attributes) : NULL;
if (child) {
if (child->start) {
child->start(self, tag, attributes);
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(self->fParser, child->chars);
} else {
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' tag not recognized, skipping", tag);
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(self->fParser, NULL);
self->fSkip = self->fDepth;
static void XMLCALL end_element_handler(void* data, const char* tag) {
FamilyData* self = static_cast<FamilyData*>(data);
if (!self->fSkip) {
const TagHandler* child = self->;
if (child->end) {
child->end(self, tag);
const TagHandler* parent = self->;
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(self->fParser, parent->chars);
if (self->fSkip == self->fDepth) {
self->fSkip = 0;
const TagHandler* parent = self->;
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(self->fParser, parent->chars);
static void XMLCALL xml_entity_decl_handler(void *data,
const XML_Char *entityName,
int is_parameter_entity,
const XML_Char *value,
int value_length,
const XML_Char *base,
const XML_Char *systemId,
const XML_Char *publicId,
const XML_Char *notationName)
FamilyData* self = static_cast<FamilyData*>(data);
SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_WARNING("'%s' entity declaration found, stopping processing", entityName);
XML_StopParser(self->fParser, XML_FALSE);
static const XML_Memory_Handling_Suite sk_XML_alloc = {
template<typename T> struct remove_ptr {typedef T type;};
template<typename T> struct remove_ptr<T*> {typedef T type;};
* This function parses the given filename and stores the results in the given
* families array. Returns the version of the file, negative if the file does not exist.
static int parse_config_file(const char* filename, SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& families,
const SkString& basePath, bool isFallback)
SkFILEStream file(filename);
// Some of the files we attempt to parse (in particular, /vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml)
// are optional - failure here is okay because one of these optional files may not exist.
if (!file.isValid()) {
SkDebugf(SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_PREFIX "'%s' could not be opened\n", filename);
return -1;
SkAutoTCallVProc<remove_ptr<XML_Parser>::type, XML_ParserFree> parser(
XML_ParserCreate_MM(NULL, &sk_XML_alloc, NULL));
if (!parser) {
SkDebugf(SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_PREFIX "could not create XML parser\n");
return -1;
FamilyData self(parser, families, basePath, isFallback, filename, &topLevelHandler);
XML_SetUserData(parser, &self);
// Disable entity processing, to inhibit internal entity expansion. See expat CVE-2013-0340
XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, xml_entity_decl_handler);
// Start parsing oldschool; switch these in flight if we detect a newer version of the file.
XML_SetElementHandler(parser, start_element_handler, end_element_handler);
// One would assume it would be faster to have a buffer on the stack and call XML_Parse.
// But XML_Parse will call XML_GetBuffer anyway and memmove the passed buffer into it.
// (Unless XML_CONTEXT_BYTES is undefined, but all users define it.)
// In debug, buffer a small odd number of bytes to detect slicing in XML_CharacterDataHandler.
static const int bufferSize = 512 SkDEBUGCODE( - 507);
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
void* buffer = XML_GetBuffer(parser, bufferSize);
if (!buffer) {
SkDebugf(SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_PREFIX "could not buffer enough to continue\n");
return -1;
size_t len =, bufferSize);
done = file.isAtEnd();
XML_Status status = XML_ParseBuffer(parser, len, done);
if (XML_STATUS_ERROR == status) {
XML_Error error = XML_GetErrorCode(parser);
int line = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser);
int column = XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser);
const XML_LChar* errorString = XML_ErrorString(error);
SkDebugf(SK_FONTCONFIGPARSER_PREFIX "%s:%d:%d error %d: %s.\n",
filename, line, column, error, errorString);
return -1;
return self.fVersion;
/** Returns the version of the system font file actually found, negative if none. */
static int append_system_font_families(SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& fontFamilies,
const SkString& basePath)
int initialCount = fontFamilies.count();
int version = parse_config_file(LMP_SYSTEM_FONTS_FILE, fontFamilies, basePath, false);
if (version < 0 || fontFamilies.count() == initialCount) {
version = parse_config_file(OLD_SYSTEM_FONTS_FILE, fontFamilies, basePath, false);
return version;
* In some versions of Android prior to Android 4.2 (JellyBean MR1 at API
* Level 17) the fallback fonts for certain locales were encoded in their own
* XML files with a suffix that identified the locale. We search the provided
* directory for those files,add all of their entries to the fallback chain, and
* include the locale as part of each entry.
static void append_fallback_font_families_for_locale(SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& fallbackFonts,
const char* dir,
const SkString& basePath)
// The framework is beyond Android 4.2 and can therefore skip this function
SkAutoTCallIProc<DIR, closedir> fontDirectory(opendir(dir));
if (NULL == fontDirectory) {
for (struct dirent* dirEntry; (dirEntry = readdir(fontDirectory));) {
// The size of the prefix and suffix.
static const size_t fixedLen = sizeof(LOCALE_FALLBACK_FONTS_PREFIX) - 1
// The size of the prefix, suffix, and a minimum valid language code
static const size_t minSize = fixedLen + 2;
SkString fileName(dirEntry->d_name);
if (fileName.size() < minSize ||
SkString locale(fileName.c_str() + sizeof(LOCALE_FALLBACK_FONTS_PREFIX) - 1,
fileName.size() - fixedLen);
SkString absoluteFilename;
absoluteFilename.printf("%s/%s", dir, fileName.c_str());
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> langSpecificFonts;
parse_config_file(absoluteFilename.c_str(), langSpecificFonts, basePath, true);
for (int i = 0; i < langSpecificFonts.count(); ++i) {
FontFamily* family = langSpecificFonts[i];
family->fLanguage = SkLanguage(locale);
*fallbackFonts.append() = family;
static void append_system_fallback_font_families(SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& fallbackFonts,
const SkString& basePath)
parse_config_file(FALLBACK_FONTS_FILE, fallbackFonts, basePath, true);
static void mixin_vendor_fallback_font_families(SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& fallbackFonts,
const SkString& basePath)
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> vendorFonts;
parse_config_file(VENDOR_FONTS_FILE, vendorFonts, basePath, true);
// This loop inserts the vendor fallback fonts in the correct order in the
// overall fallbacks list.
int currentOrder = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < vendorFonts.count(); ++i) {
FontFamily* family = vendorFonts[i];
int order = family->fOrder;
if (order < 0) {
if (currentOrder < 0) {
// Default case - just add it to the end of the fallback list
*fallbackFonts.append() = family;
} else {
// no order specified on this font, but we're incrementing the order
// based on an earlier order insertion request
*fallbackFonts.insert(currentOrder++) = family;
} else {
// Add the font into the fallback list in the specified order. Set
// currentOrder for correct placement of other fonts in the vendor list.
*fallbackFonts.insert(order) = family;
currentOrder = order + 1;
void SkFontConfigParser::GetSystemFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& fontFamilies) {
// Version 21 of the system font configuration does not need any fallback configuration files.
SkString basePath(getenv("ANDROID_ROOT"));
basePath.append(SK_FONT_FILE_PREFIX, sizeof(SK_FONT_FILE_PREFIX) - 1);
if (append_system_font_families(fontFamilies, basePath) >= 21) {
// Append all the fallback fonts to system fonts
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> fallbackFonts;
append_system_fallback_font_families(fallbackFonts, basePath);
mixin_vendor_fallback_font_families(fallbackFonts, basePath);
fontFamilies.append(fallbackFonts.count(), fallbackFonts.begin());
void SkFontConfigParser::GetCustomFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*>& fontFamilies,
const SkString& basePath,
const char* fontsXml,
const char* fallbackFontsXml,
const char* langFallbackFontsDir)
if (fontsXml) {
parse_config_file(fontsXml, fontFamilies, basePath, false);
if (fallbackFontsXml) {
parse_config_file(fallbackFontsXml, fontFamilies, basePath, true);
if (langFallbackFontsDir) {
SkLanguage SkLanguage::getParent() const {
const char* tag = fTag.c_str();
// strip off the rightmost "-.*"
const char* parentTagEnd = strrchr(tag, '-');
if (parentTagEnd == NULL) {
return SkLanguage();
size_t parentTagLen = parentTagEnd - tag;
return SkLanguage(tag, parentTagLen);