blob: f3ada2ef667eb8a07dae8d6ab69a31eff22cde55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/image/SkImage_GpuBase.h"
#include "include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkPromiseImageTexture.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrRecordingContext.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrYUVABackendTextures.h"
#include "src/core/SkBitmapCache.h"
#include "src/core/SkTLList.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrDirectContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrImageContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrImageInfo.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrProxyProvider.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrSurfaceDrawContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrTexture.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrTextureAdjuster.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrYUVATextureProxies.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrYUVtoRGBEffect.h"
#include "src/image/SkImage_Gpu.h"
#include "src/image/SkReadPixelsRec.h"
SkImage_GpuBase::SkImage_GpuBase(sk_sp<GrImageContext> context, SkISize size, uint32_t uniqueID,
SkColorType ct, SkAlphaType at, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> cs)
: INHERITED(SkImageInfo::Make(size, ct, at, std::move(cs)), uniqueID)
, fContext(std::move(context)) {}
void SkImage_GpuBase::resetContext(sk_sp<GrImageContext> newContext) {
fContext = newContext;
bool SkImage_GpuBase::ValidateBackendTexture(const GrCaps* caps, const GrBackendTexture& tex,
GrColorType grCT, SkColorType ct, SkAlphaType at,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> cs) {
if (!tex.isValid()) {
return false;
SkColorInfo info(ct, at, cs);
if (!SkColorInfoIsValid(info)) {
return false;
GrBackendFormat backendFormat = tex.getBackendFormat();
if (!backendFormat.isValid()) {
return false;
return caps->areColorTypeAndFormatCompatible(grCT, backendFormat);
bool SkImage_GpuBase::ValidateCompressedBackendTexture(const GrCaps* caps,
const GrBackendTexture& tex,
SkAlphaType at) {
if (!tex.isValid() || tex.width() <= 0 || tex.height() <= 0) {
return false;
if (tex.width() > caps->maxTextureSize() || tex.height() > caps->maxTextureSize()) {
return false;
if (at == kUnknown_SkAlphaType) {
return false;
GrBackendFormat backendFormat = tex.getBackendFormat();
if (!backendFormat.isValid()) {
return false;
if (!caps->isFormatCompressed(backendFormat)) {
return false;
return true;
bool SkImage_GpuBase::getROPixels(GrDirectContext* dContext,
SkBitmap* dst,
CachingHint chint) const {
if (!fContext->priv().matches(dContext)) {
return false;
const auto desc = SkBitmapCacheDesc::Make(this);
if (SkBitmapCache::Find(desc, dst)) {
return true;
SkBitmapCache::RecPtr rec = nullptr;
SkPixmap pmap;
if (kAllow_CachingHint == chint) {
rec = SkBitmapCache::Alloc(desc, this->imageInfo(), &pmap);
if (!rec) {
return false;
} else {
if (!dst->tryAllocPixels(this->imageInfo()) || !dst->peekPixels(&pmap)) {
return false;
const GrSurfaceProxyView* view = this->view(dContext);
GrColorType grColorType = SkColorTypeAndFormatToGrColorType(
fContext->priv().caps(), this->colorType(), view->proxy()->backendFormat());
auto sContext = GrSurfaceContext::Make(dContext,
{grColorType, this->alphaType(), this->refColorSpace()});
if (!sContext) {
return false;
if (!sContext->readPixels(dContext, pmap, {0, 0})) {
return false;
if (rec) {
SkBitmapCache::Add(std::move(rec), dst);
return true;
sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage_GpuBase::onMakeSubset(const SkIRect& subset,
GrDirectContext* direct) const {
if (!fContext->priv().matches(direct)) {
return nullptr;
const GrSurfaceProxyView* view = this->view(direct);
SkASSERT(view && view->proxy());
auto copyView = GrSurfaceProxyView::Copy(direct, *view, GrMipmapped::kNo, subset,
SkBackingFit::kExact, view->proxy()->isBudgeted());
if (!copyView) {
return nullptr;
// MDB: this call is okay bc we know 'sContext' was kExact
return sk_make_sp<SkImage_Gpu>(sk_ref_sp(direct), kNeedNewImageUniqueID, std::move(copyView),
this->colorType(), this->alphaType(), this->refColorSpace());
bool SkImage_GpuBase::onReadPixels(GrDirectContext* dContext,
const SkImageInfo& dstInfo,
void* dstPixels,
size_t dstRB,
int srcX,
int srcY,
CachingHint) const {
if (!fContext->priv().matches(dContext) ||
!SkImageInfoValidConversion(dstInfo, this->imageInfo())) {
return false;
const GrSurfaceProxyView* view = this->view(dContext);
GrColorType grColorType = SkColorTypeAndFormatToGrColorType(
dContext->priv().caps(), this->colorType(), view->proxy()->backendFormat());
GrColorInfo colorInfo(grColorType, this->alphaType(), this->refColorSpace());
auto sContext = GrSurfaceContext::Make(dContext, *view, colorInfo);
if (!sContext) {
return false;
return sContext->readPixels(dContext, {dstInfo, dstPixels, dstRB}, {srcX, srcY});
GrSurfaceProxyView SkImage_GpuBase::refView(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrMipmapped mipMapped) const {
if (!context || !fContext->priv().matches(context)) {
return {};
const GrSurfaceProxyView* view = this->view(context);
if (!view) {
return {};
GrColorType ct = SkColorTypeAndFormatToGrColorType(context->priv().caps(),
GrColorInfo colorInfo(ct, this->alphaType(), this->refColorSpace());
GrTextureAdjuster adjuster(context, *view, colorInfo, this->uniqueID());
return adjuster.view(mipMapped);
bool SkImage_GpuBase::onIsValid(GrRecordingContext* context) const {
// The base class has already checked that 'context' isn't abandoned (if it's not nullptr)
if (fContext->priv().abandoned()) {
return false;
if (context && !fContext->priv().matches(context)) {
return false;
return true;
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> SkImage_GpuBase::MakePromiseImageLazyProxy(
GrRecordingContext* context,
SkISize dimensions,
GrBackendFormat backendFormat,
GrMipmapped mipMapped,
PromiseImageTextureFulfillProc fulfillProc,
sk_sp<GrRefCntedCallback> releaseHelper) {
if (!fulfillProc) {
return nullptr;
if (mipMapped == GrMipmapped::kYes &&
GrTextureTypeHasRestrictedSampling(backendFormat.textureType())) {
// It is invalid to have a GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL or GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE and have mips as
// well.
return nullptr;
* This class is the lazy instantiation callback for promise images. It manages calling the
* client's Fulfill, Release, and Done procs. It attempts to reuse a GrTexture instance in
* cases where the client provides the same SkPromiseImageTexture as Fulfill results for
* multiple SkImages. The created GrTexture is given a key based on a unique ID associated with
* the SkPromiseImageTexture.
* The GrTexutre idle proc mechanism is used to call the Release and Done procs. We use this
* instead of the GrSurface release proc because the GrTexture is cached and therefore may
* outlive the proxy into which this callback is installed.
* A key invalidation message is installed on the SkPromiseImageTexture so that the GrTexture
* is deleted once it can no longer be used to instantiate a proxy.
class PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback {
PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback(PromiseImageTextureFulfillProc fulfillProc,
sk_sp<GrRefCntedCallback> releaseHelper)
: fFulfillProc(fulfillProc), fReleaseHelper(std::move(releaseHelper)) {}
PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback(PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback&&) = default;
PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback(const PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback&) {
// Because we get wrapped in std::function we must be copyable. But we should never
// be copied.
PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback& operator=(PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback&&) = default;
PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback& operator=(const PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback&) {
return *this;
~PromiseLazyInstantiateCallback() {
// Our destructor can run on any thread. We trigger the unref of fTexture by message.
// This unreffed texture pointer is a real problem! When the context has been
// abandoned, the GrTexture pointed to by this pointer is deleted! Due to virtual
// inheritance any manipulation of this pointer at that point will cause a crash.
// For now we "work around" the problem by just passing it, untouched, into the
// message bus but this very fragile.
// In the future the GrSurface class hierarchy refactoring should eliminate this
// difficulty by removing the virtual inheritance.
if (fTexture) {
SkMessageBus<GrTextureFreedMessage>::Post({fTexture, fTextureContextID});
GrSurfaceProxy::LazyCallbackResult operator()(GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider,
const GrSurfaceProxy::LazySurfaceDesc&) {
// We use the unique key in a way that is unrelated to the SkImage-based key that the
// proxy may receive, hence kUnsynced.
static constexpr auto kKeySyncMode =
// In order to make the SkImage "thread safe" we rely on holding an extra ref to the
// texture in the callback and signalling the unref via a message to the resource cache.
// We need to extend the callback's lifetime to that of the proxy.
static constexpr auto kReleaseCallbackOnInstantiation = false;
// Our proxy is getting instantiated for the second+ time. We are only allowed to call
// Fulfill once. So return our cached result.
if (fTexture) {
return {sk_ref_sp(fTexture), kReleaseCallbackOnInstantiation, kKeySyncMode};
} else if (fFulfillProcFailed) {
// We've already called fulfill and it failed. Our contract says that we should only
// call each callback once.
return {};
PromiseImageTextureContext textureContext = fReleaseHelper->context();
sk_sp<SkPromiseImageTexture> promiseTexture = fFulfillProc(textureContext);
if (!promiseTexture) {
fFulfillProcFailed = true;
return {};
const GrBackendTexture& backendTexture = promiseTexture->backendTexture();
if (!backendTexture.isValid()) {
return {};
sk_sp<GrTexture> tex;
static const GrUniqueKey::Domain kDomain = GrUniqueKey::GenerateDomain();
GrUniqueKey key;
GrUniqueKey::Builder builder(&key, kDomain, 1, "promise");
builder[0] = promiseTexture->uniqueID();
// A texture with this key may already exist from a different instance of this lazy
// callback. This could happen if the client fulfills a promise image with a texture
// that was previously used to fulfill a different promise image.
if (auto surf = resourceProvider->findByUniqueKey<GrSurface>(key)) {
tex = sk_ref_sp(surf->asTexture());
} else {
if ((tex = resourceProvider->wrapBackendTexture(
backendTexture, kBorrow_GrWrapOwnership, GrWrapCacheable::kYes,
kRead_GrIOType))) {
} else {
return {};
// Because we're caching the GrTextureObject we have to use this "idle proc" mechanism
// to know when it's safe to delete the underlying backend texture.
promiseTexture->addKeyToInvalidate(tex->getContext()->priv().contextID(), key);
fTexture = tex.get();
// We need to hold on to the GrTexture in case our proxy gets reinstantiated. However,
// we can't unref in our destructor because we may be on another thread then. So we
// let the cache know it is waiting on an unref message. We will send that message from
// our destructor.
auto dContext = fTexture->getContext();
fTextureContextID = dContext->priv().contextID();
return {std::move(tex), kReleaseCallbackOnInstantiation, kKeySyncMode};
PromiseImageTextureFulfillProc fFulfillProc;
sk_sp<GrRefCntedCallback> fReleaseHelper;
GrTexture* fTexture = nullptr;
uint32_t fTextureContextID = SK_InvalidUniqueID;
bool fFulfillProcFailed = false;
} callback(fulfillProc, std::move(releaseHelper));
GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = context->priv().proxyProvider();
// Ganesh assumes that, when wrapping a mipmapped backend texture from a client, that its
// mipmaps are fully fleshed out.
GrMipmapStatus mipmapStatus = (GrMipmapped::kYes == mipMapped) ? GrMipmapStatus::kValid
: GrMipmapStatus::kNotAllocated;
// We pass kReadOnly here since we should treat content of the client's texture as immutable.
// The promise API provides no way for the client to indicated that the texture is protected.
return proxyProvider->createLazyProxy(std::move(callback), backendFormat, dimensions, mipMapped,
mipmapStatus, GrInternalSurfaceFlags::kReadOnly,
SkBackingFit::kExact, SkBudgeted::kNo, GrProtected::kNo,