blob: 33863cfe57b877ce6a738919058d2a73d7ca99be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "PathOpsExtendedTest.h"
#include "PathOpsThreadedCommon.h"
// four rects, of four sizes
// for 3 smaller sizes, tall, wide
// top upper mid lower bottom aligned (3 bits, 5 values)
// same with x (3 bits, 5 values)
// not included, square, tall, wide (2 bits)
// cw or ccw (1 bit)
static void testSimplify4x4RectsMain(PathOpsThreadState* data)
PathOpsThreadState& state = *data;
char pathStr[1024]; // gdb: set print elements 400
sk_bzero(pathStr, sizeof(pathStr));
int aShape = state.fA & 0x03;
SkPath::Direction aCW = state.fA >> 2 ? SkPath::kCCW_Direction : SkPath::kCW_Direction;
int bShape = state.fB & 0x03;
SkPath::Direction bCW = state.fB >> 2 ? SkPath::kCCW_Direction : SkPath::kCW_Direction;
int cShape = state.fC & 0x03;
SkPath::Direction cCW = state.fC >> 2 ? SkPath::kCCW_Direction : SkPath::kCW_Direction;
int dShape = state.fD & 0x03;
SkPath::Direction dCW = state.fD >> 2 ? SkPath::kCCW_Direction : SkPath::kCW_Direction;
for (int aXAlign = 0; aXAlign < 5; ++aXAlign) {
for (int aYAlign = 0; aYAlign < 5; ++aYAlign) {
for (int bXAlign = 0; bXAlign < 5; ++bXAlign) {
for (int bYAlign = 0; bYAlign < 5; ++bYAlign) {
for (int cXAlign = 0; cXAlign < 5; ++cXAlign) {
for (int cYAlign = 0; cYAlign < 5; ++cYAlign) {
for (int dXAlign = 0; dXAlign < 5; ++dXAlign) {
for (int dYAlign = 0; dYAlign < 5; ++dYAlign) {
SkPath path, out;
char* str = pathStr;
int l, t, r, b;
if (aShape) {
switch (aShape) {
case 1: // square
l = 0; r = 60;
t = 0; b = 60;
aXAlign = 5;
aYAlign = 5;
case 2:
l = aXAlign * 12;
r = l + 30;
t = 0; b = 60;
aYAlign = 5;
case 3:
l = 0; r = 60;
t = aYAlign * 12;
b = l + 30;
aXAlign = 5;
path.addRect(SkIntToScalar(l), SkIntToScalar(t), SkIntToScalar(r), SkIntToScalar(b),
str += sprintf(str, " path.addRect(%d, %d, %d, %d,"
" SkPath::kC%sW_Direction);\n", l, t, r, b, aCW ? "C" : "");
} else {
aXAlign = 5;
aYAlign = 5;
if (bShape) {
switch (bShape) {
case 1: // square
l = bXAlign * 10;
r = l + 20;
t = bYAlign * 10;
b = l + 20;
case 2:
l = bXAlign * 10;
r = l + 20;
t = 10; b = 40;
bYAlign = 5;
case 3:
l = 10; r = 40;
t = bYAlign * 10;
b = l + 20;
bXAlign = 5;
path.addRect(SkIntToScalar(l), SkIntToScalar(t), SkIntToScalar(r), SkIntToScalar(b),
str += sprintf(str, " path.addRect(%d, %d, %d, %d,"
" SkPath::kC%sW_Direction);\n", l, t, r, b, bCW ? "C" : "");
} else {
bXAlign = 5;
bYAlign = 5;
if (cShape) {
switch (cShape) {
case 1: // square
l = cXAlign * 6;
r = l + 12;
t = cYAlign * 6;
b = l + 12;
case 2:
l = cXAlign * 6;
r = l + 12;
t = 20; b = 30;
cYAlign = 5;
case 3:
l = 20; r = 30;
t = cYAlign * 6;
b = l + 20;
cXAlign = 5;
path.addRect(SkIntToScalar(l), SkIntToScalar(t), SkIntToScalar(r), SkIntToScalar(b),
str += sprintf(str, " path.addRect(%d, %d, %d, %d,"
" SkPath::kC%sW_Direction);\n", l, t, r, b, cCW ? "C" : "");
} else {
cXAlign = 5;
cYAlign = 5;
if (dShape) {
switch (dShape) {
case 1: // square
l = dXAlign * 4;
r = l + 9;
t = dYAlign * 4;
b = l + 9;
case 2:
l = dXAlign * 6;
r = l + 9;
t = 32; b = 36;
dYAlign = 5;
case 3:
l = 32; r = 36;
t = dYAlign * 6;
b = l + 9;
dXAlign = 5;
path.addRect(SkIntToScalar(l), SkIntToScalar(t), SkIntToScalar(r), SkIntToScalar(b),
str += sprintf(str, " path.addRect(%d, %d, %d, %d,"
" SkPath::kC%sW_Direction);\n", l, t, r, b, dCW ? "C" : "");
} else {
dXAlign = 5;
dYAlign = 5;
outputProgress(state.fPathStr, pathStr, SkPath::kWinding_FillType);
testSimplify(path, false, out, state, pathStr);
outputProgress(state.fPathStr, pathStr, SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType);
testSimplify(path, true, out, state, pathStr);
static void PathOpsSimplifyRectsThreadedTest(skiatest::Reporter* reporter)
int threadCount = initializeTests("testLine");
PathOpsThreadedTestRunner testRunner(reporter, threadCount);
for (int a = 0; a < 8; ++a) { // outermost
for (int b = a ; b < 8; ++b) {
for (int c = b ; c < 8; ++c) {
for (int d = c; d < 8; ++d) {
*testRunner.fRunnables.append() = SkNEW_ARGS(PathOpsThreadedRunnable,
(&testSimplify4x4RectsMain, a, b, c, d, &testRunner));
if (!reporter->allowExtendedTest()) goto finish;
#include "TestClassDef.h"