blob: 1f3817f0ca9d15cb07886daf5dfbeb964812bd1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrQuadPerEdgeAA_DEFINED
#define GrQuadPerEdgeAA_DEFINED
#include "GrColor.h"
#include "GrPrimitiveProcessor.h"
#include "GrQuad.h"
#include "GrSamplerState.h"
#include "GrTypesPriv.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor.h"
#include "SkPoint.h"
#include "SkPoint3.h"
class GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper;
namespace GrQuadPerEdgeAA {
enum class Domain : bool { kNo = false, kYes = true };
enum class ColorType { kNone, kByte, kHalf, kLast = kHalf };
static const int kColorTypeCount = static_cast<int>(ColorType::kLast) + 1;
// Specifies the vertex configuration for an op that renders per-edge AA quads. The vertex
// order (when enabled) is device position, color, local position, domain, aa edge equations.
// This order matches the constructor argument order of VertexSpec and is the order that
// GPAttributes maintains. If hasLocalCoords is false, then the local quad type can be ignored.
struct VertexSpec {
VertexSpec(GrQuadType deviceQuadType, ColorType colorType, GrQuadType localQuadType,
bool hasLocalCoords, Domain domain, GrAAType aa)
: fDeviceQuadType(static_cast<unsigned>(deviceQuadType))
, fLocalQuadType(static_cast<unsigned>(localQuadType))
, fHasLocalCoords(hasLocalCoords)
, fColorType(static_cast<unsigned>(colorType))
, fHasDomain(static_cast<unsigned>(domain))
, fUsesCoverageAA(aa == GrAAType::kCoverage) { }
GrQuadType deviceQuadType() const { return static_cast<GrQuadType>(fDeviceQuadType); }
GrQuadType localQuadType() const { return static_cast<GrQuadType>(fLocalQuadType); }
bool hasLocalCoords() const { return fHasLocalCoords; }
ColorType colorType() const { return static_cast<ColorType>(fColorType); }
bool hasVertexColors() const { return ColorType::kNone != this->colorType(); }
bool hasDomain() const { return fHasDomain; }
bool usesCoverageAA() const { return fUsesCoverageAA; }
// Will always be 2 or 3
int deviceDimensionality() const;
// Will always be 0 if hasLocalCoords is false, otherwise will be 2 or 3
int localDimensionality() const;
static_assert(kGrQuadTypeCount <= 4, "GrQuadType doesn't fit in 2 bits");
static_assert(kColorTypeCount <= 4, "Color doesn't fit in 2 bits");
unsigned fDeviceQuadType: 2;
unsigned fLocalQuadType: 2;
unsigned fHasLocalCoords: 1;
unsigned fColorType : 2;
unsigned fHasDomain: 1;
unsigned fUsesCoverageAA: 1;
// Utility class that manages the attribute state necessary to render a particular batch of
// quads. It is similar to a geometry processor but is meant to be included in a has-a
// relationship by specialized GP's that provide further functionality on top of the per-edge AA
// coverage.
// For performance reasons, this uses fixed names for the attribute variables; since it defines
// the majority of attributes a GP will likely need, this shouldn't be too limiting.
// In terms of responsibilities, the actual geometry processor must still call emitTransforms(),
// using the localCoords() attribute as the 4th argument; it must set the transform data helper
// to use the identity matrix; it must manage the color space transform for the quad's paint
// color; it should include getKey() in the geometry processor's key builder; and it should
// add these attributes at construction time.
class GPAttributes {
using Attribute = GrPrimitiveProcessor::Attribute;
GPAttributes(const VertexSpec& vertexSpec);
const Attribute& positions() const { return fPositions; }
const Attribute& colors() const { return fColors; }
const Attribute& localCoords() const { return fLocalCoords; }
const Attribute& domain() const { return fDomain; }
const Attribute& edgeDistances() const { return fAAEdgeDistances; }
bool hasVertexColors() const { return fColors.isInitialized(); }
bool usesCoverageAA() const { return fAAEdgeDistances.isInitialized(); }
bool hasLocalCoords() const { return fLocalCoords.isInitialized(); }
bool hasDomain() const { return fDomain.isInitialized(); }
bool needsPerspectiveInterpolation() const;
const Attribute* attributes() const { return &fPositions; }
int attributeCount() const { return 5; }
uint32_t getKey() const;
// Functions to be called at appropriate times in a processor's onEmitCode() block. These
// are separated into discrete pieces so that they can be interleaved with the rest of the
// processor's shader code as needed. The functions take char* arguments for the names of
// variables the emitted code must declare, so that the calling GP can ensure there's no
// naming conflicts with their own code.
void emitColor(GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor::EmitArgs& args, const char* colorVarName) const;
// localCoordName will be declared as a float2, with any domain applied after any
// perspective division is performed.
// Note: this should only be used if the local coordinates need to be passed separately
// from the standard coord transform process that is used by FPs.
// FIXME: This can go in two directions from here, if GrTextureOp stops needing per-quad
// domains it can be removed and GrTextureOp rewritten to use coord transforms. Or
// emitTransform() in the primitive builder can be updated to have a notion of domain for
// local coords, and all domain-needing code (blurs, filters, etc.) can switch to that magic
void emitExplicitLocalCoords(GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor::EmitArgs& args,
const char* localCoordName, const char* domainVarName) const;
void emitCoverage(GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor::EmitArgs& args, const char* edgeDistName) const;
Attribute fPositions; // named "position" in SkSL
Attribute fColors; // named "color" in SkSL
Attribute fLocalCoords; // named "localCoord" in SkSL
Attribute fDomain; // named "domain" in SkSL
Attribute fAAEdgeDistances; // named "aaEdgeDist" in SkSL
// Fill vertices with the vertex data needed to represent the given quad. The device position,
// local coords, vertex color, domain, and edge coefficients will be written and/or computed
// based on the configuration in the vertex spec; if that attribute is disabled in the spec,
// then its corresponding function argument is ignored.
// Returns the advanced pointer in vertices.
// TODO4F: Switch GrColor to GrVertexColor
void* Tessellate(void* vertices, const VertexSpec& spec, const GrPerspQuad& deviceQuad,
const SkPMColor4f& color, const GrPerspQuad& localQuad, const SkRect& domain,
GrQuadAAFlags aa);
} // namespace GrQuadPerEdgeAA
#endif // GrQuadPerEdgeAA_DEFINED