blob: 22d0e81fad82fd9eb81838f69c166ecfc5cec17a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrOpFlushState_DEFINED
#define GrOpFlushState_DEFINED
#include "GrAppliedClip.h"
#include "GrBufferAllocPool.h"
#include "SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "ops/GrMeshDrawOp.h"
class GrGpu;
class GrGpuCommandBuffer;
class GrGpuRTCommandBuffer;
class GrResourceProvider;
/** Tracks the state across all the GrOps (really just the GrDrawOps) in a GrOpList flush. */
class GrOpFlushState {
GrOpFlushState(GrGpu*, GrResourceProvider*);
~GrOpFlushState() { this->reset(); }
/** Inserts an upload to be executed after all ops in the flush prepared their draws but before
the draws are executed to the backend 3D API. */
void addASAPUpload(GrDeferredTextureUploadFn&& upload) {
const GrCaps& caps() const;
GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider() const { return fResourceProvider; }
/** Has the token been flushed to the backend 3D API. */
bool hasDrawBeenFlushed(GrDeferredUploadToken token) const {
return token.fSequenceNumber <= fLastFlushedToken.fSequenceNumber;
/** Issue a token to an operation that is being enqueued. */
GrDeferredUploadToken issueDrawToken() {
return GrDeferredUploadToken(++fLastIssuedToken.fSequenceNumber);
/** Call every time a draw that was issued a token is flushed */
void flushToken() { ++fLastFlushedToken.fSequenceNumber; }
/** Gets the next draw token that will be issued. */
GrDeferredUploadToken nextDrawToken() const {
return GrDeferredUploadToken(fLastIssuedToken.fSequenceNumber + 1);
/** The last token flushed to all the way to the backend API. */
GrDeferredUploadToken nextTokenToFlush() const {
return GrDeferredUploadToken(fLastFlushedToken.fSequenceNumber + 1);
void* makeVertexSpace(size_t vertexSize, int vertexCount,
const GrBuffer** buffer, int* startVertex);
uint16_t* makeIndexSpace(int indexCount, const GrBuffer** buffer, int* startIndex);
void* makeVertexSpaceAtLeast(size_t vertexSize, int minVertexCount, int fallbackVertexCount,
const GrBuffer** buffer, int* startVertex, int* actualVertexCount);
uint16_t* makeIndexSpaceAtLeast(int minIndexCount, int fallbackIndexCount,
const GrBuffer** buffer, int* startIndex,
int* actualIndexCount);
/** This is called after each op has a chance to prepare its draws and before the draws are
issued. */
void preIssueDraws() {
int uploadCount = fAsapUploads.count();
for (int i = 0; i < uploadCount; i++) {
void doUpload(GrDeferredTextureUploadFn&);
void putBackIndices(size_t indices) { fIndexPool.putBack(indices * sizeof(uint16_t)); }
void putBackVertexSpace(size_t sizeInBytes) { fVertexPool.putBack(sizeInBytes); }
GrGpuCommandBuffer* commandBuffer() { return fCommandBuffer; }
// Helper function used by Ops that are only called via RenderTargetOpLists
GrGpuRTCommandBuffer* rtCommandBuffer();
void setCommandBuffer(GrGpuCommandBuffer* buffer) { fCommandBuffer = buffer; }
GrGpu* gpu() { return fGpu; }
void reset() {
/** Additional data required on a per-op basis when executing GrDrawOps. */
struct DrawOpArgs {
GrRenderTarget* renderTarget() const { return fProxy->priv().peekRenderTarget(); }
// TODO: do we still need the dst proxy here?
GrRenderTargetProxy* fProxy;
GrAppliedClip* fAppliedClip;
GrXferProcessor::DstProxy fDstProxy;
void setDrawOpArgs(DrawOpArgs* opArgs) { fOpArgs = opArgs; }
const DrawOpArgs& drawOpArgs() const {
return *fOpArgs;
GrAppliedClip detachAppliedClip() {
return fOpArgs->fAppliedClip ? std::move(*fOpArgs->fAppliedClip) : GrAppliedClip();
template <typename... Args>
GrPipeline* allocPipeline(Args&&... args) {
return fPipelines.make<GrPipeline>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
GrGpu* fGpu;
GrResourceProvider* fResourceProvider;
GrGpuCommandBuffer* fCommandBuffer;
GrVertexBufferAllocPool fVertexPool;
GrIndexBufferAllocPool fIndexPool;
SkSTArray<4, GrDeferredTextureUploadFn> fAsapUploads;
GrDeferredUploadToken fLastIssuedToken;
GrDeferredUploadToken fLastFlushedToken;
DrawOpArgs* fOpArgs;
SkArenaAlloc fPipelines{sizeof(GrPipeline) * 100};
* A word about uploads and tokens: Ops should usually schedule their uploads to occur at the
* begining of a frame whenever possible. These are called ASAP uploads. Of course, this requires
* that there are no draws that have yet to be flushed that rely on the old texture contents. In
* that case the ASAP upload would happen prior to the previous draw causing the draw to read the
* new (wrong) texture data. In that case they should schedule an inline upload.
* Ops, in conjunction with helpers such as GrDrawOpAtlas, can use the token system to know
* what the most recent draw was that referenced a resource (or portion of a resource). Each draw
* is assigned a token. A resource (or portion) can be tagged with the most recent draw's
* token. The target provides a facility for testing whether the draw corresponding to the token
* has been flushed. If it has not been flushed then the op must perform an inline upload instead.
* When scheduling an inline upload the op provides the token of the draw that the upload must occur
* before. The upload will then occur between the draw that requires the new data but after the
* token that requires the old data.
* TODO: Currently the token/upload interface is spread over GrDrawOp, GrMeshDrawOp,
* GrDrawOp::Target, and GrMeshDrawOp::Target. However, the interface at the GrDrawOp level is not
* complete and isn't useful. We should push it down to GrMeshDrawOp until it is required at the
* GrDrawOp level.
* GrDrawOp instances use this object to allocate space for their geometry and to issue the draws
* that render their op.
class GrDrawOp::Target {
Target(GrOpFlushState* state, GrDrawOp* op) : fState(state), fOp(op) {}
/** Returns the token of the draw that this upload will occur before. */
GrDeferredUploadToken addInlineUpload(GrDeferredTextureUploadFn&& upload) {
fOp->fInlineUploads.emplace_back(std::move(upload), fState->nextDrawToken());
return fOp->fInlineUploads.back().fUploadBeforeToken;
/** Returns the token of the draw that this upload will occur before. Since ASAP uploads
are done first during a flush, this will be the first token since the most recent
flush. */
GrDeferredUploadToken addAsapUpload(GrDeferredTextureUploadFn&& upload) {
return fState->nextTokenToFlush();
bool hasDrawBeenFlushed(GrDeferredUploadToken token) const {
return fState->hasDrawBeenFlushed(token);
/** Gets the next draw token that will be issued by this target. This can be used by an op
to record that the next draw it issues will use a resource (e.g. texture) while preparing
that draw. */
GrDeferredUploadToken nextDrawToken() const { return fState->nextDrawToken(); }
const GrCaps& caps() const { return fState->caps(); }
GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider() const { return fState->resourceProvider(); }
GrDrawOp* op() { return fOp; }
GrOpFlushState* state() { return fState; }
const GrOpFlushState* state() const { return fState; }
GrOpFlushState* fState;
GrDrawOp* fOp;
/** Extension of GrDrawOp::Target for use by GrMeshDrawOp. Adds the ability to create vertex
draws. */
class GrMeshDrawOp::Target : public GrDrawOp::Target {
Target(GrOpFlushState* state, GrMeshDrawOp* op) : INHERITED(state, op) {}
void draw(const GrGeometryProcessor* gp, const GrPipeline* pipeline, const GrMesh& mesh);
void* makeVertexSpace(size_t vertexSize, int vertexCount,
const GrBuffer** buffer, int* startVertex) {
return this->state()->makeVertexSpace(vertexSize, vertexCount, buffer, startVertex);
uint16_t* makeIndexSpace(int indexCount, const GrBuffer** buffer, int* startIndex) {
return this->state()->makeIndexSpace(indexCount, buffer, startIndex);
void* makeVertexSpaceAtLeast(size_t vertexSize, int minVertexCount, int fallbackVertexCount,
const GrBuffer** buffer, int* startVertex,
int* actualVertexCount) {
return this->state()->makeVertexSpaceAtLeast(vertexSize, minVertexCount,
fallbackVertexCount, buffer, startVertex,
uint16_t* makeIndexSpaceAtLeast(int minIndexCount, int fallbackIndexCount,
const GrBuffer** buffer, int* startIndex,
int* actualIndexCount) {
return this->state()->makeIndexSpaceAtLeast(minIndexCount, fallbackIndexCount, buffer,
startIndex, actualIndexCount);
/** Helpers for ops which over-allocate and then return data to the pool. */
void putBackIndices(int indices) { this->state()->putBackIndices(indices); }
void putBackVertices(int vertices, size_t vertexStride) {
this->state()->putBackVertexSpace(vertices * vertexStride);
GrRenderTargetProxy* proxy() const { return this->state()->drawOpArgs().fProxy; }
const GrAppliedClip* clip() const { return this->state()->drawOpArgs().fAppliedClip; }
GrAppliedClip detachAppliedClip() { return this->state()->detachAppliedClip(); }
const GrXferProcessor::DstProxy& dstProxy() const {
return this->state()->drawOpArgs().fDstProxy;
template <typename... Args>
GrPipeline* allocPipeline(Args&&... args) {
return this->state()->allocPipeline(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* Helper that makes a pipeline targeting the op's render target that incorporates the op's
* GrAppliedClip.
* */
GrPipeline* makePipeline(uint32_t pipelineFlags, GrProcessorSet&& processorSet,
GrAppliedClip&& clip) {
GrPipeline::InitArgs pipelineArgs;
pipelineArgs.fFlags = pipelineFlags;
pipelineArgs.fProxy = this->proxy();
pipelineArgs.fDstProxy = this->dstProxy();
pipelineArgs.fCaps = &this->caps();
pipelineArgs.fResourceProvider = this->resourceProvider();
return this->allocPipeline(pipelineArgs, std::move(processorSet), std::move(clip));
GrMeshDrawOp* meshDrawOp() { return static_cast<GrMeshDrawOp*>(this->op()); }
typedef GrDrawOp::Target INHERITED;