| /* |
| * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| // ok is an experimental test harness, maybe to replace DM. Key features: |
| // * work is balanced across separate processes for stability and isolation; |
| // * ok is entirely opt-in. No more maintaining huge --blacklists. |
| |
| #include "SkGraphics.h" |
| #include "SkOSFile.h" |
| #include "ok.h" |
| #include <chrono> |
| #include <future> |
| #include <list> |
| #include <regex> |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <thread> |
| |
| #if !defined(__has_include) |
| #define __has_include(x) 0 |
| #endif |
| |
| static thread_local const char* tls_name = ""; |
| |
| #if __has_include(<execinfo.h>) && __has_include(<fcntl.h>) && __has_include(<signal.h>) |
| #include <execinfo.h> |
| #include <fcntl.h> |
| #include <signal.h> |
| |
| static int log_fd = 2/*stderr*/; |
| |
| static void log(const char* msg) { |
| write(log_fd, msg, strlen(msg)); |
| } |
| |
| static void setup_crash_handler() { |
| static void (*original_handlers[32])(int); |
| for (int sig : std::vector<int>{ SIGABRT, SIGBUS, SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGSEGV }) { |
| original_handlers[sig] = signal(sig, [](int sig) { |
| lockf(log_fd, F_LOCK, 0); |
| log("\ncaught signal "); |
| switch (sig) { |
| #define CASE(s) case s: log(#s); break |
| #undef CASE |
| } |
| log(" while running '"); |
| log(tls_name); |
| log("'\n"); |
| |
| void* stack[128]; |
| int frames = backtrace(stack, sizeof(stack)/sizeof(*stack)); |
| backtrace_symbols_fd(stack, frames, log_fd); |
| lockf(log_fd, F_ULOCK, 0); |
| |
| signal(sig, original_handlers[sig]); |
| raise(sig); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void defer_logging() { |
| log_fd = fileno(tmpfile()); |
| atexit([] { |
| lseek(log_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); |
| char buf[1024]; |
| while (size_t bytes = read(log_fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) { |
| write(2, buf, bytes); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void ok_log(const char* msg) { |
| lockf(log_fd, F_LOCK, 0); |
| log("["); |
| log(tls_name); |
| log("]\t"); |
| log(msg); |
| log("\n"); |
| lockf(log_fd, F_ULOCK, 0); |
| } |
| |
| #else |
| static void setup_crash_handler() {} |
| static void defer_logging() {} |
| |
| void ok_log(const char* msg) { |
| fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| enum class Status { OK, Failed, Crashed, Skipped, None }; |
| |
| struct Engine { |
| virtual ~Engine() {} |
| virtual bool spawn(std::function<Status(void)>) = 0; |
| virtual Status wait_one() = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| struct SerialEngine : Engine { |
| Status last = Status::None; |
| |
| bool spawn(std::function<Status(void)> fn) override { |
| last = fn(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| Status wait_one() override { |
| Status s = last; |
| last = Status::None; |
| return s; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| struct ThreadEngine : Engine { |
| std::list<std::future<Status>> live; |
| |
| bool spawn(std::function<Status(void)> fn) override { |
| live.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, fn)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| Status wait_one() override { |
| if (live.empty()) { |
| return Status::None; |
| } |
| |
| for (;;) { |
| for (auto it = live.begin(); it != live.end(); it++) { |
| if (it->wait_for(std::chrono::seconds::zero()) == std::future_status::ready) { |
| Status s = it->get(); |
| live.erase(it); |
| return s; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| #if defined(_MSC_VER) |
| using ForkEngine = ThreadEngine; |
| #else |
| #include <sys/wait.h> |
| #include <unistd.h> |
| |
| struct ForkEngine : Engine { |
| bool spawn(std::function<Status(void)> fn) override { |
| switch (fork()) { |
| case 0: _exit((int)fn()); |
| case -1: return false; |
| default: return true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Status wait_one() override { |
| do { |
| int status; |
| if (wait(&status) > 0) { |
| return WIFEXITED(status) ? (Status)WEXITSTATUS(status) |
| : Status::Crashed; |
| } |
| } while (errno == EINTR); |
| return Status::None; |
| } |
| }; |
| #endif |
| |
| struct StreamType { |
| const char* name; |
| std::unique_ptr<Stream> (*factory)(Options); |
| }; |
| static std::vector<StreamType> stream_types; |
| |
| struct DstType { |
| const char* name; |
| std::unique_ptr<Dst> (*factory)(Options); |
| }; |
| static std::vector<DstType> dst_types; |
| |
| struct ViaType { |
| const char* name; |
| std::unique_ptr<Dst> (*factory)(Options, std::unique_ptr<Dst>); |
| }; |
| static std::vector<ViaType> via_types; |
| |
| int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
| SkGraphics::Init(); |
| setup_crash_handler(); |
| |
| int jobs {1}; |
| std::regex match {".*"}; |
| std::regex search {".*"}; |
| std::string write_dir {""}; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<Stream> stream; |
| std::function<std::unique_ptr<Dst>(void)> dst_factory; |
| |
| auto help = [&] { |
| std::string stream_names, dst_names, via_names; |
| for (auto s : stream_types) { |
| if (!stream_names.empty()) { |
| stream_names += ", "; |
| } |
| stream_names += s.name; |
| } |
| for (auto d : dst_types) { |
| if (!dst_names.empty()) { |
| dst_names += ", "; |
| } |
| dst_names += d.name; |
| } |
| for (auto v : via_types) { |
| if (!via_names.empty()) { |
| via_names += ", "; |
| } |
| via_names += v.name; |
| } |
| |
| printf("%s [-j N] [-m regex] [-s regex] [-w dir] [-h] \n" |
| " src[:k=v,...] dst[:k=v,...] [via[:k=v,...] ...] \n" |
| " -j: Run at most N processes at any time. \n" |
| " If <0, use -N threads instead. \n" |
| " If 0, use one thread in one process. \n" |
| " If 1 (default) or -1, auto-detect N. \n" |
| " -m: Run only names matching regex exactly. \n" |
| " -s: Run only names matching regex anywhere. \n" |
| " -w: If set, write .pngs into dir. \n" |
| " -h: Print this message and exit. \n" |
| " src: content to draw: %s \n" |
| " dst: how to draw that content: %s \n" |
| " via: front-patches to the dst: %s \n" |
| " Some srcs, dsts and vias have options, e.g. skp:dir=skps sw:ct=565 \n", |
| argv[0], stream_names.c_str(), dst_names.c_str(), via_names.c_str()); |
| return 1; |
| }; |
| |
| for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { |
| if (0 == strcmp("-j", argv[i])) { jobs = atoi(argv[++i]); } |
| if (0 == strcmp("-m", argv[i])) { match = argv[++i] ; } |
| if (0 == strcmp("-s", argv[i])) { search = argv[++i] ; } |
| if (0 == strcmp("-w", argv[i])) { write_dir = argv[++i] ; } |
| if (0 == strcmp("-h", argv[i])) { return help(); } |
| |
| for (auto s : stream_types) { |
| size_t len = strlen(s.name); |
| if (0 == strncmp(s.name, argv[i], len)) { |
| switch (argv[i][len]) { |
| case ':': len++; |
| case '\0': stream = s.factory(Options{argv[i]+len}); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| for (auto d : dst_types) { |
| size_t len = strlen(d.name); |
| if (0 == strncmp(d.name, argv[i], len)) { |
| switch (argv[i][len]) { |
| case ':': len++; |
| case '\0': dst_factory = [=]{ |
| return d.factory(Options{argv[i]+len}); |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| for (auto v : via_types) { |
| size_t len = strlen(v.name); |
| if (0 == strncmp(v.name, argv[i], len)) { |
| if (!dst_factory) { return help(); } |
| switch (argv[i][len]) { |
| case ':': len++; |
| case '\0': dst_factory = [=]{ |
| return v.factory(Options{argv[i]+len}, dst_factory()); |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (!stream) { return help(); } |
| if (!dst_factory) { |
| // A default Dst that's enough for unit tests and not much else. |
| dst_factory = []{ |
| struct : Dst { |
| bool draw(Src* src) override { return src->draw(nullptr); } |
| sk_sp<SkImage> image() override { return nullptr; } |
| } dst; |
| return move_unique(dst); |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<Engine> engine; |
| if (jobs == 0) { engine.reset(new SerialEngine); } |
| if (jobs > 0) { engine.reset(new ForkEngine); defer_logging(); } |
| if (jobs < 0) { engine.reset(new ThreadEngine); jobs = -jobs; } |
| |
| if (jobs == 1) { jobs = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); } |
| |
| if (!write_dir.empty()) { |
| sk_mkdir(write_dir.c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| int ok = 0, failed = 0, crashed = 0, skipped = 0; |
| |
| auto update_stats = [&](Status s) { |
| switch (s) { |
| case Status::OK: ok++; break; |
| case Status::Failed: failed++; break; |
| case Status::Crashed: crashed++; break; |
| case Status::Skipped: skipped++; break; |
| case Status::None: return; |
| } |
| const char* leader = "\r"; |
| auto print = [&](int count, const char* label) { |
| if (count) { |
| printf("%s%d %s", leader, count, label); |
| leader = ", "; |
| } |
| }; |
| print(ok, "ok"); |
| print(failed, "failed"); |
| print(crashed, "crashed"); |
| print(skipped, "skipped"); |
| fflush(stdout); |
| }; |
| |
| auto spawn = [&](std::function<Status(void)> fn) { |
| if (--jobs < 0) { |
| update_stats(engine->wait_one()); |
| } |
| while (!engine->spawn(fn)) { |
| update_stats(engine->wait_one()); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| for (std::unique_ptr<Src> owned = stream->next(); owned; owned = stream->next()) { |
| Src* raw = owned.release(); // Can't move std::unique_ptr into a lambda in C++11. :( |
| spawn([=] { |
| std::unique_ptr<Src> src{raw}; |
| |
| auto name = src->name(); |
| tls_name = name.c_str(); |
| if (!std::regex_match (name, match) || |
| !std::regex_search(name, search)) { |
| return Status::Skipped; |
| } |
| |
| auto dst = dst_factory(); |
| if (!dst->draw(src.get())) { |
| return Status::Failed; |
| } |
| |
| if (!write_dir.empty()) { |
| auto image = dst->image(); |
| sk_sp<SkData> png{image->encode()}; |
| SkFILEWStream{(write_dir + "/" + name + ".png").c_str()} |
| .write(png->data(), png->size()); |
| } |
| return Status::OK; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| for (Status s = Status::OK; s != Status::None; ) { |
| s = engine->wait_one(); |
| update_stats(s); |
| } |
| printf("\n"); |
| return (failed || crashed) ? 1 : 0; |
| } |
| |
| |
| Register::Register(const char* name, std::unique_ptr<Stream> (*factory)(Options)) { |
| stream_types.push_back(StreamType{name, factory}); |
| } |
| Register::Register(const char* name, std::unique_ptr<Dst> (*factory)(Options)) { |
| dst_types.push_back(DstType{name, factory}); |
| } |
| Register::Register(const char* name, |
| std::unique_ptr<Dst> (*factory)(Options, std::unique_ptr<Dst>)) { |
| via_types.push_back(ViaType{name, factory}); |
| } |
| |
| Options::Options(std::string str) { |
| std::string k,v, *curr = &k; |
| for (auto c : str) { |
| switch(c) { |
| case ',': (*this)[k] = v; |
| curr = &(k = ""); |
| break; |
| case '=': curr = &(v = ""); |
| break; |
| default: *curr += c; |
| } |
| } |
| (*this)[k] = v; |
| } |
| |
| std::string& Options::operator[](std::string k) { return this->kv[k]; } |
| |
| std::string Options::operator()(std::string k, std::string fallback) const { |
| for (auto it = kv.find(k); it != kv.end(); ) { |
| return it->second; |
| } |
| return fallback; |
| } |