blob: 098ac595a27dc897fee03cc138befb568968065c [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#ifndef GrTexture_DEFINED
#define GrTexture_DEFINED
#include "GrRefCnt.h"
class GrTexture;
* GrRenderTarget represents a 2D buffer of pixels that can be rendered to.
* A context's render target is set by setRenderTarget(). Render targets are
* created by a createTexture with the kRenderTarget_TextureFlag flag.
* Additionally, GrContext provides methods for creating GrRenderTargets
* that wrap externally created render targets.
class GrRenderTarget : public GrRefCnt {
* @return the width of the rendertarget
virtual int width() const = 0;
* @return the height of the rendertarget
virtual int height() const = 0;
* @return the texture associated with the rendertarget, may be NULL.
GrTexture* asTexture() {return fTexture;}
GrRenderTarget(GrTexture* texture) : fTexture(texture) {}
GrTexture* fTexture;
class GrTexture : public GrRefCnt {
enum PixelConfig {
kRGBA_4444_PixelConfig, //!< premultiplied
kRGBA_8888_PixelConfig, //!< premultiplied
kRGBX_8888_PixelConfig, //!< treat the alpha channel as opaque
static size_t BytesPerPixel(PixelConfig);
static bool PixelConfigIsOpaque(PixelConfig);
GrTexture(int width,
int height,
PixelConfig config) :
fConfig(config) {
// only make sense if alloc size is pow2
fShiftFixedX = 31 - Gr_clz(fWidth);
fShiftFixedY = 31 - Gr_clz(fHeight);
virtual ~GrTexture();
* Retrieves the width of the texture.
* @return the width in texels
int width() const { return fWidth; }
* Retrieves the height of the texture.
* @return the height in texels
int height() const { return fHeight; }
* Convert from texels to normalized texture coords for POT textures
* only.
GrFixed normalizeFixedX(GrFixed x) const { GrAssert(GrIsPow2(fWidth));
return x >> fShiftFixedX; }
GrFixed normalizeFixedY(GrFixed y) const { GrAssert(GrIsPow2(fHeight));
return y >> fShiftFixedY; }
* Retrieves the pixel config specified when the texture was created.
PixelConfig config() const { return fConfig; }
* Approximate number of bytes used by the texture
size_t sizeInBytes() const {
return fWidth * fHeight * BytesPerPixel(fConfig);
* Updates a subrectangle of texels in the texture.
* @param x left edge of rectangle to update
* @param y top edge of rectangle to update
* @param width width of rectangle to update
* @param height height of rectangle to update
* @param srcData width*height texels of data in same format that was used
* at texture creation.
virtual void uploadTextureData(uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
const void* srcData) = 0;
* Indicates that GPU context in which this texture was created is destroyed
* and that Ganesh should not attempt to free the texture with the
* underlying API.
virtual void abandon() = 0;
* Queries whether the texture was created as a render target.
* Use asRenderTarget() to use the texture as a render target if this
* returns true.
* @return true if the texture was created as a render target.
virtual bool isRenderTarget() const = 0;
* Retrieves the render target underlying this texture that can be passed to
* GrGpu::setRenderTarget().
* If isRenderTarget() is false then the returned handle is undefined.
* @return handle to render target or undefined if the texture is not a
* render target
virtual GrRenderTarget* asRenderTarget() = 0;
* Removes the "rendertargetness" from a texture. This may or may not
* actually do anything with the underlying 3D API.
virtual void removeRenderTarget() = 0;
* Return the native ID or handle to the texture, depending on the
* platform. e.g. on opengl, return the texture ID.
virtual intptr_t getTextureHandle() = 0;
void validate() const {
void validate() const {}
int fWidth;
int fHeight;
// these two shift a fixed-point value into normalized coordinates
// for this texture if the texture is power of two sized.
int fShiftFixedX;
int fShiftFixedY;
PixelConfig fConfig;
typedef GrRefCnt INHERITED;